Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 15 Chapter 56: reconciliation

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Seeing that the fifteen people all nodded, the cabinet leader led the fifteen elders down the mountain.

Two quarters later, a group of sixteen people arrived at the foot of the mountain and saw that the two gangs were facing each other. There were about 100,000 people in Yixuan Pavilion on one side, and about 50,000 people on the other.

However, the patriarch dare not underestimate the 50,000 people of this Ming religion. Everyone in the rivers and lakes knows that all the members of the Ming religion are all in the rivers and lakes. Everyone can martial arts, even if the martial arts are not high, then it is not possible to be a soldier. Than.

Moreover, Mingjiao is also good at gossip and five elements, and Mingjiao people are using several formations created by gossip and five elements. These formations are well-known in the world and are known to all people in the world.

In addition, the Mingjiao people, in addition to this formation, had a fierce battle between 50,000 and 100,000 people, and it was not necessarily true that anyone would win, so the cabinet leader did not dare to act rashly.

The people of Yixuan Pavilion saw that their pavilion master had come, but they made a way for them to walk.

The patriarch led 15 elders, walked across, and walked in front of everyone in Yixuan Pavilion, and said aloud: "I am the pavilion of Yixuan Pavilion. Which one of Mingjiao came here?"

After listening to the Ming dynasty, everyone stood up and said aloud, "I am the Ming Zuoguang left envoy, Yang Xiao, what are you waiting for here?"

After listening to the Pavilion, not only did he whisper and stalk secretly, you specifically surrounded us Yixuan Pavilion, but also asked us what we did, if we went out and forgot to take medicine.

However, even though the cabinet master thought so, he dared not speak out.

The patriarch could only say: "Oh, it turned out to be the bright left envoy of Mingjiao, then what is the meaning of Yang Zuoyan, I don't know if you all the people of Mingjiao came to surround me on the hilltop of Yixuan Pavilion?"

Yang Xiao smiled, and then said, "It's okay. I taught everyone that I want to exercise. I just pulled them out and walked around. It's really embarrassing. I don't know the hilltop of Yixuan Pavilion."

After listening to the Pavilion Master, he was speechless, and he still did some exercise. He pulled it out and walked out. He didn’t know it was Yixuan Pavilion, what do you know? Do I have to come to Yixuan Pavilion to exercise?

The patriarch even said, "Then I don't know. Yang Zuozi now knows, can I change a mountain and exercise?"

After listening to it, Yang Xiao shook his head, and then he said, "I'm sorry, Patriarch. This is the hilltop we chose to teach. Let us exercise. I have no right to take them away. I also hope that Patriarch Lord Haihan. "

After the Patriarch heard it, he secretly gritted his teeth, and wished to eat Yang Xiao unhealthy. However, he could not show it. The Patriarch could endure hard work, but there was no way but to endure.

The patriarch looked back at the fifteen elders behind him and saw that the elders were all with their heads down and a pensive look. They didn't know what to think about.

The pavilion sighed inwardly and secretly said: "It seems that I can only rely on myself. Yixuan Pavilion was built by me. I don't want to leave this family business like this, see if I can reconcile, Even if you pay a small price, it is not unbearable, it can only be so for your own foundation."

The patriarch immediately said, "Envoy Yang Zuo, let's open the skylight to speak brightly. I know that you came here to teach me, just to destroy my Yixuan Pavilion. I want to know if there is any possibility of reconciliation."

After listening to it, Yang Xiao smiled slightly, and then said, "Want to know? OK, but I can't be the Lord. Wait until our teacher comes to you and tell him."

After listening to the Pavilion Master, he asked in doubt: "When will your leader come?"

After Yang Xiao heard it, his face sank, and he even said, "Our leader, besieged by your 100,000 people in Yixuan Pavilion for more than two hours. Now you ask me when I can come? Do you have no points in your heart? "

It was also shocked to see the patriarch. After all, no one told him that the Mingjiao leader was besieged by 100,000 people. For more than two hours, he only knew that the people they dealt with in Yixuan Pavilion were Mingjiao leaders.

I really don’t know, the leader of Mingjiao was actually besieged by 100,000 people, and the patriarch’s heart was secretly uttered. He was besieged by 100,000 people and insisted on more than two hours. At this time, how high the martial arts can do. Dao.

The Patriarch knew that even if it was just this, he knew that he was not an opponent of the Mingjiao leader, and he was secretly ruthless to the Wang steward who provoked Daomayuan. He knew that if that Wang steward was now in front of him , I am afraid he will not be able to bear it, directly is a violent murder.

Even if the man is his steward of Yi Xuan Pavilion, then it is also necessary to kill. For the sake of Yi Xuan Pavilion, he provoked for a reason that it can easily destroy the existence of Yi Xuan Pavilion. To what extent is that Wang Steward's stupidity?

Before annoying people, don’t you know who is investigating the identity of the person, only knowing the offended person, this kind of person is also dead, if today, he Yi Xuange can survive the surviving, must stop this happening, if who is outside Provoking right and wrong, nothing, just a word, "kill"

Killing, daring to provoke all the right and wrong, all the lords really don’t believe it. He Yixuange does not provoke right and wrong. Is it possible that he can still find the door by himself, the world is bigger than their Yixuange, only a handful, but that Wang steward You have to provoke a behemoth, you said he should not die, I am afraid I can't say anything other than that.

When the patriarch thought of this, he even said, "Then I don't know, what is the injury of the Mingjiao Patriarch? I have a good golden sore medicine in Yixuan Pavilion."

Yang Xiao smiled coldly. Then he said, "No, our teacher did not suffer any trauma and no gold sores."

After listening to the Pavilion Master, for a moment, there was no trauma, that is, the internal injury was chanting, and the Pavilion Master even said, "The Mingjiao leader has suffered an internal injury. We Yixuan Pavilion also have good internal wound medicine."

After listening, Yang Xiao glanced at the patriarch, and then said, "No, our tutor has not been injured, internal injuries and external injuries have not suffered. Your kindness, I have the heart, but if we want to let us back, we still have to wait for us The leader can only deal with it. Maybe our leader is in a good mood, just let you go."

After listening to the cabinet, he asked cautiously: "Yang Zuoshen, I wonder if you can tell me, when can the Mingjiao leader come?"

After listening to it, Yang Xiao glanced at the patriarch and said, "I don't know, but I can tell you that our leader is dealing with that king butler, and after dealing with that king butler, the leader may be in a good mood, but directly Let me wait back, so please ask for more happiness."

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