Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 13 Chapter 50: Sharu vs Mayuan (Part 1)

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Ma Yuan scratched his head and said to Sun Wukong quite helplessly: "You still care about your own opponents. Think about it, Shalu and I also played. Who else is left?"

"The rest..." Sun Wukong looked around for a total of six people, and three of his own left him, that is, "Vegeta?"

"Humph!" Vegeta's mouth sneered, and he still kept the same chest-holding movement. "Cakarot, I didn't expect the opportunity to compete with you again so soon, it really made me feel a little bit Not really true."

"Seriously, I want to fight you more than Sharu!"

Sun Wukong froze for a moment, a smile flashed in his eyes, and nodded seriously: "I am also looking forward to playing against you again!"

The battle between Sun Wukong and Vegeta seriously bet on his life was still when Vegeta rushed to the earth. Later, due to various reasons, the war between these two old enemies should have been delayed for a long time. Dragged to Vegeta to have sons.

"Oh?" Shalu touched his chin and smiled. "It seems very interesting. If that's the case, then I wouldn't force him to play a game with Sun Wukong at this time. If I want to fight, I want to fight the stronger one. People fight."

"Actually, I'm curious." Ma Yuan said in a hurry. "You should be able to grow into a complete body after swallowing the 17th and 18th, but why can you devour the 16th?"

Shalu suddenly turned back, and he suddenly found that he missed the most unpredictable one of this group of people. This kind of secret, except for himself and the dead Dr. Gro, knew that it was impossible for a third person to know.

"You seem to know me very well?" Shalu said for a while, "Did you ever be an enemy of the Red Ribbon Legion before you can get my information?"

Ma Yuan waved his hand and said: "That's not true, you just said it to me, and it's fine if you don't want to explain."

Ma had originally said that no matter whether Shalu did not answer his question, he would not have a little burden, and what should be crushed still had to be crushed!

Shalu took a deep look at Ma Yuan, and then said: "I wasn't fully made yet. Your appearance destroyed my free growth, so Dr. Gro changed my settings."

"I can devour any of 16, 16, and 18 to achieve what I should have been. This is just to speed up the process. As long as I can swallow all of 17 and 18, then I will still It's completely body."

"But after swallowing the 16th, I found myself weaker than I expected. It wasn't until I swallowed the 18th that I realized that I was not weak, but I would not use the power to become stronger. "

As soon as Shalu finished speaking, the terror was extended from him. It is no exaggeration to say that even if Sun Wufan became a Super Saiyan II, he was definitely not his opponent. Even he had reached lightning in advance. Shalu is not impossible.

Ma Yuan looks very different in this turbulent airflow. At least Sharu felt that his next trip to Mawei was probably blind. Ma Yuan did the same exercises as aerobics. He could see that he was in Doing preparatory activities.

"Hell! It's not a pleasure to be sensationalized!" Vegeta snorted and turned his head to the side. The movements that had no effect at all were foolish!

Klin and others didn't understand the meaning of Ma Yuan. Sun Wukong didn't care about it. Isn't it normal for people to do some preparations before the battle? Even he himself often does some stretching.

But there was a person who admired Ma Yuan's actions very much, because he finally found something he was familiar with from the light waves that flew around and couldn't help but moved to tears.

"Mr. Satan, you are..." A careful female reporter found something crystal in Satan's eyes and couldn't help asking.

Satan froze for a moment, and the acting of the film emperor's level reached the extreme. He wiped his face indiscriminately and sighed: "They are all fighting for the earth. I also want to join the battle as soon as possible. I am a strong finale. I am not ashamed because I cannot play immediately because of my health!"

"Don't think too much, Mr. Satan, you dare to stand here on behalf of the people of the earth is already a great hero!"

"Yes, Mr. Satan, you have a good rest first, let these people test the strength of the enemy, after all, this is a major event related to the earth, Mr. Satan thinks about it!"

The reporters heard that Satan, the strongest man, was going to play, and the reason was so justified, they did not want Satan to go so early, and the real strong man should naturally be put in the final appearance!

Satan has a happy heart, and it seems that he can spend a lot of time. Although his strength is not as perverted as strong, but as long as they clean up Sharu, what honors, wealth, and not my share?

This matter did not leave any ripples in the hearts of the two sides. Shalu naturally disdain to care about this kind of thing with others, and Ma Yuan knows Satan's urinary nature, and he will not be serious.

"Are you ready?" Shalu was really a competent opponent. Ma Yuan had been there for a long time, and he didn't show a little impatient look.

"Okay." Ma Yuan nodded, suddenly looking aside and letting go to the side.


Shalu's figure suddenly appeared at Ma Yuan's original position. His hand stretched forward. That was the position of Ma Yuan's heart.

Ma Yuan naturally did not want to fall behind. He grabbed Sha Lu's arm with one hand and kicked it back fiercely. This foot was very fast and Sha Lu naturally didn't want to make a hard connection, so he got rid of Ma Yuan in the direction of the foot.


A light flare suddenly appeared in Sharu's hands, and he pressed down **** Ma Yuan, but Ma Yuan seemed to understand Shalu's movements, and a light flare was also formed when he turned back.

The two light bombs were entangled with each other and conflicted with each other. Ma Yuan and Shalu's small movements were also constant. Until the light bomb exploded, the two talents took a few steps back.

"Yes, I can keep up with my movements now. It seems that you are not a Saiyan. I really can't think of such a powerful person on earth." Shalu didn't rush, but praised Ma Yuan.

"Is it?" Ma Yuan smiled lightly, "But I haven't used my true skills yet, don't you can't keep up with me, otherwise your host will be defeated in my hand."

"As long as you have that skill..." Shalu said freely, with his feet in lunges, his body weight sinking, and he made an attack gesture, "If you don't have that ability, don't blame me for killing you."

"Huh." Ma Yuan also put on a posture, and said lightly, "Then I really want to see."

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