Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 13 Chapter 33: Important things

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Bick put down his defensive hands and glanced gloriously at the sky. Eventually he didn't chase it, moved his neck, and walked towards Sun Wukong and Ma Yuan.

"Father, the original brother!" Sun Wufan was immersed in the battle between Bick and Sharu. The so-called concern was chaotic, which caused him to never find the arrival of Sun Wukong and Ma Yuan. This is definitely a taboo in the battle.

Before Sun Wukong opened his mouth, Bick frowned first: "Gohan, did you just watch the battle so fascinating that you didn't find the arrival of Wukong and Mayuan?"

Sun Wufan has more respect and fear than Bick. Although Bick didn't use any blame, he couldn't help shrinking his head, like returning to the days when he was trained by Bick.

Ma Yuan raised his eyebrows slightly, it seemed that Bick and God had been fully integrated, and Bick's strength had made a great progress, and the corresponding state of mind had also been improved. From what he said, he can completely see come out.

Sun Wufan was taught by Bick in one hand. He understood how terrifying potential Sun Wufan had. As Sun Wufan became stronger and stronger, especially after becoming a Super Saiyan, he began to feel that he did not have that qualification. Sun Wufan is gesticulating and has less and less communication.

In any case, Bick is now correcting his mentality, not only because his strength has surpassed Sun Wufan, but because a smart person like him has encountered this situation again after having an experience. It is easier to see, after all, blue is always better than blue.

Although Sun Wufan was trained, he felt that Bick had some changes. It seemed that he hadn't spoken to him like this for a long time, and he couldn't help smiling.

"Bik, the old man of God..." Sun Wukong opened his mouth. Before, Bik also experienced a sudden increase in strength. This time it was merged with the Nemesis, and now this happens again, combined with the previous abnormal situation. , He also felt faintly wrong.

Bick was silent for a while, then pointed to himself: "There is only one Bick in this world now."

The implication is that the God has already merged with him. They were originally the same person, except that one represents goodness and one represents evil. No one knows what God and Bick talked in the temple. But since God can give his strength to Bik, it means that God has basically approved Bik.

Sun Wukong froze for a while, and finally sighed. He knew that God's life was approaching, but in the end, he was not able to see the last side of it. He had to say it was a pity.

Rao Shi Ma Yuan already knew the result, and still had some regrets. He raised the most critical question: "The earth needs a new **** to maintain order now, and we will also need Dragon Ball after this battle."

"So you mean that I should be a god?" Bick frowned. Obviously he was unwilling to take on this troublesome job, "I said, I'm Bick, Bick the Devil, you see Have you ever been a devil?"

Sun Wukong also felt that this matter was not realistic. When he looked at Ma Yuan, he found that Ma Yuan had a confident look on his face, and he stopped talking. He thought Ma Yuan must have his own ideas.

"Of course I don't want you to be a god. I mean we need a Nemesis who can also make Dragon Ball." Ma Yuan embraced his chest. "Some surviving Nameks will always have a statue At least I know a person like the elders."

Bick has become more and more suspicious of Ma Yuan’s identity, but now that everyone is still an alliance, there is not much to say, as long as it does not endanger the earth, then everything is easy to say.

Thinking about it, Bick couldn’t help but frown, and he suddenly felt that his thinking pattern seemed to have changed a lot, even before the earth first, he knew it was God’s consciousness, but he also No disgust, after all, this is the last thing that old guy left in this world.

"Who?" Sun Wukong asked.

"This person, Gohan also knows." Ma Yuan didn't sell the key. After all, time is tight. Who will chat with you slowly, "It's just every day."

"Tiantian?" Sun Wufan exclaimed, "Can he really make Dragon Ball? Why haven't he heard him say it before?"

Sun Wukong trusted Ma Yuan's words very much. After the Realm King and his party, he found out that Ma Yuan knew a little too much, as much as they could be grasped by ordinary humans like this. Earthlings can also be counted as ordinary words, but he has no problem with this idea.

"But those Nameks have already fled the original Nameks. We don't know where they are." Sun Wufan shook his head regretfully after he was excited.

"Someone must know." Sun Wukong suddenly said, "As long as you can feel the anger of those people on that Meike, you can move past in an instant."

"You reacted fast enough." Ma Yuan nodded with a smile.

"Then I'm going." Sun Wukong pressed his forehead with his fingers, and suddenly disappeared in front of everyone.

"Where is he going to go?" Bick thought for a while, but he didn't think of how Sun Wukong wanted to find those surviving Nameks.

"Jing Wang Xing." Ma Yuan looked to the horizon. This plot was originally required. He just made a guide. Sun Wukong's sensitivity in this respect was beyond his imagination.

"It turns out so." Bick also suddenly realized that, after all, the Realm King is the person who manages this realm. He must be able to find the beauty of the Nemesis, and then Sun Wukong can be rushed away by instantaneous movement.

"Then what should we do now?" Sun Wufan asked. Now that Shalu has escaped, I am afraid that he will not make a comeback in a short time.

"You go back to the temple first, and I'm going to a place." Ma Yuan narrowed his eyes, a strange light flashed in his eyes.


Buma came with Tenanques in her hand to open the door, and found Ma Yuan was standing outside, a little surprised and said: "Why are you here? Isn't it said that an artificial person will be sent over for treatment?"

Ma Yuan touched his head and said helplessly: "Something went wrong and the patient couldn't bring it in."

A strange color flashed on Buma's face, and he said suspiciously: "I always feel that you are hiding something from me. I have watched the news recently, and what kind of artificial people are in the downtown area, and some people have witnessed a green monster flying around in the sky. Yes, I don’t think it’s Bick, what the **** are you doing lately?"

"This..." Ma Yuan was cold from the back. If Buma knew about Sharu's things, there would be a lot of things. "In short, everyone has been very busy recently. I asked Vegeta for some things. Where did he go? ?"

"He should be in the gravity room at the back now." As soon as Buma spoke, Ma Yuan disappeared immediately, and the intention to escape was obvious. ,, ..

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