Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 12 Chapter 146: Goodbye Hellhound

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Bang! Bang!

The rock giant took a step forward, and every step he took led to turbulence and great momentum.

"What kind of magic is this? You can turn a stone into a puppet. Is this the rhythm of opening?"

Ma Yuan stared at the three rock giants and was quite shocked. There was no trace of fear on her face, but she became curious about Shirley's magic.

"Rock giant, crush them for me... crush..."


Before Shirley had finished speaking, the rock giants had no time to launch the offensive. Ma Yuan shot out, with flaming flames wrapped around his arms, his body lifted into the air, and his fist was the head of the rock giant. Smashed down, and the sound was loud.

Immediately thereafter, despite Shirley's stunned expression, Ma Yuan turned upside down, his body bent into a beautiful arc, and jumped to the shoulder of another rock giant, the fist wrapped in flames again smashed.

With a bang, gravel flew and another giant rock fell.


At the next moment, the last rock giant launched an offensive in vain, holding up only half the arm that had been smashed by Ma Yuan before and swept towards Ma Yuan!

The wind blew, the "hunting" sounded, Ma Yuan was alert, so he immediately responded, and immediately raised his eyebrows, suddenly kicked sideways, a simple and simple whip leg swept out, splitting towards the rock giant.

There is no doubt that when the noise came, the rock giant fell to the ground and ended in defeat.

"This kind of magic is scum, I still wanted to learn it before, but now I don't have this idea."

Fighting alone against the three rock giants, Ma Yuan calmly and calmly fell to the ground, shook his head and sighed.

Shirley looked in her eyes all the time, and now she was shocked and speechless. She stared at Ma Yuan stunned and stunned.

A moment later, Shirley recovered, recalling what she had just said, angrily angrily, and pointed at Ma Yuan and shouted, "Dare to underestimate Miss Ben's puppet magic?! Wait to see!"

Shirley was not convinced, her slender jade hand waved again, and dazzled a dazzling star in the air. As the star drifted away, an angry splash spattered out and shot at a large tree not far away.

The tree was very old, but it was very thick and tall, and the whole tree shivered in vain after the light did not enter the trunk.

As the trunk continued to tremble, the leaves on the branches rustled, and the roots burst out of the ground, fluttering, just like the tentacles of octopus, flexible and vigorous.

A moment later, the magic of the puppet took effect, and a large mouth was opened in the middle of the trunk.

That tree has become Shirley's puppet, at his mercy.

"Tree puppet, tear me up!"

Shirley pointed at Ma Yuan and snarled.

Swirling, the huge figure puppet is moving roots, moving, and constantly approaching Ma Yuan.

Ma Yuan extinguished the flame on one arm, a small hurricane appeared in the palm of his hand, hovering at a speed, looking at the nearby tree puppet, Ma Yuan's mouth twitched a smile, very disdainful.

Ma Yuan raised his arm, the left hand was blazing fiercely, and the right hand was hurricane screaming, the two merged with each other.


The ring of fire touched the tree puppet, and the flame swept in vain under the stimulation of the hurricane, and instantly shattered the trunk of the tree puppet!

Soon, the flames carried the hurricane offensive, and the puppets of the trees were dismantled. The wood chips flew, the green leaves were burned to dry leaves, and they fell to the ground. Among.

"It's really idiot enough to cast magic and not pick the object, but actually picked a rotten old tree."

Ma Yuan sarcastically, while waving a big hand, a strong wind screamed out, easily lifted the body of the giant rat, after the giant rat rolled continuously in the air, it rolled to the side, very miserable.

Naz was also saved at this time, and was lifted up by Lucy.


After being hit one after another, Shirley was so desperate that she clenched her fist and rushed towards Ma Yuan.

In this regard, Ma Yuan was even disdainful, gently waved her hands, the strong wind rose again, and before Shirley approached, her body was rolled over, and after drawing an arc in the air, she fell to the ground like a broken kite. .


Shirley exclaimed constantly, and the flowers looked bleak. At the moment when she was about to fall, she couldn't bear to look directly, and she closed her eyes.

But after a long time, Shirley just felt that she had fallen into a mass of cotton, and a warm and familiar breath ushered in. Shirley opened her eyes subconsciously, looking at the handsome young man in front of her, her eyes flickering, not Stop blinking his eyes.

"Master Leo..."

Covering her mouth, Shirley lay in the arms of the handsome young man, enjoying a very comfortable look, a face of admiration and admiration, and she was full of nymphos.

That's right, Shirley can be so intoxicated. There is no one other than the cold and handsome Zero Emperor Leo.

Seeing Leo's sudden appearance, Ma Yuan frowned and began to be alert. When Naz and others saw this, they couldn't help but clenched their fists and waited.

"Don't you dare to come to your door, I can't think of it."

Leo's expression was indifferent, gently letting Shirley go, stepping forward, gazing at the distance, his eyes were very arrogant and rude, just like a monarch who looked down upon the mountains, noble, but also domineering and leaking.

Shirley looked at Leo's back, her cheeks flushed, and she was intoxicated.

"We are here to settle your accounts."

Ma Yuan looked at Leo and said coldly.

"Just a few of you?"

Leo was still proud and began to turn his gaze to Ma Yuan. After seeing the strong breath emanating from Ma Yuan, his eyebrows were raised slightly, and he was slightly moved.

"You seem to be a little stronger than you met before?"

Leo was surprised and began to look squarely at Ma Yuan.

"So, I dare to come to you to settle the accounts." Qin Ran said.

"However, it is still not enough."

Leo proudly continued, said lightly, confident.


At the next moment, a dark shadow flew in front of everyone's eyes, and a dull sound and a low wailing sound suddenly sounded.

From the heights, a black shadow fell, and Ma Yuan looked at him, a flesh tight, staring at the beads, staring at the dark pup on the ground, his face scared.

"Hell Dog!"

Ma Yuan, Naz and others unanimously shouted together, the Hell Devil Dog, which had not seen for many days, reappeared, and everyone was relieved for this, and relieved.

And after a burst of ecstasy and excitement in Ma Yuan's heart, seeing the sick and sick look of the Hell Devil Dog, he suddenly became angry, and a breath of killing came out quietly. ,, ..

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