Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 13 Chapter 7: King Ruud

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A huge beam of light erupted from Ma Yuan's hands. According to common sense, King Krud in this position could not avoid it, but could just take the blow.

"It's strange, the turtle school qigong is only our disciple of Guixianliu. Isn't Mayuan also the heir to Guixianliu?" Kelin's focus was mainly on the source of the Guipai qigong. Learn from anime, and then use your own energy to inspire!

Faced with this attack, King Krud did not panic. He took a step forward and the whole person was divided into two halves, which became King Krud of two trumpets, forcing Ma Yuan to give up the Turtle School. Qigong turned into melee combat!

"It's not an afterimage, both are entities!" On the first contact, Ma Yuan could feel that these two kings of Krud are genuine, although the strength of the two is not as strong as the combined, but in the number It was Ma Yuan who suffered some losses.

Kling and others perceive this thrilling battle with breath. Ma Yuan and King Krud are more powerful than Frieza and Vegeta, at least on the surface, so fast that it is difficult for everyone to keep up To the point.

"Another perversion!" Bick grinned, with a touch of emotion, but the stronger the person gave him the motivation, it seems that the amount of training will increase a lot.

Frieza saw that his father had started by himself, and he couldn't help but start to pity the horse, but the attack on Vegeta didn't stop at all. When he turned around, a tail whip struck Vegeta out and bumped. Several mountain peaks fell!

"His actions..." Frieza got some free time and began to watch the fight between the two. In view of King Krud's confidence and perseverance in his own strength, Frieza did not intend to shoot at all. It seemed that he had found something. There was some change in his complexion.


Vegeta once again exploded into a tyrannical force, and shattered the crushed stones on his body in one fell swoop. I saw that he had some wounds on his body, and there were many damages in the combat uniform, but this was super amazing for his resilience. Saiyan is nothing.

Vegeta glanced at Ma Yuan's side, and it seemed to see something too, his face became more gloomy, he spit out a blood, and said in a deep voice: "It's a boring battle."

"What are you talking about?" Frieza heard Vegeta's words, a strange expression appeared on her face, and she chuckled with her mouth covered. "Vegeta, for so long, did not expect you to love bragging The problem has not been corrected."

"Remember that when you said you had become a Super Saiyan, I was happy for a while, but the result was not easily defeated by me, and so did the Saiyan Prince."

"But even if you talk a lot, you can't erase the gap in strength. It can only make you die with hatred like that at the time, or you want to come to me as a dog that can be called. ?"

Vegeta calmly listened to Frieza's words, reached out and wiped the blood from his forehead, and said casually: "I have roughly understood your strength. It is indeed stronger than before, but..."

"I'm stronger than Kakarot!"

Vegeta's angry mood completely detonated the power of the Super Saiyan. His muscles slightly swelled up, his green eyes were filled with amazing fighting intentions, and he rushed towards Frieza frantically!

"Don't I say that? You can't beat..." Frieza pouted, preparing to fight Vegeta again, but when he first reacted, a fist was banging against his face. Go on!


Frieza was shot directly and flew far away on the broken ground, and the blood he spewed remained in the air, falling down weakly, revealing Vegeta's cold face.

"My Vegeta won't lose to anyone." Vegeta whispered to himself, and immediately glanced at Ma Yuan in secret, and flew towards Frieza on the ground!

Gradually, King Krud also felt something was wrong. Every time his attack was worse, it could work for Ma Yuan, but when the difference was slight, Ma Yuan’s slight movements could hide open.

Not only that, but during the battle, Ma Yuan’s movements became more and more comfortable. If the original Ma Yuan’s momentum was forced to appear on the surface, it was like an upstart who did not know how to use his own qi.

"Are you even using me?" King Krud paused, his eyes narrowed, the two spoke at the same time, the scene was a bit weird.

Ma Yuan put away his defensive posture, with a smile on his face. Originally, this qi was his power. Although he could be commanded by his arms, he could not use it reasonably, but now...

"I think it's almost time to warm up. It's time to get to the point." Ma Yuan stretched out, as if he had just woke up. Every muscle in the body was extremely active, eager to fight.

"Huh! I'm going to see what you can practice!" Although King Krud's mouth was tough, but he was alert, the pressure on him in front of him was too much, He felt this feeling only in one person.

After hearing the conversation between the two, Kling was even more surprised to close his mouth. The intensity of the battle just now warmed up, and Ma Yuan had not yet brought out all the strength, it is too exaggerated!

"When Wukong is away, why are all the ghosts, ghosts and snakes coming out?" Buma hid behind the rock, looked at Sun Wuhan who had passed out, and then looked at Vegeta, who had defeated Frissa. Sighed with relief.

King Crud said angrily: "What a big tone!"

Ma Yuan spread his hands and said: "I have already said that the villain died of much talk, even if you can split into two?"

In a trance, Ma Yuan turned out to be two, then four, eight, and wrapped two King Krud in it. Don't try to escape around!

"He's not a real entity." Bick carefully felt the change in the surrounding air and shook his head slightly. "It's just too fast, it looks like eight people."

"Huh..." Kling exhaled and smiled bitterly, "I wish it was a real entity, otherwise how can I explain such a perverted appearance on Earth?"

"Turtle... send... Qi... Gong!"

Ma Yuan acted like announcing the death command. The qi in his hand condensed into a ball. The dazzling light made King Krud feel the coming of death and frantically wanted to break out of this encirclement.

However, what King Krud didn't think of himself was that he succeeded easily. His breath hadn't been released yet, and the dazzling light appeared in front of him, instantly swallowing King Krud!

Ma Yuan wiped not much sweat on his forehead, breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at the ashes of the ashes: "Originally you were also running around, let me exercise for a while, but also give you a lot of drama and go with peace of mind Right!",,...

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