Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 14 Chapter 7: War of the Asians

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"Come on, get up! Do you usually say that you are quite powerful, how can you be stunned by such a devil..."

The little dwarf's inner fear continued to pile up, and the big man next to him looked at the front, and Larque began to pose with a sword.

"I won't let you leave easily, unless you pay enough, hiss..."

At the same time, the tall black lizard Asian was also hesitant to shoot, the dark eyes were still calm, but after hearing the words of the Asian war, he was suddenly unable to calm down.

Ma Yuan, who is familiar with the plot, actually knows that the people in front of them are almost irrelevant, but unfortunately everyone today has left a huge brand because of the war and past in the past.

Giants are also sub-humans, and other races, they will never forget what humans have done.

"That sword seems to be a bit tricky, and now I must not stay for long."

Ma Yuan also fell into a huge contradiction in his heart. He was very worried that he would be buried with a few unlucky bastards, but at the same time he also saw the friendship between several seemingly the lowest scum of the mainland kingdom. The fools still hope that the three will leave together.

And the dark scabbard exudes a deep breath all the time. Although not like magic, Ma Yuan’s intuition tells himself that this may be a sword with a powerful evil breath, most people Not even daring to look directly at the sharp edge before the trick.

Just like a cursed monster knife can give great power, it consumes several times the physical strength and even greater cost.

"I, we really don't know! This guy is the culprit, we are not accomplices, I beg you to let us go..."

The speed of the little dwarf's soft clothing is also a must. However, although Larque has converged, but mentioned the four words, the brutal war of the past also deeply stabbed the scales all over the body with scars, but his face was incomparable. Smooth Asian.

"I said, you have to pay for every sentence of your own, and you will not be prevented from doing so because of your human identity."

The sharp blade was like swiping between the throats. At that moment, Ma Yuan figured it out a lot, and even gradually understood why people around him seemed to see the expression of death.

Because for them, the breath and even a series of behaviors released by the Asian people in front of them can indeed be equated with the devil, and they are almost seamlessly connected.

"Yes, don't you want to get lunch because of these idiots..."

The retrospect of death is what Ma Yuan firmly believed to happen, but like he did not believe in the existence of magic in the past, if he said that he would not be resurrected after reading, it would be very embarrassing.

What's more embarrassing is that his first death was due to the hatred of these little bastards?

"Sorry, excuse me."

The bells sounded, and the elves dancing in the wind seemed to remind everyone with cheerful dance steps.


'Black Scar' turned around and saw the girl wearing a purple and white uniform. At this time, the light was still shining on the face of the person who could only see the outline, and heard the beautiful voice of the elf, and the light and elegant footsteps. , Ma Yuan was almost crying.

"Emilia, you finally appeared..."

"Who are you? How can I know my name? I never seem to have seen you."

There is no doubt that it is Emilia. The cross symbols on both sides of the uniform are full of starry waves. In addition to the holy atmosphere, there is also the unique charm of being an elf.

But the girl is not a pure blood elf, but a half-elf, a race between people and elves.

"Yes, you liar wouldn't want to drag others into the water again, it's so mean!"

The dwarf seemed to be ignited by a certain nerve, and saw Ma Yuan's abnormal behavior and began to vomit without hesitation.

"What's the matter, hey, I look down on people too! My uncle Larque is a great swordsman. What a half-elf, even if it's magic, I won't look at it."

The Asian swordsman began to lose money, but even Black Scar changed his attitude, and a serious look appeared in the creeping pupil.

"Finally, someone who can see has appeared, otherwise my partner will be sad, slaughtering the weak will not make it happy..."

The black Asian spit out the purple bifurcated tongue and faced Emilia's appearance. He was more excited than Ma Yuan.

However, the girl always focused on the stranger who accidentally knew his name.

Oops, Ma Yuan groaned inwardly, just wanting to say that he would never make a principle error after crossing the same second leg of Lei Yueang. Unexpectedly, he didn't know the other party, so he called out the name first.

What a mistake! Sure enough, he overestimated his talent for adventurers.

After all, after watching alien life, many people said that they didn't have that life. If they also have the ability to be perverted like 486, and there are sisters like Emilia and the twin maid, they will definitely not make a small mistake. Too.

Ha ha, in retrospect, it really looks like a broken pattern. As a person selected by the elves, Emilia is actually more intuitive than the average person. The ears of the elves have a natural swift effect, as long as they are close. Terrain such as nature and earth can be enhanced to varying degrees.

While they are'meditation' or communicating with the natural elves, the powerful spiritual power they obtain is unparalleled, and they can continuously improve their magic hit rate in dedicated battles, which is more than magical !

"Well, you also see that I am a bard in a difficult situation. I am the one who has met the future. As for my name..."

Ma Yuan tried to make a gentleman's gesture as much as possible. At the same time, in this narrow alley, Black Scar also rarely disarmed part of his own arm, revealing the more ruthless wounds after the leather armor was exposed.

"The name of this sword is "Greedy Moon", a cursed sword I got many years ago, but the reason I use it is not because I trust this power, but I want to prove this ridiculous power, What will happen if you encounter a magician, this group of dirty people who use magic."

The straightforward statement, amazing self-confidence, and the terrifying place of black scars all penetrated. The reason why she used this black evil weapon was just to prove that in his eyes, the magic user and the magic weapon are equally deformed. presence. ,, ..

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