Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 13 Chapter 27: Man-made trends

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Realm King, that is the highest person in this realm. It’s actually not difficult to see him. It’s not easy to say that it’s not simple. At least I have to be satisfied that I can reach the end of the snake road. .

Although the Realm King is very close to the people, he has never seen a Realm King calling someone to see him, and he is not letting him go immediately, but is he free?

The envy, jealousy and hatred in King Yan’s heart, he stayed at the snake road for so long, and today he heard the voice of Realm King again, but Ma Yuan was able to go to Realm King directly!

"Ma Yuan, the realm king summoned, you should go quickly." God also feels a little confused, but now the earth has reached a critical juncture, the realm king calls Mayuan past, there may be any instructions to say.

Ma Yuan froze for a moment, and said, "Isn't the Realm King able to talk to people directly? Why do I have to pass it?"

However, what Ma Yuan did not know is that although the Realm King was able to contact the people on the earth, he was not able to contact him. The Qi in his body could not be captured by the Realm King, so the Realm King had no choice but to let the King tell Ma Yuan this matter.

"After waiting for a while, I'll go see Master Jiejie again." Ma Yuan waved his hand. "Now there is still a big trouble on the earth that has not been dealt with. I can't safely go to Jiewangxing.

King Yan was furious, thinking that this kid could hardly know what to do. These words must have made Lord Jie Wang very angry. Who knew that Jie Wang was speaking again, King Wang listened, and his expression became more and more strange.

"Ma Yuan, just now Lord Wang said, you can go back and deal with the things on the earth first, then let Wukong take you through with instant movement, and it won't delay much time." Yan Wang said strangely. The remarks.

This time even Ma Yuan felt that something was not right. The Jie Wang seemed eager to let Ma Yuan pass, but because of Shalu's things, he did not specifically ask Ma Yuan to rush over as soon as possible.

Ma Yuan rubbed his head, this thing looked strange, no matter what, Ma Yuan's original plan was to want to go to Jie Wang, even if Jie Wang did not personally invite, Ma Yuan would also go quickly of.

"Goku they should come out of the house of spiritual time tomorrow, then I will go to the realm of Wang Xing." Ma Yuan pondered for a while, but nodded helplessly.

Ribs Rice didn't care to see the appearance of Ma Yuan. After all, he was also a person who could often see the King of the World. This kind of opportunity that seemed very incredible to God and Yan Wang was not in his eyes.

The breath that held in the heart of the king of Yan, I couldn't help but think that Ma Yuan was the illegitimate son of the realm king. Fortunately, at this time, the divination mother-in-law was finally here, and then took a deep breath and stagnate the chest. The anger was released, otherwise he would have to suffocate him.

Ma Yuan also noticed that she was sitting in a crystal ball, and a little old lady dressed like a witch flew towards here. Her face was as old as dry tree bark, and she had folds.

"Master Yan, what's the matter with you asking me to come?" After the fortune-telling mother came here, she paid a salute directly to the king, and then looked at the people next to him.

The divination mother-in-law discovered God at first glance. There is no way. Who can call the god's skin so new and unconventional. The divination mother-in-law greeted God amicably.

"Huh? Didn't they come over Goku?" The fortune-telling mother looked around and found no shadows of Sun Wukong and others.

God smiled and said, "They are now practicing in the house of spiritual time. I brought a person to meet you this time. I have something to ask for your help."

"Hello mother-in-law, I am Ma Yuan." Ma Yuan hurried up and said hello with a smile on his face.

The fortune-telling mother-in-law fixed her eyes closely on Ma Yuan. Rao Shi Ma Yuan knew that she was not malicious. Even if malicious, she could not pose any threat to herself, but she was still seen as slightly numb all over her body.

"You..." The divination mother opened her mouth, twisted her brow, and looked up Ma Yuan from time to time. Then she said, "You're so strange."

Ma Yuan smiled awkwardly and immediately changed the topic, "Mother-in-law, this time I want to ask you to help me divination on the earth."

"Just such a trivial matter made you run into the nether world?" said the divination mother-in-law in surprise. "Isn't God able to do this too?"

"Unfortunately, I am dizzy. Those two people have more strength than me. They hide their breath. I have not been able to find them." God shook his head.

"Mother-in-law, I need your help, otherwise the earth is likely to be in danger." Ma Yuan continued, and the divination mother-in-law is an earthman after all. Presumably this sentence will make her stop asking.

Sure enough, the divination mother-in-law heard Ma Yuan saying this, and he dare to hesitate, and immediately came down from the crystal ball. After asking Ma Yuan about the appearance characteristics of No. 16 and No. 18, the divination mother finally started divination.

The fortune-telling mother-in-law uttered incomprehensible words, her hands swayed randomly on the surface of the crystal ball, but it seemed to follow a certain rule. Ma Yuan didn't understand it for a while, and she simply stopped reading it. .

After a while, the crystal ball finally radiated a faint light gradually, and then became stronger a little bit. At this time, the sweat on the fortune-teller’s forehead increased.

Finally, there were some pictures on the crystal ball. Ma Yuan leaned over and saw some scenery on the earth. It was not that he could distinguish it so quickly, but that the place intercepted by this picture was too familiar. Too.

"Turtle Island?" God said it first.

That's right, this place is the turtle island where Guixian and Kelin now live. I saw that the picture above the crystal ball changed a bit. No. 16 and No. 18 were flying toward Guidao quickly, as if they were hiding from something. .

This picture didn’t last too long. After all, it’s not the earth. The divination mother-in-law needs more energy than before, but even so, Ma Yuan still saw the last green flash. .

"Shalu..." Ma Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, which was really beyond his expectation. Shalu would have swallowed No. 17 so quickly that it evolved into the first form. It seemed that No. 20 and No. 19 sacrificed themselves. Contributed.

Since No. 16 and No. 18 are heading towards Guidao, it can only explain that they want to bring Sharu to Ma Yuan and others. No, to be precise, they should go to Guidao for help.

After all, on Earth, people who are able to help them, except Sun Wukong and Ma Yuan, are afraid to find no other people.

"God, let's go back, I have to go to Turtle Island!" Ma Yuan immediately made a decision. He wanted to go back and try to see where Shalu has grown up now.

"it is good.",,..

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