Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 12 Chapter 144: Naz suffered

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"Oh, a bunch of idiots!"

Shirley on the back of the giant rat looked at the stunned Ma Yuan and others on the ground, and issued a sneer, even taking Lucy under the claws of the giant rat, looting towards the depths of the deep forest.

Ma Yuan looked up at the sky and looked at the huge shadow that was moving away, and Lucy's cry gradually weakened until it completely disappeared.

"The direction they are heading to is that ruin! Let's catch up!"

Ma Yuan looked at the giant shadow away, and concluded that he just ran wildly, plunged into the depths of the jungle, and swept away in the direction of the giant rat and Shirley.

Grey and Naz saw that, their hearts were stunned, and they looked back tacitly, gazing at the log cabin in the village, frowning as if they were thinking about something. After a moment of hesitation, their eyes suddenly became firm, Spin is also moving, followed by Ma Yuan.

In the cabin where the two were concerned, Elusa didn't know when she moved to the window, watching all the things happening at the entrance of the village, her expression changing.

Until Ma Yuan and others left, Alusha suddenly frowned, gazing at the distant sky, not knowing what to think about.


Soon, the three people of Ma Yuan gradually caught up with the giant shadow at the fastest speed, but they had come to the foot of the ruins mountain at this time, and the rocky cliffs hindered their pace.

But when they saw Lucy in the claws of the giant rat, still making calls, they became more anxious, so they ignored everything and began to climb up the cliff with agile speed.

"Naz! Gray!"

As he climbed the cliff, Ma Yuan shouted to the two underneath, Naz and Gray.

The two heard the words and did not forget to stop climbing and cast their eyes on Ma Yuan.

"You can't let that woman bring Lucy to the top of the mountain, or after she and Leo meet, it's not so easy to save people."

Ma Yuan’s dexterous and agile shape resembled a monkey, while climbing, he said: "After a while I summon the power of the hurricane and push the two of you to a high place, and then you use your own means to find a way to use the big mouse. Beat it down!"

After hearing the words, the two raised their eyebrows slightly. They appreciated the idea of ​​Ma Yuan, so they did not hesitate to focus on their heads.

Seeing this, Ma Yuan slowed down and let Naz and Gray both pass, standing above him, so he suddenly mobilized the magic power, summoned the power of the hurricane to roar out, and swept Naz and Gray that swept upward. Two people.

The power of the hurricane controlled by Ma Yuan has become more and more intact, and can be controlled at will. The hurricane that whizzed out this time has no lethality, and the wind is strong and soft. After touching Naz and Gray, they will be the two. The body held up and pushed to the sky.

Under the light of the hurricane, the figures of Naz and Gray were like dandelions dancing in the wind, light and cheerful, and swept straight to the giant shadow.

"It's now!"

Ma Yuan, still climbing on the cliff, visually observed the distance between Naz and Gray and the giant rat, and immediately opened his throat and shouted out loud.

The two heard the words and quickly responded, quickly mobilizing the magic power, the flame rose in vain, wrapped around Naz's arms, the breath of ice circulated, and the surrounding air was suddenly frozen.


At the next moment, under Naz's feet, two flames were sprayed in vain, just like a pusher, pushing Naz's body up, bursting out, and blasting towards the giant rat like a shell!


A burst of crisp ice crystals shattered in vain. In contrast to Gray, the summoned ice instantly frozen the water vapor contained in the air, and a crystal-clear gut avenue condensed at his feet.

Naz's arms wrapped around the flame, and quickly swept over the giant rat, but Gray was not willing to be weak, pedaling on the ice road, holding the ice blade, running all the way, approaching the giant rat.


After seeing this sudden scene, the giant rat and Shirley were both shocked and horrified. They were suddenly stunned and stared at the two figures in front of them, suddenly stunned.

"Fire Dragon's roar!"

"Ice Wings!"

Naz and Gray's voices sounded at the same time, and the offensive was launched in vain. A huge flamingo spewed out into Naz's mouth, and a snow-white flying eagle fluttered its wings and fell out of the nest.

They have a common goal, that is the giant rat!


Then, the Firebird resolutely hit the giant rat, the flame suddenly raged, and a dull sound came, the giant rat's face was twisted, and it hurt repeatedly.


The matter was not over yet, there was another dull sound resounding, the snow-white flying eagle swept to the giant rat's abdomen, the sharp wings flew across, a trace of blood splashed, and the giant rat howled again.

After being screamed, the claws loosened and Lucy slipped between the claws. The giant rats were disturbed and could not be used as a flying propeller by shaking their tails. Kite-like, falling down violently.

"Oh mom! You two guys, would you like me to die sooner?! Help!!!!"

Lucy's body keeps falling, so if she falls from the sky, it will surely turn into a mud.

What's more, there is a giant mouse above her head, if it is pressed down together, it's not just meat? It is possible to be directly squeezed into blood water!

At this point, Lucy became more and more anxious and shouted again and again, and it was unacceptable for a girl who loved beauty to die with such a terrible death. When thinking of this, Lucy wanted to cry without tears.

Then, seeing the two self-confident fellows of Naz and Gray, Lucy lost hope, so she became discouraged and closed her eyes, unable to bear to look directly.


Naz and Gray are also falling. The magic can only barely buffer. It is really overwhelming. After seeing Lucy fall, they are shocked and ecstatic.


Soon, the huge body of the giant rat fell on the plain at the top of the mountain, and suddenly there was a thunderous loud noise.


At the next moment, Naz tried his best to mobilize the magic power, and burst out unscrupulously. Two flames erupted under the soles of the feet and burst out. The sound of "唰" swept to Lucy at an alarming speed and grabbed her. 'S thin waist, grabbing Lucy's hands, and slammed it out.

When the giant rat fell down, Lucy was saved, which was very dangerous, but after saving Lucy, Naz couldn't get out of the range of the giant rat's depression, and one leg was pressed down by the giant's body.

"Uh ah!!!"

Under the tremendous impact, all the weight contained in the giant rat was endured by Naz's leg. It was miserable and screamed loudly through the sky. ,, ..

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