Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 14 Chapter 37: Foreign visitors

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"Alas, it's really pitiful. For your cooperation, I will give you ten holy gold coins. Of course, if you want, it's okay to add one or two. We have a fair price."

Seeing that Matem didn't have time to take the gold coins from the table, Ma Yuan quickly threw his hands away and returned the other party's words intact, even the gloomy Lalquay laughed rarely.

"Hahahaha! You are so good to me. There are very few human beings that are so kind. I've made up your friend!"

The Asian swordsman only reflected the clarity and horror of the other party's thoughts. Ma Yuan didn't have much time to think, but he easily solved the problems of the human knight interlockingly. Even Lord Roman shook his head and lamented that the times have changed.

"The old man also looked at each other a bit, but he still got to the point. Now I don’t know what you are looking for in Firut. There are many goods on the old man’s side that you can choose, but you have to be faster in time. ."

The old man of the giant gradually suppressed the situation with one look. As the anesthetic effect of alcohol gradually subsided, Lord Roma really showed the strength of being a brave man. The knights and mercenaries in the aura of gas had already been deserted. Escaped.

And Lord Roma proposed that Ma Yuan re-select the goods. It is also justifiable. After all, the badge is not a small one. As a black market dealer here, he naturally understands the danger of buying stolen goods.

What's more, this item is still being targeted by intestinal hunters.

Brush, but everyone watched Mattem and others laugh out of the door, only Ma Yuan showed a trace of worry, and indeed any detail may change the plot.

Now Emilia and the bowel hunter are about to make their debut. The order problem is too much for them to eat. The most terrible thing is that it offends the trainee knight this time. It may not be a good thing.

"What's wrong, the expression is so weird, you look so ugly with your sad face! Let me help you refer to it now. I can get whatever I want, but now I get it at no cost. , It's a lot of money."

Lalque's eyes are full of golden light. Obviously, the market price of Devil Dragon Treasure is not low. Although it is an Asian-only treasure, the existence of the black market makes everything possible.

Lord Roma and others are not surprised, they themselves are people who survive on the law of darkness.

"Always feel that something strange will happen."

Ma Yuan saw the atmosphere relaxed, even the Asian swordsmen had to call themselves brothers and brothers, instinctively relaxed and asked the thief girl details.

"Forget it, Philut, it really matters. I'm not kidding you. I did plan to buy the badge in your hand just now. It should be the thing you were stolen from. I know. It’s not really your fault, but the victim’s words..."


However, it seems that Le Ji was sad, despite confirming the content of the information, despite the optimism and appraisal of Lord Roma, Ma Yuan still made an ultimate mistake.

"What, you shouldn't know how this happened, it's about to die, what kind of victim are you kidding, buddy, there is no rule in this world, it's propagated by the kind of knightly justice If it does, it will be beaten badly."

"Yes, the old man personally thinks that Larque made sense, brother, you are a bit off the bottom line."

The two Asians nodded again and again, seemingly guessing that the storm was coming, and even had plans to continue drinking and escaping on the spot.

"So, all this is true."

With a cold gaze, Firut was already suspicious, and now he was inspired by Lord Roma and others, and finally realized that Ma Yuan was really not an ordinary customer.

"How to say, if this kind of thing is changed to someone else, I will definitely get angry. After all, we also have our own rules. It’s ridiculous for people to show courage or promote the so-called justice. If there is absolute justice, there will be no such thing. Me and I are here, Ma Yuan, you are really naive, I am so disappointed."

The lights are a little subtle, and now Filute is so brilliant after sobering. Instead, the horse is like a child who made mistakes. He gradually saw a lot of truths because of his actions. His childishness, innocence, and everything appeared in front of you.

"So, is the transaction a failure, Firut, in fact, you misunderstood this thing..."

"Shut up, I hate the people of mother-in-law, really. If it is not for the sake of the incident just now, why should I know someone like you, it is too hypocritical."

The atmosphere became more embarrassing, as if everything made Ma Yuan feel like a needle felt, but a sudden object appeared in the hand. The symbol representing a special meaning, the shining badge actually became the thing in Ma Yuan's hands.

"You, what does this mean... I don't understand, is it just to humiliate me, in fact, even if the transaction can't be completed, it's okay, I don't have to take it away, but I can't explain many things, maybe you also Unintelligible."

Ma Yuan was a little surprised, and she became a giftee somehow. At this time, both Asians started laughing with glasses of wine. The quick-responsive Lalque swept Ma Yuan with his tail and said angrily.

"Idiot, hurry up and take out your magic weapon now, don't you want to exchange it for black and black, it's so stupid, how could I want to be friends with people like you... Come! Cheers, Lord Roma ."

"Cheers, the little brother's wine is really good, but unfortunately there are too few, you can drink it in one bite!"

The two drunkards began to party alone, and the noisy and shabby selling point seemed to have a touch of tenderness.

"What a daze, really, I don't know who is so lucky, there are still people who will help find the lost property. There are really not many idiots like you on the mainland."

Ma Yuan looked at Filut, who was staring at him with arrogance, only to realize that he seemed to have unconsciously attacked the other party, so that the lucky balance would tilt himself like this.

"Thank you, although it is really not suitable, but I just want to return a favor, so that I can..."

As if the moment of destiny came, the wooden door outside the house was suddenly pushed open, and the half of the exposed light was not yet dusk. Ma Yuan remembered that he was not the time point of the previous adventures, but this time the uninvited guest would be Who?

If someone who trembles when he hears his name, is a dark person who likes to taste the intestines and the deliciousness of blood, I am afraid that Ma Yuan should not hold the badge in his hand, and escape is the first priority!

It's just that there are friends who care about him. The two Asians are drinking and having fun in laughter and laughter. Although they know that they will also lose memory when they read the file again, they can face up and throw away their friends and run away. Ma Yuanshi can't do it. This is the case.


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