Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 14 Chapter 32: Unexpected encounter with narrow path

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Times have changed, and Ma Yuan, who has come to the slum area again, is not yet ready to inquire about the news, but this embarrassing appearance has received sympathy from the other side.

"Ah, is it calling me? You are really enthusiastic, thank you very much... I actually want to find someone called Firut, she should live nearby."

Although he has been mentally prepared for a long time, seeing that his speculation has come into effect, Ma Yuan’s psychology is somewhat contradictory. After all, strictly speaking, he is not a good impression obtained through getting along and working hard. These seem to hate the poor and powerful people caused by knight magic. It is still kind.

"It's okay, it's not easy for everyone! But the boy you're looking for is very grumpy, so be careful."

"You can’t blame her, after all, it’s a poor child, and none of us can help her, so if you see it, you must persuade her not to steal anything in the future. The knights and magic envoys here It’s not to provoke, and those Asians don’t seem to get along well."

After asking for help, the poor not only gave Ma Yuan a complete strategy plan, but even explained the circumstances before and after the matter. It was just that for Ferutt's life, it seems that even Lord Roma should be unable to speak.

"Good luck brother, Lord Roma loves spirits, if you must find a place to sell stolen goods, although we do not recommend it."

The people living in poverty are diametrically opposed to the faces seen in the trade zone, but give Ma Yuan a rare warmth.

"Thank you, everyone, thanks..."

Ma Yuan nodded silently and left the ruins. At the same time, he realized that sake could conquer that tall giant. Sure enough, because there are very few such wines in other worlds, things are rare and expensive. For the old drunkards, this is nothing. Price treasure!

"Let me think about it, what should I explain when I see Firut? It seems that I did run without any preparation, really blind confidence, Ma Yuan, so I want to survive in another world..."

Da Da, a sudden burst of footsteps disrupted the outspokenness, Ma Yuan felt the bitter cold before raising his head, even instinctively wanting to retreat.

Brushing, the other party stepped forward invisibly, and maintained such a subtle atmosphere, slowly opening, and let him see clearly the face of this unexpected person on the road, Ma Yuan realized where the fear came from.

"Brother, your talk is really strange. I rarely see people like you funny, eh?"

Elsa, the intestinal hunter, this label-like figure is close to himself, his cold body twisting, like a water snake, and Ma Yuan is unable to restrain his ultimate fear of lurking inside.

Like a demon emerging in a nightmare, once fighting in a tavern, he tried various ways and found a variety of powerful teammates to seek help, and even got help with amazing defensive props, which he thought was even more powerful. Too.

But in the end, he failed. The fateful defeats, to be precise, were tragic deaths. The other party never let them go. Even the death method surpassed the ordinary torture. The pain and shame of the split stomach. , All erupted together in my mind until his soul was completely suffocated...

"No, it's nothing, I just passed by soy sauce, we don't know."

After pretending to calm down, Ma Yuan began to admire his acting skills. Although he still looks a little lame, he can now make the most perfect response. His heartbeat and pulse sound are close to the limit.

"Of course, brother, we really haven't met each other. You are right about this, but I always like to observe others."

The elegant and glamorous turn around, if words like Yujie are not enough to interpret Elsa, she is a mad man wrapped in a delicate face and interpreting the essence of the dark body.

The fascinating appearance and even the capital as a weapon are a bit choking. After all, although her body and face are so tempting, the deterrent force that exudes in the charming smile, but almost all male creatures are afraid of it.

"Especially those people who unconsciously exude fear, your eyes are full of inexplicable hostility, although you are trying to hide, but your breath has betrayed yourself, ha ha."

The intestine hunter slowly approached on a road that was not originally narrow, but Ma Yuan felt like he was being held in a cage, witnessing his space compressed a little bit, until his fragile body and spirit were left A skeleton was squeezed in the hands of the other party, playing with it.

"Enough! There is no evidence for all this, is it? Me, I just feel unfair. A beauty like you is dressed up in such a fashion... Alluring, there must be some entanglement with some dignitaries, I just hate myself Incompetence, don't you find that I am just a poor single person?"

Ma Yuan exerted his imagination and even made the action of holding the other party in his arms. Obviously, this obscure speech worked, and even Elsa had an urge to cut off Ma Yuan's hands for a moment.

"Huh, it's really plausible, I really underestimate your eloquence, but next time it's better to pretend to be more realistic. Your posture and the position of your feet will still reveal your hostility... I have a chance to see you again, brother, I hope you can pretend to be better next time."

However, no matter how precise the disguise is, it won't be able to withstand the insight of professionals like intestinal hunters. After the afterimage flashed by, Ma Yuan found that Elsa had left with a sneer, and the air was full of her remaining fear.

Fortunately, he was just pretending to be a single dog lacking a sister. If you really move your feet here, maybe you will instantly win the color, at least people in slums are still very rare.

For a professional assassin, solving a few poor people outside of the budget will not put any burden on his employer.

"Huh... It's so dangerous. I almost died just now. It seems that this woman is psychopathic. Only lunatics really want to pursue her."

When sexiness becomes a weapon, the lethality of the cold charm makes people unable to get close, then Elsa’s beautiful face will only be an endless torture, maybe she will occasionally use the advantages of her body to act , Just to enjoy this temptation, the costs and risks are often huge.

"Well, that's Filut's house over there. It must be awkward at this point in time, after all, it's a girl's room."

Everything unknown is mysterious and exciting, but Ma Yuan does not know what kind of environment the thief girl lives in. ,, ..

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