Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 12 Chapter 149: War broke out (Part 2)

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The giant sword approached, Leo was shocked, and his face suddenly dignified, but he did not dare to be negligent at hand. With Leo's big wave down, there were two giant shadows behind him. Out.


The snow-white giant shadow rose to the sky behind Leo, swooping to Elusa with a thunderous roar!

The fairy queen who was once hailed as the most powerful in the tail of the fairy, was not afraid of such an offensive. I saw that Elusa still didn't change her face, and her slender arms waved the heavy giant sword and cut it towards the rush. Above the two ice dragons.

There were two dragons spreading their teeth and claws in the field, constantly twisting their huge bodies, and above the ice dragon, Elisa's Qianying continued to walk between the two dragons, coping with it.

This scene is very thrilling, everyone was shocked, all suspended their hearts, watching quietly, very helpless in their hearts.


At the same time, Ma Yuan's figure was moving towards the beam of light at a rapid speed. At this time, his mood became very heavy. As he approached the **** beam of light shining from the red moon, Ma Yuan seemed more anxious and heart Somehow uneasy.

This strong anxiety was the first time Ma felt this kind of feeling after he arrived in this world of different dimensions.


Now Ma Yuan is very close to Houshan, and very close to the beam of light. There is a faint sound between Ma Yuan's ears.

Ma Yuan frowned, the speed under her feet did not slow down, her ears trembling slightly, listening carefully to the sound.

The sound is like an ancient mantra, like a group of monks chanting, like a cleric reading aloud Sanskrit, giving a sacred and solemn feeling, lingering among the mountains.

Even if you listen carefully, you can hear this sound clearly. Although you don't understand the meaning and content of nagging, you can hear the reader's piety and seriousness.

"Is this the ritual ceremony of Moondrop?"

The horse came to Houshan and stood at a height, overlooking the ruins below the platform, with a dignified face and a heavy tone.

The ruined high platform is a sacrificial platform. On the sacrificial platform, there are a group of mysterious people wearing black cloaks. These people surround the sacrificial platform and form a circle.

Ma Yuan’s eyes were locked in the center of these black cloak men, because a large hole was cut in the ground in the center, and the place where the moonlight shined was that big hole.

The cave is accompanied by the ruins of the underground palace, and under the underground palace, there is a behemoth, that is a demon, a powerful demon!

The demon's name is Dalyola.

Gathered on the sacrificial platform, mysterious mantras were kept in the mouth. Although these people were unidentified, their intentions were obvious. The purpose was nothing more than to hold a ceremony and summon the power of the moon drops, thereby lifting the seal and resurrecting Dalyola !

There is no three hundred and two silver here, and Ma Yuan can naturally think of these people's attempts. At this point, Ma Yuan wants to shoot.


At the next moment, Ma Yuan had just taken a step, and a loud noise rang in vain. A bright light suddenly burst out on the **** moon, and it was thrown directly on the sacrificial platform, through the hole, and poured into the underground palace.


Ma Yuan realized that something was wrong, and with a shout, he jumped off the high ground and came to the sacrificial platform.


Ma Yuan landed, swept out a hurricane, and roared out, instantly overturning those men in black cloaks, the recitation of mantras was interrupted, and the ceremony should also be interrupted, but the beam of light still exists, still pouring into the underground palace Among.

"Damn, why does the Moondrop still exist?!"

Ma Yuan gritted his teeth and resented it.

"Because the ritual has already started, no one can interrupt the moonlight."

Someone answered Ma Yuan's self-talk.

After Ma Yuan heard this, he quickly turned his head and found someone standing behind him.

"Who are you?!"

Ma Yuan frowned and looked at the mysterious cloak man in front of him with vigilance. From this person, Ma Yuan felt a bit familiar, but there was no relevant information in his mind.

"Now I am the high priest of the moon-drop ceremony."

A simple sentence, without too much cover, the cloak man is very mysterious.

"What a **** high priest, a guy who pretends to be a ghost!"

The situation is critical now. Ma Yuan didn't take the time to deal with this, and he was no longer talking nonsense.

As Ma Yuan's big hand waved, a tornado appeared out of nowhere, whistling out, and struck the mysterious cloak man.


Where the tornado raged, everyone around him was rolled up and blown into the distance, including the man in the cloak.

After doing this, Qin Ran didn't pay much attention to it, and wanted to stop the moonlight from shining.

You can see through the hole that the moon's drops shone in the underground palace and projected towards the crystal.

That piece of snow is a piece of ice. Due to the limitation of the hole, only a small part can be peeped into. This piece of ice is very huge, and what is frozen in the ice is Dalyola!

Ma Yuan squatted halfway down, watching the moon's drops shining on the ice cubes. The ice cubes gradually melted and turned into running water. It was only a moment before Ma Yuan was able to see the exposure in the ice cubes. The face that came out.

That is a fierce and fierce face, that is a face that a devil should have!

Afterwards, Ma Yuan's thoughts and thoughts turned around. He looked around and locked his eyes on the boulder not far away. With a slight surprise on his face, he quickly got up and ran to the side of the boulder.


At the next moment, Ma Yuan moved the boulder to the center of the sacrificial platform. With a loud noise, the hole was blocked by the cobblestone, and the moonlight shone on the cobblestone, unable to pass through the hole and shine into the underground palace.

"Huh, should this work?"

After doing this, Ma Yuan was relieved and suddenly relieved.

But how can things be so simple? The moon drops appear in the eyes of the world to propagate in the form of light, but the moon drops contain magic power and are substantive, and they cannot be blocked by a stone at all.

The blood red light shone on the cobblestone, and the cobblestone seemed to be stained with red. The next scene made Ma Yuan shocked.

The **** moonlight is like a blazing sun, shining on the cobblestone, and the cobblestone is gradually melting, turning into muddy water, and the volume is getting smaller.


Ma Yuan was shocked to watch the moon's drops melt the cobblestone of the size of the millstone.

Without the protection of the cobblestone, the moonlight continued to pour into the underground palace.

"I won't believe it anymore!"

Things were too weird. Ma Yuan was indignant. He looked around again and moved stones to block the hole. Moondrop continued to melt away the blocked stones. Ma Yuan kept moving stones to block them, and the two began to get stronger. ,, ..

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