Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 13 Chapter 21: There is a guest

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The practice is finally beginning. Just four people are divided into two groups, Sun Wukong and Sun Wufan, and Bick and Ma Yuan are in one group. Ma Yuan has no doubt in this group.

"Then let's start first." Bick nodded at Ma Yuan, and then walked straight in. There was no humility. It seemed that he was indeed not satisfied with his strength.

Ma Yuan looked at the God with a complicated look, and knew that God still did not dare to be one with Bick. It was not that he did not have the courage. In fact, he did not understand how much kindness there was in Bick’s heart. The strength gave him whether he would create a demon or a friend.

Ma Yuan shook his head. The God and the Big Devil really cut and kept chaos. They couldn’t solve this dispute by themselves, and Ma Yuan couldn’t speak naturally.

Sun Wukong thought that Ma Yuan was caring about their father and son, so he raised his head and said, "Go ahead, I will teach Gohan how to maintain the state of the Super Saiyan first."

Ma Yuan didn't say so hypocritically, he nodded gently and stepped into the door. Then he closed the door casually and looked at the world in front of him with amazement.

The world in the house of spiritual time is endless. Once you go too far, it is very likely that you will never be able to go out again. The time flow here is very slow, but you can't feel it at all.

"What are you still doing there?" Bick stopped and turned to look at Ma Yuan, with an impatient look on his face.

Ma Yuan walked over with great strides, and just walked out of the position of the door of the Spiritual Time House, a yellow spiral wave of light bombarded him.


Ma Yuan slapped the light wave aside and exploded on the ground. The strange thing is that the ground here was not blown out of this light wave.

"Do you shoot directly as soon as you come?" Ma Yuan raised his eyebrows. "Magic light kills the gun, the power is quite good. The trick you have developed really has deep potential."

"Humph!" Bick snorted and began to take off his cloak and hat. These things hit the ground and made a heavy noise. The weight was definitely quite light, but Bick was always wearing it.

"Understood." Ma Yuan nodded, then relaxed his hands and feet, and suddenly his body disappeared from the original place. Rao Shibike could sense his qi and could not accurately locate his position. The speed was too great. almost!

"Where are you looking?" Ma Yuan suddenly appeared in front of Bick, and punched Bick's stomach fiercely. At this time, he did not use his full strength, but he beat Bick out.

Ma Yuan looked at Bick and steadily landed on the ground, looked at his fist, and said again: "This reaction is really fast enough, and the combat experience is quite rich."

Bick's hands were trembling slightly, he could feel that Ma Yuan's punch just did not use his strongest strength, Rao was so, his arm was still out of force due to too much load.

"Sure enough," Bick nodded slightly, he knew that Ma Yuan's strength was far above himself, and even vaguely felt that his strength would be stronger than Sun Wukong.

Ma Yuan smiled, his body suddenly shifted, a green arm suddenly brushed over his ear, and the opposite Bick figure disappeared gradually.


Ma Yuan didn't turn his head back, hitting hard in the direction of his arm, Bick quickly shot to stop, the two moved faster and faster, and the power they used became greater and greater.

Although Bick felt strenuous, he did not plan to lose, and gradually inspired the potential in his body. Ma Yuan also absorbed some fighting consciousness in Bick, although this thing could not immediately enhance his strength. , But for long-term development, it is definitely quite good.

So time was spent in a crazy battle between the two. When they were tired, they each rested and tempered their qi. They attacked each other anytime and anywhere. Bick was already difficult to conquer the terrible Ma Yuan.


"I said No. 18, where are you going to play today?" No. 17 was playing with the sunglasses in his hand, with a frivolous look on his face. This thing was the gadget he brought back after he destroyed a small town.

On the 18th, she sorted out the clothes she brought back, and then fiddled with the mirror over and over again, even if it was a man, but she was a girl after all. Where is the girl who doesn't love beauty?

"Cut, the girl is really boring." No. 18 raised his head and saw sitting behind him quietly looking at No. 16 outside the window. Then he remembered that there was still someone here to go out with him, "No. 16, you are again What are you looking at?"

"Sky." As always, the simple answer was so simple that No. 16 didn't even turn his head.

"What's so good about the sky?" No. 17 leaned over and looked out of the window.

They lived in a villa snatched from someone else's hand, located in a remote mountainous area, the scenery was quite beautiful, and the window looked out at the rolling mountains and the clouds that were tumbling together.

Of course, this kind of scenery can't be appreciated on the 17th. He likes to be lively and destructive in his bones. The 16th is a wonderful thing, probably because of the character of his body, so he is very quiet and always looks lonely. But like to look out the window. "

"Freedom." On the 16th, the words were concise again, and there was a faint smile in the corner of his mouth.

No. 17 felt that in a sense, No. 16 should be a poet rather than an artificial person. After fully understanding that he and No. 16 had no common language, he had to sit back boringly.

"If it's so boring, you might as well finish the order set by the doctor and kill Sun Wukong." On the 18th, I finally chose a set of satisfactory clothes, and the rest of them were directly destroyed by a light bomb.

"Eh..." No. 17 is covered with black lines. No. 16 can be tied with Sun Wukong. In all fairness, he doesn't want to face Sun Wukong head-on. He wants to deal with the Ma Yuan that made him feel shame.

"Kill Sun Wukong?" Suddenly interested on the 16th, he stood up immediately, "Go."

"Wow wow wow..." No. 17 looked helpless. "No. 16 you are too serious, now no one is supervising you."


Suddenly the door was knocked, and the three in the room felt a familiar breath, all with a cautious color on their faces, because that was the taste of an artificial person.

"A guest is coming..." No. 17 squinted slightly, with a dangerous taste in her eyes. ,, ..

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