Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 13 Chapter 1: Dragon Ball World

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The yellow sand is filled with a remote town. When the residents of the town did not notice it, a light door opened silently, and a beautiful young man emerged from it.

"What world is this time?" Ma Yuan rubbed her brows, but said helplessly.

Ma Yuan tried to use his own power, but felt a strange force is surging from his body. He gathered this power in his hands curiously, and he saw a milky white sphere of light. Appeared in the hands.

"What's this?" Ma Yuan threw the light ball at the boulder next to him, and saw that the boulder broke into powder in a flash, and he couldn't help but smile a little, "It's quite quite interesting."

Ma Yuan tried again and again, and the power in his body was as usual as before, and he stopped thinking about it. He just walked towards the town, and he might get some useful news.


Some of the towns seemed too quiet. The wind and wind were blowing away the dust. The broken wooden door creaked and could fall at any time. On the ground, besides the yellow sand, there were some undetectable darkness. Red blood stains, it also looks some years.

"It looks like it wasn't quite flat here before." Ma Yuan looked at it slightly, but shook his head gently. "I'm afraid all the people in this town have been killed. I don't know who made it."


Ma Yuan stopped very obediently, and then turned to look at the group of young people dressed up in front of her, and said lightly, "I don't know what happened to the few who lived in the house?"

The man headed by the young man carried a shotgun. He looked at Ma Yuan suspiciously. Although Ma Yuan's clothes were not quite the same as theirs, the style was probably the same, but it looked new. .

"It's better to get some new ones." Zhang Yuan licked some dry lips, with a trace of excitement in his eyes, and whispered secretly in his heart, "It seems that this kid should be from the city, and he's doing something!"

Ma Yuan also looked at their clothes at this time, looking at the old-style denim clothes, with a thoughtful look flashing in his eyes.

"Boy, don't say Lao Tzu doesn't take care of you. When you come to Lao Tzu's site, you have to pay the toll!" Zhang Yuan took out a cigarette in his mouth, and then pulled out his spear very quickly, directly to the sky With one shot, the smoke ignited!

The little brothers behind Zhang Yuan naturally cheered the venue, Zhang Yuan smiled smugly, but turned his head to look at Ma Yuan and saw him still indifferent.

"Boy..." Zhang Yuan's muzzle turned directly to Ma Yuan, with a grin on his face. "If you don't want to die, just hand over the capsules and money on you!"

Ma Yuan shrugged and said, "I don't have any capsules and no money here. You have found the wrong person."

"Damn, toast without eating fine wine!" Zhang Yuan hadn't spoken yet. The men behind him had already pulled out their capsules from their arms. I saw that they pressed a button on the button above the capsule. And then threw it to the ground.


After a burst of smoke dissipated, there were even more heavy locomotives out of thin air. Those men took out their own weapons and rushed towards Mayuan on the roaring heavy locomotive!

"Isn't it... Dragon Ball World..." Ma Yuan's eyes flashed a little clear, and he didn't mean to dodge at all, "Then speaking, the power in my body should be called Qi.

Those men did not want to do anything. Generally speaking, those people in the city who were afraid of death had already knelt and begged for mercy when they saw them rushing over on a heavy locomotive, but the person in front of him was motionless and indifferent. As if they were mocking them.

"Damn it, you can't be flattened by this kid!" It seems that at the same time thinking of this level, these people all brought a bit of fierceness, which naturally did not escape Ma Yuan's eyes.

The weapons in those people's hands were smashed towards Mayuan almost at the same time. Anyway, after killing people, those capsules and money are theirs. Besides, killing people, they are people who have been blocking the road and robbing people. Have done this kind of thing.

Zhang Yuan looked at the movements of these men and knew what they were about to do. He reached out and took off the smoke in his mouth, and raised a wild smile on the corner of his mouth. In this place, there are guns and talents who are big brothers. Dao, it should be unlucky!

However, before he could hear his laughter, he was pressed into his throat by the scene in front of him. His wide eyes were full of shock, and even the cigarette butts in his hands were so hot that he didn’t. feel.


A long knife wiped Zhang Yuan's face and fell to the ground, which made him suddenly wake up, but his own men who were just Yaowu Yangwei just now were lying on the ground, and they knew nothing about life or death, but he didn't know it at all. what happened!

"You... don't come over!" Zhang Yuan touched the gun in his hand, with some comfort in his heart, but the cold sweat on his forehead still betrayed his current mood.

Ma Yuan glanced at Zhang Yuan and was about to turn his head away. After all, these were just gangsters with weapons. He had little interest in these people, and he just picked it up.


Zhang Yuan didn’t expect that he was so panic. When Ma Yuan moved, the gun in his hand went off, but after all, he had killed someone. Stopped after running out.

"Haha, you're arrogant! You still have to die under my gun!" Zhang Yuan gasped and laughed wildly, and suddenly found Ma Yuan standing still without moving.

Ma Yuan opened his hand slightly, the bullets in his hand dropped one by one, and said casually: "They are not dead. In the future, you should bring them to do some real work. Next time you meet me, it will not be so easy. ."

Zhang Yuanmu nodded, what can I do? He was so scared that he was almost incontinent! Can someone who can catch bullets empty-handed be worthy of him?

Seeing him like this, Ma Yuan shook his head and turned to leave, but suddenly heard Zhang Yuan behind him utter a terrible howl, and stopped suddenly as if he had covered his mouth.

Ma Yuan looked back sharply, looking at Zhang Yuan covered with blood on the ground and the gangsters. Seeing that it should be saved, he couldn't help but sighed helplessly, and then looked at the sitting on the ground, mouth Chewing green figure.

"Oh it's you……",,..

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