Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 13 Chapter 35: hunter

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After returning to the temple, Ma Yuan saw at a glance a reduced version of Bick. It wasn’t the Meike who was every day. He looked at Sun Wukong on the side and smiled, "Your movements are really fast."

Sun Wukong smiled, then patted Tiantian's shoulder and said: "Now we can call Tiantian a god, the **** of the earth."

Every day seems to be a little shy, he touched his head and said: "It will cause trouble for everyone in the future, if there is anything wrong with it, please correct me."

Sun Wufan was very happy about his little friend's arrival. He chatted happily with him. Of course, his hair still maintained the shape of a super Saiyan. This seems to have become his habit. .

Ma Yuan looked at these two little guys, and he was in a much better mood. Anyway, the news that Buu and Shalu were attacking at the same time always gave him some pressure.

There was another Nameks in Bick's body, so he also seemed to be much kinder to Tiantian, and he rarely chatted with Tiantian.

"Now God has also invited another person. There should be no problem with Dragon Ball. We still need to continue to practice." Ma Yuan looked at the sky, and now it was close to dusk, and he could not help saying to Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong nodded and said, "I think so too, and because of the enemy who doesn't know where to go, our cultivation must progress faster."

"I see Gohan's current state should be able to practice by himself, or let Bick take him, then we two should be in the same group to practice."

Ma Yuan froze for a moment, and then he saw the smile on Sun Wukong's mouth and the fierce fighting in Sun Wukong's eyes, as if he was infected.

"Good!" Ma Yuan agreed without hesitation. The strength of the two of them is the most similar, and the battle between each other will have very good results.

It is easy for Sun Wukong to calm down and practice, but this speed is very slow. Of course, it is only for the people of the earth, and the blood of the Saiyan people on his body can make him wander through life and death. Progress faster in battle on the edge!

"I won't disturb you." I don't know when No. 18 suddenly walked in front of Sun Wukong and Ma Yuan, and said lightly, "I think it's better to stay away from you."

"No. 18!" Klin yelled, but no more.

"Aren't you safe here?" Sun Wukong said puzzlingly.

But Ma Yuan saw some clues and said indifferently: "If you think you killed Mr. Bobo or God, then it is not necessary, no matter whether you will come to the temple, Sharu will find us, With the presence of Dragon Ball, Mr. Bobo can also be resurrected."

"Yes," at this time, he quickly proved his sense of existence every day. "Although there is no raw material for me to remake Dragon Ball, I can restore the current Dragon Ball and strengthen its power..."

On the 18th, he waved his hand to signal that he didn’t need to go on, and then said seriously: "Anyway, they died because of me. It has nothing to do with whether they can be resurrected. I will go to Shalu to end this matter. ."

After speaking on the 18th, regardless of whether Sun Wukong and Ma Yuan did not answer, he left the temple directly, and Kelin shouted, but failed to stop her footsteps.

Ma Yuan sighed: "Anyway, she must have been captured by Shalu. The completeness of Shalu has become a foregone conclusion. It's just a matter of time."

Klin turned his head, hesitantly said: "Going on the 18th... will it die?"

Sun Wukong looked at Klin Dao: "This is her choice. You don't want her to live with this kind of stress all the time."

Klin nodded helplessly, looked back to the horizon again, and was suddenly photographed by Ma Yuan again, quickly said: "What's the matter?"

Ma Yuan said with a smiley expression on his face: "Take it away, the monk looks at the girl so blatantly and tells the truth!"

"Who...who is a monk!" said Klin hurriedly, and then he saw Ma Yuan's teasing expression. Where did he not understand Ma Yuan's meaning, and could not help but flush his face.

Sun Wukong was unclear. He even took the initiative of Kiki even when he got married. Don't expect him to understand this kind of thing. "Klin, I need you to call me to help everyone. We need more people to join us."

"Okay!" Ke Lin responded quickly. The so-called "everyone" naturally refers to them. Every time the earth appears, they are the ones who charged forward, and this time is naturally no exception.

"We should also practice." Ma Yuan leaned his head to Sun Wukong, and then walked directly towards the house of spiritual time. This time the practice will directly use the rest of the day and a half, just for the later fighting.

After Sun Wukong entered the Spiritual Time House, the door closed with a crunch. The rest of the people were busy with their own affairs. They went to Wufan every day to find Dragon Ball, and Kelin went to notify Tianjin Fan and others. Bick... naturally chasing Sharu who didn't know where to go.


In an abandoned building on the ground, Sharu was looking around with vigilance. Now his actions are basically under the supervision of others. I am afraid that once he uses gas, he will be discovered immediately.

"Huh, Bick's strength has increased so much. I really don't know what happened to him in such a short period of time, and did not see God, they must have any conspiracy." Sharu thought.

Shalu was forced to fight hard with Bick once, so his body suffered some injuries. In order to recover these injuries as soon as possible, he had to recover by other means, such as...absorbing human life energy!

Originally Shalu disdaind to do this, but in order to hide his whereabouts as much as possible, he also had to do it, and he had to start from a remote area and recover a little bit.

"It's really troublesome..." Sharu felt some headaches, but he always felt that No. 18 could not escape from the palm of his hand, it was as if he was kind enough to let her live longer.

"Everything in order to be the most perfect complete body!" Sharu has a hint of fanaticism in his eyes. He is like a real jungle hunter. He is not anxious about a temporary failure. As long as there is a chance, he can get what he wants. Something you want!

Suddenly, Sharu found that a group of people had walked through the ruins below, as if looking for something that could be used, but they didn't know that they had stepped into the hunter's net step by step.

"It's time for a meal..." Shalu disappeared lightly, without any movement, and there was a scream in the ruins, and he was strangled in an instant. ,, ..

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