Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 15 Chapter 70: Get it done

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When the worshiper walked from the hall to the room where Battle lived, he saw a headless corpse. The worshiper's footsteps paused, and he walked to the side of the head. One direction, rushed towards myself.

When he saw the face of this head, he was also taken aback, although he said he had already prepared in his heart, but when he saw that Battle was really dead, he was a little uneasy.

The worshiper shook his head, but walked out of the room and out of the room. When the Prime Minister looked at him with hot eyes, he couldn't help but shook his head, and even bowed his head to the side.

When the prime minister saw the offering and shook his head, he knew that the scene he didn't want to see the most appeared. The prime minister couldn't help but see his eyes dark, and his body fell backwards.

One of the enemies, who had a quick eye, was holding up the prime minister. He just wanted to comfort the prime minister. When he thought that the prime minister had passed out, the worshiper knew that the prime minister might not be able to bear the blow of the white-haired man to the black-haired man. , This is the coma directly.

The worshiper shook the prime minister with his hand and saw that the prime minister had no reaction, so he shook while shaking: "Prime Minister, Prime Minister, wake up, wake up quickly."

However, the prime minister still didn't have any reaction. After seeing this offering, he shook his head involuntarily, so he operated his internal force and clicked a few acupuncture points on the prime minister. Then the prime minister woke up.

When the prime minister saw that the prime minister woke up, he let go of his hand. Then the prime minister suddenly shouted: "My son, what the **** are you doing, you were assassinated to death."

The prime minister shouted and cried, and the entourage around him shook his head in secret. One person stepped forward and said, "Prime minister, mourning and surrender, now our most important thing is to clean up the master's body first."

When the prime minister heard it, too, he stopped crying, but walked steadily at the pace, inside Battle's room.

When the prime minister entered the room, he saw the headless corpse in the room. The prime minister looked for the head of the corpse. Upon seeing it, it was the body of his son, Battle, and he couldn't help it. It was crying.

The prime minister shouted: "My son, blame dad, if dad is not so spoiling you, so indulgent to you, I'm afraid you won't get to this point."

The prime minister did not know whether he had come to assassinate him, whether he was here to seek revenge, or whether Battle would offend people outside.

The prime minister held Battle’s head and wept bitterly, but the priests all stood aside and dared not speak.

After a moment, the prime minister adjusted his emotions, wiped his tears with his hand, and stood up holding the head of Battle, and then said, "Death to death, and take away the corpse of the young master."

One of the offerings agreed to go out and arrange the matter.

After seeing the offerings, the Prime Minister looked at the person who had spoken before, and said in a cold voice: "You take my token, go to the city gate, and tell them that you can't let anyone out of the city. I'll see if this assassin is here. How clever, can I stop my Mongolian army."

After listening, the man led his life away, and at this time, a group of soldiers also came outside.

When the prime minister met, he directly said, "Come here, go and prepare the carriage for me, and I will enter the palace."

One person led away.

A moment later, the prime minister went directly into the carriage and slowly walked towards the palace.

Half an hour later, the prime minister knelt down in Yushufang and said loudly to the Mongolian big man: "Da Han, my son, he died so badly, I came to beg the big man, I must help me catch the assassin, or else, The veteran is dead, and he is not willing to die."

Just now the prime minister was at peace, the big man explained the situation, and the big man also knew, all the things.

The big man sitting in Yushufang glanced at the prime minister softly, and then even said, "I am accurate, after all, Battle is also me, knowing to be a son, it is impossible for him to die so vainly, it must be Catch the assassin, so bold, dare to stab in my king city, I think he is really impatient."

Kneeling on the ground, the Prime Minister quickly knocked a few heads to the big man after hearing it, and then said, "Thank you, big man, and big man."|

The big man smiled and said, "Prince, you can leave with confidence. I will tell the guards in the palace and the city guards in the city to help you catch the assassin. You can rest assured. "

After hearing the prime minister, he knocked a few more heads, and then said, "Thank you, Dahan, the old minister retired."

After listening, the big man did not answer, but just waved his hand, and the prime minister retired when he saw it.

After the prime minister left, the big man directly directed the **** at the side and said: "Go, I just talked to the prime minister. You have heard it. You can give a command."

The **** nodded and promised to say something.


After Ma Yuan killed one person in a palm, the surrounding soldiers saw that Ma Yuan slaughtered the offerings of their prime minister's house, and they all dared not step forward.

And they have no commander, they just surrounded Mayuan instead of going up.

When Ma Yuan saw this, he shouted directly: "You can't get on, but I can't go without it."

After Ma Yuan finished speaking, he carried the woman directly and walked forward. The soldiers around him didn't dare to stop Ma Yuan, they just let Ma Yuan go, and they didn't dare to stand here .

He chased Ma Yuan and shouted, "Catch the assassin."

When Ma Yuan saw that they were following him, he did not turn back to deal with them. Instead, he went directly to the nearest place, found a wall and jumped out.

After Ma Yuan jumped out of the Prime Minister's House, he directly identified the direction, and then headed towards the Sun Moon Pub.

The two were speechless all the way. When Ma Yuan's courtyard fell behind, Ma Yuan directly took off his face towel, and then pulled up his clothes.

Ma Yuan asked the woman while undressing, "What's your name?"

After listening, the woman replied, "Engong, my name is Xin Mudie."

After Ma Yuan heard it, he even said, "Don't always call me Eun Gong, just call me Ma Yuan, or Ma Gongzi. You can call him Master."

After hearing Xin Mudie, he said, "Okay, young master."

After Ma Yuan heard it, he smiled and said, "You said to serve me, the character entered quite quickly."

After hearing Xin Mudie, he smiled happily and then replied: "That is of course, I will talk to you."

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