Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 13 Chapter 46: Sun Wufan vs Dapla (Part 1)

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"Mr. Satan...Mr. Satan!"

Satan reacted suddenly, watching the reporters looking at themselves, and quickly said: "What happened? What happened?"

"The game of Sharu is about to start. Are you not ready yet? You see that those of them are preparing to start fighting!" The reporters said, and the appearance of Klin and others was a signal for them.

"This..." Satan froze for a moment, and then said, "I was to observe the enemy. In fact, these three people are bad guys, and all I have to do is wait for their snipe clams to fight, and then take advantage of the fisherman. Avoid excessive harm."

"It turned out to be so." The reporters seemed to believe it, recording it one by one, but did not see Satan wipe the cold sweat of his forehead.


"Originally I meant that you are all one by one, as long as you can beat me, but now the situation seems to be different." Shalu looked at Babidi, who didn't say a word, lightly, "A third party appeared Power, then I lost my original intention."

"I mean, we fight in groups, similar to the first martial arts society in the world." Shalu didn't care much about the rules, but he didn't want to be inexplicable.

In the original plot, Sharu faced the entire Sun Wukong side. He was confident enough to win, but this time it seemed not so simple. At least he couldn’t understand what Babidi wanted to do. After all, there is life to be proud.

"That's it, then draw lots." Ma Yuan nodded, and then he waved freely, and several stone **** flew from the ground. He stroked on it, wrote the numbers from one to six, and then Fly it into the sky.

Ma Yuan did not take control of the stone ball, and it is not a special talent. If you want to hide so many masters to control the stone ball, it is undoubtedly very unrealistic. Besides, Ma Yuan does not feel that he needs to be like this.


In the air, Ma Yuan and others have used Qi to carry out a fierce confrontation, disrupt all the stone balls, and then withdraw at the same time, take away a stone ball of their own, because there are multiple supervisions, so it is Fairly.

Ma Yuan pinched the stone ball and looked at it a little. It was a four. He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He didn't want to stay at the end before playing. That was too much torment. The number four was just right. .

"So, number one and number two?" Shalu glanced at everyone. As the leader of Shalu game, he should naturally speak.


The strong red body, the arrogant look like Vegeta, plus the two sharp corners on his head, his identity is coming out.

"Dapura, the king of the devil." Ma Yuan knew that this Dapura was really not the best among them, and that Babidi had other men, probably because Ma Yuan's arrival was too disrupted A little.

"I'm number one." As the king of the demon world, Dapula was controlled and became a demon, but he still maintained the pride of the demon master in front of people other than Babidi. Listen to this tone I know.

"It's me." Sun Wufan took a step forward, and the stone ball in his hand was kneaded into powder.

Dapula frowned when he saw that he was just a teenager, but he understood that his purpose this time was not to win, but to absorb enough energy for Babidi.

"Gohan, come on!" Sun Wukong patted Sun Gohan's shoulder and smiled, "You also become a martial arts master who can compete with me in a blink of an eye, don't care, I'll wait for you to challenge me ."

Ma Yuan also stepped down with some words of encouragement. Baker, the arrogant, was not hypocritical this time. He knew Sun Wufan's strength, so he had absolute confidence in it.

"It doesn't matter if you look at me. I can remind you that Dapura is the king of the demon world. After becoming a demon, his strength should rise. He is a master of magic, and his spit can turn people into Stone." Ma Yuan stood next to Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong held his head and said, "Ah, I see, but I didn't plan to tell Gohan."

"What?" Ma Yuan froze for a moment, but this is your son. Do you know that the opponent's fighting characteristics are not just convenient for Gohan to win?

"Gohan is my son. His battle will be solved by himself. This is the first time he has faced an enemy completely. It is a rare experience." Sun Wukong suddenly remembered something, "You don’t mean Does Gohan need to be a little more confident to get to that point? I think this Dapura will do."

"After summing up for a long time, you want to say that Tiger Father has no dogs." Ma Yuan secretly slandered, but he still feels very satisfied with such training methods as Sun Wukong. How can the carp jump the Dragon Gate without going through the wind and rain?

Sun Wufan and Dapura looked at each other on the stage. Sun Wufan was okay. Although he was not very confident in himself, he was also a person who had passed the battle of Frieza, so in this case, he was not afraid of stage fright.

"Are you the son of that person?" Dapla asked, pointing at the stunned Monkey King under the stage.

"Yes." Sun Wufan is very proud. Although Sun Wukong can be regarded as an irresponsible father in the eyes of some people, in the eyes of these sons, Sun Wukong actually has many flash points, which is also the case. In their hearts is a mountain that can never be avoided.

"It turns out that that person is indeed very strong. Although he can't see it on the surface, every inch of his body structure contains amazing vitality. You as the son of that person should also be very strong." It's a meaning after a long time, I can fight with you is your conviction, you have to fight desperately, don't break the chain.

"Will not let you down." Sun Wufan said with a smile.

Although Sun Wufan is young, he reads a lot of books and matures relatively early, so he can understand the provocation in the words of Dapula. If it is Sun Wukong... he will probably thank you.

"Interesting." Dapla raised his eyebrows, and then he showed an offensive posture, with a serious look on his face.

Sun Wufan did not dare to carelessly, he quickly prepared, he has practiced quite a lot recently, this posture is quite powerful.

The battle was on the verge. Dapura and Sun Wufan also fought in the original plot, but that time Sun Wufan's strength declined, and the use of Super Saiyan II was forced.

So in the end it was defined that Dapura’s combat power was higher than Sharu’s full body, but...

Ma Yuan's mouth provoked some smiles and secretly said in his heart: "Everyone is now enhanced, and Sun Wufan at the peak period may not lose to you, of course, provided he can take that step."

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