Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 14 Chapter 42: Forgotten sword

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Uh! The cruelest thing is that the main combatant, Lord Roma, was also stabbed several times in a wave. Because of the potion, the bowel hunter is more lethal than the original, and the speed is also amazing. There is no way to catch.

"Damn, in this case... I have a way to find the secret passage, but the giant must not be able to cross it. This little girl should be able to. As for your words, it is enough to choke."

Seeing the battle nearing its end, Lord Roma was almost dragging his body, blocking the opponent's footsteps again and again.

bump! The frequency of giant stick attacks is also not to be underestimated, but the power of the bowel hunter has also reached a kind of extreme under the endowment of the potion. The rotation of the peak perfectly avoids the hammer attack.

"Hurry up, leave here quickly... there is an old man, and if you can support it for a period of time, you must take Feirut safely."

The vision gradually began to blur, but the old man of the giant firmly embraced each other’s legs, and the slender figure also showed imperfect blood marks, but the bowel hunter just smiled, and instantly jumped up and gave his body. With the rapid swing of Lord Roma's arms.

what! ! The old shouting was biased towards silence, but it hurt the hearts of countless people, especially when Ma Yuan saw this picture, he even felt that some fragile sides in his heart were awakened.

Sure enough, I still can't do it, I can't leave the important people around me and leave, even if the price is to feel the pain of being hunted by the hunting field again.

"Me, I want to stay with Ma Yuan! And Lord Roma, if he can't leave, I won't let this vicious woman go!"

"Me too. Before Parker can be summoned again, I will try my best to protect everyone. Don't worry."

Firut and Emilia stood side by side, and they rarely stood in the same position, but the Lizardman swordsman became more and more headaches. I didn’t know how to choose this difficult situation. Of course, he could have slipped away. It was just for Ma Yuan. Appreciation is indeed more than just talking.

"Relax, leaving is by no means the most wrong choice now, at least for you, Larqui, go find your friend, I think he should be able to recover now, as long as the medicine is used, the critical moment Don’t question the power of magic and alchemy."

"Understood, you have to protect yourself..."

Ma Yuan calmly told Larque to leave first, and at the same time his thoughts also made Firut and Emilia extremely puzzled.

After all, the average person would definitely want to move in to rescue soldiers and strong foreign aid, but Ma Ma actually let the Asians look for their mercenary friends who may be out of control, instead of Rhein Harut, it is indeed unreasonable.

At the same time, with regard to the beliefs and habits of the Asians, Ma Yuan judged that the other party trusted the force more than magic. The reason why Black Scar was tortured by cursed power is now that it is also believed that the medicine produced by magic and alchemy is heresy. Willing to take it.

"So, is it really good?"

Firut looked at the distant Asians, and the smoke of battle reappeared in front of him. The intestinal hunter finally cut the inferior figure that Lord Roma tortured again and again, and the whole process was regarded as Emilia’s magic. No interference can take effect.

"Unfortunately, my cloak is immune to some ordinary magic, little sister. Now that your elf can't summon, obediently ask me to open your intestines, the elf's body, I really have never encountered What about..."

Seeing that the old man of the giant almost lost his fighting ability, the situation returned to the original appearance, but the thief girl and elf girl had lost their confidence and fighting spirit at this time, watching Elsa approaching in fear, but unable to do it. There were too many reactions.


Ma Yuan understands that the two women around him have basically lost their confidence in fighting. After all, the intestinal hunter is much more terrifying than the original plot. It can make Lalquay, a lizard blood potion that the Asians are afraid of, visible. The subject must be a powerful Amya.

In this case, he can only grasp the few important props in the field that can reverse the defeat.

"Just now, he wouldn't take away the shield just now, it's abominable... this stingy Asian is just too tasteless!"

There was a mess around, but the tower shield was taken away by Larque in a mess. This was not expected by Ma Yuan. Sure enough, even the defensive tactics could not take effect?

Da Da, but at the moment when the bow hunter deliberately waited to mock him, Ma Yuan also caught a key item in his eyes, and suddenly showed a knowing smile.

"This daredevil was really careless enough, and even his own guy was left behind."

The dusty hilt, so lying quietly among the wood chips and debris, maybe Ma Yuan himself could not judge whether it was the opportunity that Larque deliberately left himself. In short, he had waited for a long time at this moment, Try to use your own strength to resist the BOSS of this chapter!


Elsa stopped walking and looked at the equipment in Ma Yuan's hands with interest, like looking at her spoils. After all, the object of her murder, of course, can be completely converted.

This is also the reason why many assassins are rich in the enemy's country. Searching for the wealth of the deceased, the harvest is always unpredictable and rich!

"Yes, my true identity is actually a swordsman. Although there is no prominent origin, this sword is not ordinary, it is..."

Brushing, wiped off dust and debris, and shining in his hand for a moment, Ma Yuan held the hilt as much as possible. When the grip of the hands and the will of the body agreed with the gem on the hilt, almost Everyone saw the dazzling light at that moment.

"A magic weapon!"

Hey, Elsa, a sword strike near the speed of light, did not expect that Ma Yuan not only did not give up resistance, but even possessed such a good swordsmanship, which was psychologically transformed into a weaker side.

Of course, the reversal is only instantaneous, and soon the sound of the collision of the blades came, and the intestinal hunter gradually discovered the truth. This is indeed a good magic long sword, but the holder Ma Yuan is not a swordsmanship. Thoroughly superb veteran.

"Your skills are not enough for me to exert my full strength. Brother, if you work harder, you may still be able to see hope, but in the end you will still be desperate, because no one can slip away from under my eyes. I said, as long as it’s my prey, the ending will always be the same..."

The intestinal hunter with a strong facial expression talent constantly twists his face, and at the same time the feathers around the body are also gorgeously set off. After taking off her coat, her figure looks so perfect and tempting, even if she accidentally takes a look , Ma feels that his heart has been greatly impacted.

"Hey! What are you looking at, your nose is bleeding? Really, are you really fighting seriously!"

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