Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 14 Chapter 35: On the eve of the transaction

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Subconsciously, Ma Yuan found that his arms were wet, and he immediately realized that Philut used him as a towel.

And the point is that the other party doesn't remember himself at all. It's like everything that happened in the log cabin has never happened, which also makes him have a psychology similar to anger.

"What, somehow provoked! Come on, now the duel is over, and see how powerful you are, somehow, hum."

With a small blush, after being exposed on the spot, the truth about drinking secretly, Firut can also be said to be angry and angry, but it seems that the smell of the wine in the house is too heavy, and even Ma Yuan is a bit up and started to be crazy with the other party. Wrestled, and watched Lord Roma shake his head for a while.

"Hey, don't mess up, you two imp, there are still people talking about things here, and your employer is about to open in Firut, let's discuss with them, how about going to the next room, I remember your client should I like being quiet, it’s an elegant woman."

After the old man separated Ma Yuan and Firut, he used their strange power to lift the two of them. At the same time, Ma Yuan also waved his limbs, and he was not a good man and a female.

Oh, what a joke, like quiet, I think he likes to kill quietly!

Of course, in order to avoid leaking all at once, and to prevent Elsa from approaching here, Ma Yuan also quickly closed his mouth and began to think about what to do next. At the same time, another group of people in the room also saw them decisively.

"Hey, isn't it being booked here, it's really disappointing, old man, my Matem is a quasi-Knight... Oh, not a formal member! If this matter is not well talked about, it will make us very Angry, I don’t think you want to offend us and the guards?"

It seems that because he rarely comes here to negotiate, the beer belly Mattem does not seem to understand how glorious the giant in front of him once had, and of course everything is just the past. Lord Roma took a deep breath and ignored the stupidity of the other party. Said with a strong temper.

"Ah, I'm really sorry. The old man actually wants to avoid this situation, but let them have some time to discuss. Now the old man is more concerned about this child's transaction. If you think the time is not suitable, you can come back at any time. This is in the face of Larque."

Lord Roma seems to be a little angry, and his red face makes the Asian swordsmen a little timid. After all, he is a person who deeply understands the strength of the other party. Now even a little bit of friction can bring this famous Asian to a great deal. Trouble.

"Forget it, forget it, it's your luck today! Mattem, but I'm trusting the talented person to find such a suitable place, and you don't think that this is just an ordinary selling point, hum, don't look at it Do you think the general surroundings can be digested?"

There were sweat beads flowing on his forehead. This time Lalque seemed to be more timid. Of course, Ma Yuan knew that the other party might be thinking from a certain standpoint. The last time he had his own joining, he enhanced the cards and strength in a sense. Even black scars may come at any time for reinforcements.

Only this time, looking at the darkened scars on Lalque’s face, it must have been an accident for the tall mercenary. He must have gone violently by accident, or he couldn’t control his side at the hotel. The greedy month has led to a drastic change in the style of the Asian swordsman today.

"Huh, this is a dragon treasure, Larque, don’t say I didn’t give you a chance. Since you Asians can’t get it back, don’t say anything stupid to the original owner in the future. Be clear about your situation, otherwise you think conflict really breaks out, will the guards favor you, the Asians, hum."

With a contemptuous smile, as an accidental figure, it is also a trivial stranger, but Mattem's play is extremely high, especially the shield placed next to him, once again gave Ma Yuan great inspiration.

Yup! Since the mercenary ability around this straw bag is still passable, and I like to shine and show off my baby, there can be no other good things in my body?

"Well, you turned out to be a customer. Forget it, so I don't care about what you just did. I have always been fair. I definitely don't count on some minor things that hurt me."

At the same time, Firut's voice also caused Ma Yuan to look away. The two were placed at the table by Lord Roma, as if the two children had negotiated after fighting and admitting the mistake, but the content was more realistic.

"Hey, what are you dumb, tell me quickly, how do you know that I have that thing on you, you are enough to surprise me, obviously it is just a very ordinary waste wood."

"Shut up! Firut needs to be polite to guests, even if it seems obvious, let's be a little more subtle!"

Lord Roma cast an apologetic glance at Ma Yuan, but this remark made him cry, but fortunately, he finally got to the point, but the price was a bottle of sake.

It was just this time that Larque did not share it. From the standpoint of increasing reputation and continuing to unlock various rewards, I was really lost.

"Well, let's get started... Actually very short answer. I want to buy this badge on your hand. As for the cost, I will trouble you to identify it. This is a rare magic guide in my hand, although It may be more difficult to produce and repair it, but it also enhances the preciousness."

"What, obviously you offered to trade. Why did you have a heartbroken expression. My employer is very generous. Don't delay our time if the poor ghost!"

Firut pulled out his dagger again, and approached Ma Yuan ferociously, but judging from the degree of ruddyness on his cheeks, it seemed that 9 out of 10 were also concerned about the series of incidents of eating tofu just now, especially when he was laughed at as an airport. It's just letting little loli run away instantly!

"Uh, I just..."

He handed it to Lord Roma’s mobile phone, and Ma Yuan was also very embarrassed. In fact, he was just distressed that a bottle of wine did not play its most useful role. He was a blank memory again, everything started from scratch.

"Well, the old man rarely sees this type of magic guide. Yes, the reason why the magic guide is so precious is that it can enable humans who cannot open the magic door to get the power comparable to the magician, and what you show is just one. A very practical function.",,...

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