Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 14 Chapter 5: Reinforcement debut

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"Hum, it's so careless. We didn't find any such tricks. Sure enough, we encountered a rookie. There must be other good things in him. The sword is very valuable!"

The situation became worse in an instant. The little dwarf kept his head down, and the gloomy face hidden in his hat finally revealed his motive. A string of rope was wrapped around Ma Yuan's feet, which just tied his actions.

"Damn! You are so mean..."

Speaking of naive rebuttals, I feel as if I have completely entered the inexplicable plot rhythm. Sure enough, I still can't come hard. Ma Yuan realized that he had ignored the integrity of the configuration of the three people. In the past, he always underestimated the enemy. The three little monsters can easily KO off, just a stepping stone to brush your own experience.

Look now. Sure enough, it is still too naive. The little dwarf has certain props and a very concealed means of sneak attack. Because of his figure, he is hidden in the robe and he doesn't even know what he is doing.

And that killing Matt, that thin man with a strange hair style and color, is not only as simple as two knives, the same resistance to attack is not too weak, and the dodge is also a little high, easy to avoid fatal attacks, but on the contrary It is a big man who seems to be strong outside the country.

bump! However, as Ma Yuan suffered a severe blow to his head, he also saw the big-headed tiger in his hands at this time, and he immediately understood how deep the three-man set he had encountered was.

"How many civilians have you robbed..."

"Well, did you discover that we are powerful now? It's just too overwhelming. We seldom bully ordinary people. You are not a civilian. Wealthy minstrels. This time it is going to make a fortune!"

The big man kicked Ma Yuan with his feet on one side, while looking around whether anyone else was near. Obviously, the trio was familiar with the car, and the small man began to show his pocket calf and began to pursue it. Although it was not enough to kill, it was all a circle The damage of the meat!

Ma Yuan had almost only one thought at the moment, that is, Le Yueyue is simply not a human being, so he was abused, and he can still make a feat of jumping off the cliff! Oh my god, it’s enough to just suffer the abuse of two people.

"Cut, even if I thought about it, I still got this knife. It seems that you know us very well, the nosy bard, and your ability just now seems to be quite powerful, otherwise we will Let his arm go away so he can't retaliate against us."

The little **** kicked Ma Yuan while showing a bitter expression, while the big man nodded thoughtlessly. In their view, it has always been to help the relatives, and now this stunned head stuns their companions, and the attitude is still the same. Arrogant, it must be a good lesson.

"Damn it! Stop it, if you do this, you will regret it! Someone will appear soon, someone will appear to punish you, but she is a great elf wizard... what, are you afraid?"

Ma Yuan began to feel the cold light of the knife. Now that he has no choice, if the chance of continuing to struggle is still very low, it is better to try to intimidate the trio with the future plot, and it may still work.

"Fine, wizard wizard..."

The dwarf really knew this name, and the knife he held in his hand shook with it, and the big man gradually slowed down the frequency of attack with the finger tiger. Obviously, he was still very afraid of this kind of continent's high magic career.

"If this is the case, it's a bit troublesome. Although this kid is very strangely dressed, it seems that he is really a bard. It's troublesome to ask him to get reinforcements. Let's flash people first and see what is valuable in him. s things!"

"Well, it can only be like this, fortunately, he is lucky."

The two began to talk, and Ma Yuan felt relaxed for a while. The plot that was going to happen was really nervous. I didn't expect to actually use the name of Amelia to coax them.

But he wondered why his heroine hadn't appeared yet? Did you get a fake script? It is too unscientific in terms of teaching plan.

"What the hell, do you know the magician? Why is there nothing, even if the currency is so strange, it is a poor ghost at all, and these things look very cheap and certainly not valuable."

After some searching, the little dwarf finally couldn't help but lift Ma Yuan and questioned it loudly. Zhen Zhen's words did not look like an overbearing gangster at all, as if the other party really owed their own accounts.

"Forget it, forget it, just think we are out of luck today, take these things away, this guy is still in a coma, it seems that the ability must be very strong, maybe similar to the legendary professional fighters of other kingdoms If this is the case, this bard must have known many powerful people."

The big guy is rich in ideas, and at the same time this kind of suspicion can be regarded as giving Ma Yuan a living space.

He endured the fear of Emilia not showing up, the pain of the wound gradually infected, still looking at the two firmly, as if he really had such a deep background, he could revenge these little **** with crazy power. .

"Okay...although a little unwilling, we really can't afford so many big people."

Seeing the little dwarf with the most serious suspicion of heart disease forced to compromise, Ma Yuan's instant joy could hardly be described.

Da da.

However, at this time, there was a strange sound of footsteps outside the alley, and Ma Yuan also looked at that direction subconsciously, and his heart was completely relieved.

"Look! The person I said appeared, great elf wizard, and now you have no chance to escape, hum, hurry down and ask me to beg for mercy! I want you to taste the beating too."

"Why, what! How can it be so fast, your kid is too revengeful, we just let you go..."

The finger tigers in the big hands seem to be weak and weak. In the face of this legendary great profession, let alone them, even some legendary characters with superb swordsmanship, must be cautiously faced.

It's not that the elves are powerful enough to be able to challenge, but the power of communication with the elves is amazing, and many elves' abilities and potentials are not dared to be provoke by ordinary people.

"I'll say it. You will regret it if you do this. Uncle Ben is..."

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