Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 13 Chapter 12: Artificial Man (Part 2)

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"I can make you stronger!"

This is a sentence that Dr. Groe shouted at Vegeta when his life and death were at stake. If in the past, Vegeta would definitely not be able to bird him, but now he desperately wants to become stronger, any possibility he wants Go try!

"The place where you can make me stronger is here?" Vegeta looked at the wet cave with an impatient look on his face. "You should know that if you dare to deceive me, the consequences will be very serious! "

"I know this." Dr. Gro didn't look back and continued to lead the road ahead. Number 19 behind him said nothing.

After a while, when Vegeta was already on the verge of an outbreak, Dr. Gro stopped and said with emotion: "This is the place where the highest technology of the Red Ribbon Army is born!"

Vegeta walked to the front and looked at it. Wasn't it a door? He didn't ask Dr. Gro's opinion. He kicked the door directly, which was just a decoration for him.

The gate flew out horizontally, not knowing what was hit, and made a messy noise, and then it was firmly embedded in the mountain wall.

Dr. Gro said nothing, anyway, the really important man-made man was on the right side of the door and was not affected by Vegeta's foot.

"So, how do you want me to become stronger?" Vegeta looked around and looked at Dr. Gro diagonally. "If you want to transform me into your way, hum, you're good. Take your own life!"

A strange light flashed in Dr. Gro's eyes, and he smiled and said, "Then why does my artificial technology need a good body, but a body that is already very powerful like you is difficult to transform Now."

Vegeta has seen more high-end technology than this artificial technology, so he rightly thinks that this earth-like local specialty technology is not commendable.

If Ma Yuan is here, he will tell him that Dr. Gro is not an ordinary person, but he turned himself into a ruthless man of artificial people, and the terrifying brain created a horror that almost killed Sun Wukong and others. presence.

"Then what do you say?" Vegeta frowned. "I don't like twists and turns. Is there any way you can say it directly."

"Please stand in the middle of that disc and wait a moment." Dr. Gro pointed to the very prominent disc in the middle.

Vegeta glanced at Dr. Gro and didn't find any abnormalities, and didn't think about it too much, so he walked up to the middle of the disc and lowered his head to stop talking.

Vegeta can be said to be extremely confident in his own strength. He is not afraid that these two strange robots will threaten himself. Furthermore, because of the return of Sun Wukong and the arrival of the mysterious strongman Ma Yuan, let He felt an urgent need for strength.

"Then we will start." Dr. Gro smiled and pressed a button on the console. Then a transparent mask suddenly appeared and enveloped Vegeta.

"How?" Vegeta opened his eyes slightly and asked.

"As long as you can get out of it, it's enough." Dr. Gro took a swivel chair, tilting Erlang's legs leisurely, and everyone with a discerning eye could tell that he was successful.

"Humph!" Vegeta sneered, not paying any attention to this strategy, "I have given you a chance, but you are a waste of your own, who dare to deceive me, will pay the price! "

The last few words were full of murderous intentions, but this didn't make Gro show any panic, but instead he was busy with his own affairs.

"Drink!" Vegeta once again became a Super Saiyan. The majestic power surging on him made him full of confidence, reaching for the wall and pressing it!

But the anger on his body just ran out of the body and quickly escaped. This situation surprised him very much. Gradually, he felt that the state of the Super Saiyan could not be maintained, and the strength was leaving him a little bit. Let's go!

"What the **** is this!" Vegeta said in exasperation, his fist could not break the thing, and the gas was being absorbed again.

Dr. Gro put down the teacup in his hand, slowly stood up, and then said: "Let me introduce to you, the best invention of my life! Eternal Energy!"


The lights in the hall were all lit up, and Vegeta saw that there were still freezing compartments beside him, with the number on them, and the most exaggerated ones were 16, 17, 18, almost Is the most tightly sealed.

And the transparent cover where Vegeta is located has a black tube extending out, and the gas that has gone out of his sixty becomes a channel of energy into these freezing chambers.

"There are still some gaps in my most perfect works. It took some time to open them, but when you came, you solved the problem." Dr. Gro said with a smile.

"The three of them all use the perpetual energy design. They only need your ability to urge the device to start itself. Then they can absorb energy indefinitely and will not be propped up. You will need me. The time has been greatly shortened, and I should thank you for it."

"Want my energy?" Vegeta smiled coldly, then said, "I want to see how much they can eat!"


Vegeta suddenly burst into amazing power again, the forehead's blue muscles jumped straight, the transparent cover shivered slightly, but still insisted that it was not shattered, but that the energy was more and more passed into the freezing compartment!

"Why are you struggling?" Dr. Gro smiled a little stiffly. After all, he now has another identity, that is, the artificial man 20, "It is yours to be able to contribute to this great invention. It’s an honor to be right!"


Vegeta didn't even listen to Dr. Gro, he was still frantically transporting energy towards the outside, the gas in his body was constantly being pumped away, and gradually the outer pipeline had reached the limit of transmission!

"Damn, is this man crazy!" Dr. Gro's face changed, and he quickly wanted to add a few more pipes to share the energy, but how could Vegeta make him wish?

"Want my energy? Then give it to you all!" Vegeta stretched his back, and a red color appeared on his face, and the transmission speed was further accelerated. "See if you will be boosted by me!" "

This speeding up directly broke the limits of the original pipeline, and the three most severely frozen chambers began to flash with electricity.

Abnormal changes suddenly rose at this time! ,, ..

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