Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 15 Chapter 62: Royal castle

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After Ma Yuan finished speaking, he bowed.

After seeing all the people of Mingjiao, they shouted loudly: "Master, don't use it, how can I wait for him, but let the master bow for me."

After Ma Yuan heard it, he even said, "This is what I owe to the big guy, and my Ma Yuan is not so expensive. You guys are injured for me, what happened to my bow, I feel I haven't done enough. "

After listening to it, the Mingjiao shouted: "The leader, enough, really enough, we are all voluntary, and the leader does not have to be sad."

After Ma Yuan heard it, he shouted loudly: "Brothers, I can have your brothers, even if Ma Yuan is dead, I have no regrets."

After hearing the words from Ma Yuan, all Mingjiao people knelt on one knee and shouted: "The leader, even if it is dead, I will inevitably die in front of the leader. I will wait for the leader to bow down and die. Yes, up the Knife Hill, down the oil pan, even if I frown, I will be shameful to the leader."

After Ma Yuan heard it, he waved his hand, and even said, "All brothers, please hurry up, don't say that, I all work hard for the development of Mingjiao. Pot, it's not that serious."

After the Mingjiao people listened, they all stood up. At this time, Ma Yuan continued to say: "Dear leaders, please come to Yi Xuantang's hall to discuss things. I have important things to discuss with you."

After listening to the leaders of the Ming Dynasty, they all followed Ma Yuan and walked to the main hall of Yi Xuan Tang. Ma Yuan sat on top of the main hall of Yi Xuan Tang and looked at more than 300 people below.

Ma Yuansui even said: "Let's sit down first, Yixuan Tangzhu, what's your name?"

Yi Xuantang said, "Master, my name is Yi Xuanfei."

After listening to it, Ma Yuan nodded and said, "You find the reliable leader of Yi Xuantang, call them in the hall."

After listening to it, Yi Xuanfei nodded his head. After a few moments, he brought more than ten people into the hall. Ma Yuan pointed to the chair and motioned them to sit down.

More than ten of them took a punch and did not speak, but sat down.

Ma Yuan asked Yang Xiao: "Is everyone here?"

Yang Xiao stood and checked wherever he went, and then even said, "Godmaster, we are here, everyone is not bad, and everyone who can come is here."

After Ma Yuan heard it, he nodded with satisfaction, and then even said, "I am looking for brothers today, I just want to announce something. Of course, I just want to disclose a little. For details, I still have to wait for me to finish my job. Things, come back and say."

After scanning the crowd, Ma Yuan continued to say: "My Mingjiao began to recruit people today. My Mingjiao's territory is too small. When the manpower is enough, it is time for my Mingjiao to rise."

After listening to it, Yang Xiao asked Ma Yuan: "Master, during this time, I have taught Guangmingding to fully support the recruitment of all resident locations."

Ma Yuan nodded and said, "Yes, although we are recruiting, we must be careful, don't be gangsters, and you must check your identity. If you have no family at home, don't."

After listening to the leaders of the Ming sect, they said in unison: "Yes, the leader."

After Ma Yuan heard it, he stood up and said aloud, "Okay, that's it. After ten days, Yang Zuo asked you to summon all the leaders to Yi Xuan Tang to discuss things. I have something to announce."

After listening to it, Yang Xiao asked, "Master, can you tell me something?"

Ma Yuan looked at Yang Xiao, thought about it, and even lying in Yang Xiao's ear, said softly: "I want to establish my own empire."

Yang Xiao looked shocked. Yang Xiao looked at Ma Yuan. When Ma Yuan nodded at him, Yang Xiao slowly put away the shock in his face.

Yang Xiao was still full of shock. Ma Yuan actually said that he wanted to build his own empire. This really scared him. Yang Xiao looked at Ma Yuan and stopped talking.

Ma Yuan looked at Yang Xiao, and when he saw what he wanted to say, but he dare not say it, he smiled.

Then he said, "Envoy Yang Zuo, what do you want to say, just say it."

After listening to it, Yang Xiao leaned over and whispered in the ear of Ma Yuan: "Master, are we going to overthrow Song?"

After Ma Yuan heard it, he shook his head, leaned over and whispered in Yang Xiao's ear: "We are just standing on our own door, not trying to usurp the throne. Wait ten days to talk carefully."

After Yang Xiao heard it, he nodded with a clear expression.

Ma Yuan saw that Yang Xiao understood, and even said, "Okay, let's find a place for ourselves. You can take 10 days on the mountain, or you can find a place to stay for 10 days. Of course, my Mingjiao brothers will go first. Go back, the deputy host of each station can leave ten people around, and the rest let them go back to the station."

After thinking about it, Ma Yuan said to Yang Xiao, "Yang Zuozhen, you told all the Mingjiao brothers who didn't arrive, so that they didn't have to lead the army, let the deputy host follow ten people, and the rest were all Let them go back to their place."

After listening, Yang Xiao nodded and said, "Okay, Master, I will let the pigeons inform them."

Ma Yuan nodded, and even said, "The big guys are all gone. I still have something to do. I will go first. I will let Yang Zuoshi arrange everyone. I'm really sorry for everyone."

After listening, everyone said, "Yes, the leader."

After Ma Yuan saw him, he walked out of the hall, beckoned, and came over, and Ma Yuan said to the man who came over, "You told Yang Zuoshi that you said I had something to go, let me go and let him arrange Good brothers."

The man said, "Yes, the leader."

Ma Yuan nodded, and went to the stable to find a horse. Ma Yuan turned his horse and looked at the map, and went to the Mongolian city. Yesterday Ma Yuan sent someone to find a map, and the horse Today, I went directly to Mongolia and Wangcheng.

There was no talk all the way. After dusk, Ma Yuan arrived at a city called Qingcheng. Ma Yuan found a restaurant in the city and stayed.

On the second day, just after dawn, Ma Yuan went on to Mongolia and Wangcheng.

Two days later, Ma Yuan looked at the royal city in front of him and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. This was much more beautiful than the buildings in modern times.

Ma Yuan dismounted, led the horse, and walked into the Wangcheng. Looking at the Wangcheng, he could not help but sigh. Many people in the rivers and lakes were waiting for a murderous body. It seems that Mongolia is not a simple place.

Ma Yuan led the horse in the Wangcheng, and found the Riyue Restaurant. Ma Yuan looked at the plaque at the door. The big four characters were printed on it, ‘Riyue Restaurant’.

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