Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 15 Chapter 75: Memories

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After listening to it, Ma Yuan couldn't help but twitched his corner of his mouth, and then he said, "Go, someone as handsome as me, that's because you have no vision, you can't see it, how devastating my handsome is. ."

After Xin Mudie listened, he couldn't help but giggled Ma Yuan, and then said, "Yes, yes, my young master is very handsome, it is rare in the world."|

After Ma Yuan heard it, he nodded seriously, and even said, "You have a vision."

After hearing Xin Mudie, he hummed twice and stopped talking.

Ma Yuan saw that Xin Mudie stopped talking, and even said to the shopkeeper's opening: "You give us a place to live, just find one in the restaurant, and you will find a good place for us later. Afterwards, you have to go to the government office to report to the office. You said that you saw the woman on the notice at your restaurant. Last night, when the officers and soldiers searched, one of the officers and soldiers saw her. Although she doesn’t know why I don’t know why Officers and soldiers come, but if they wait for the officers and soldiers to come, I think, you can’t run away, the government will definitely blame you."

After listening to the shopkeeper, he said without hesitation: "Well, Master, but how can I prove that I have not lied? You have to give me some evidence, otherwise the officers and soldiers will see nothing here, I am afraid that they will be punished with me. ."

After Ma Yuan listened, he pondered for a moment, and then even said, "Mo Die, what did you change yesterday?"

Xin Mudie didn't think about it, and even said, "Under the bed, what's wrong?"

After Ma Yuan heard it, he smiled and said, "Look, isn't this evidence? And there should be some blood stains on Mudie's clothes. I'll put that under the bed for a while. It shows a corner, so that there is no problem, and the remaining details and the like, I think you should be able to solve it."

After listening to the shopkeeper, he nodded and said, "Well, Master, then you come with me first, I will find a place for you to live."

After Ma Yuan heard it, he nodded and did not speak. Upon seeing the manager, he led the two out of the room.

The shopkeeper stood in the yard and asked Ma Yuan: "Master, I remember that the yard opposite is unoccupied. If you don't go, you can see the situation of the yard. It's also very convenient. of."

After Ma Yuan heard it, he looked at Xin Mudie and saw that Xin Mudie spread his hands. He knew that Xin Mudie didn't want to live there.

Ma Yuan pouted, and then even said, "Well, let's live where we are."

After listening to the shopkeeper, he immediately said, "Then, where do you go first, I will get the key first."

Ma Yuan nodded, and when the shopkeeper saw it, he went straight away. When Ma Yuan saw the shopkeeper gone, he walked towards the opposite courtyard with Xin Mudie.

While walking, while talking to Xin Mudie, Ma Yuan asked: "Modie, I want to ask you a few things, don't you know?"

When Xin Mudie heard Ma Yuan talking to him, she couldn't help but ask: "My grand prince, what do you want to ask, ask, slaves will all answer you."

After Ma Yuan heard it, he immediately said, "Modie, don't talk like that in the future, I listen to the strange and uncomfortable, what slaves are not slaves, from now on, we are friends, not the relationship between superiors and subordinates. ?"

After hearing Xin Mudie, he nodded involuntarily. His beautiful big eyes kept looking at Ma Yuan.

Ma Yuan was seen by her, and she didn't know how it was going, so she said, "What are you looking at? Keep staring at me."

After hearing Xin Mudie, he giggled and said, "What's wrong, don't people touch you? From bottom to top, there is no friend yet, you are my first friend, I Of course I have to look at you more. I want to remember you. I’m afraid I will forget you if I accidentally do it in the future."

After Ma Yuan heard it, he couldn't help feeling sad for Xin Mudie, and he even said, "It's okay, you will be with me in the future, and I won't leave you. You can watch whenever you want."

After hearing Xin Mudie's eyes, his eyes lit up, and then he said, "Really?"

Ma Yuan vomited a little, and then even said, "Really, it's more real than real money."

After hearing Xin Mudie, he nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll make you a friend, yes, you have to ask me what, please ask."

After listening to it, Ma Yuan nodded with a smile, then even said, "I want to ask, how can you be a maidservant in the prime minister's office?"

Xin Mudie listened to Ma Yuan asking this question, and immediately felt a little bit sad. Then she said, "I was young, because I had no money at home, I was sold by my parents to the prime minister's house, and I exchanged three or two silver coins. After that, I was always a little maid in the prime minister’s office, but when I grew up, I was more beautiful every day. That Battle was staring at me. He came to me every day to care about me, but I know He was just a beast, so I didn’t follow him. I thought, he became impatient every day, and then, that night, he forcibly caught me in his room and wanted me to serve him. I didn’t promise him, and he wasn’t annoyed. He saw that I wouldn’t serve him, so he wanted to come up on his own. Of course, I didn’t allow it. I was struggling. At this time, he stopped and said, “If you are struggling, I will It makes you more uncomfortable than death, and you don’t think about self-death, even if you do, I will play with your body. After I heard it, I also know that Battle said, not fake, and I was not tortured by him , I’m ready, the moment he enters my body, I will kick his life, kick it, and then commit suicide, but I know, like now, I must be unsuccessful, so, I He no longer resisted, but left him to take off my clothes. After he took off my clothes, he was exposed to the evil light, and he took off his own clothes, but he just took off his outside clothes. When there was only one underwear left, I heard a shout of killing from outside, and some people called an assassin. Then he hurriedly put on his clothes and went out to look at it. I know it, so I don’t need to elaborate?"

After Ma Yuan listened, he looked at her with sorrow, hugged her with his arm, and then said, "Mo Die, it's really hard for you, but rest assured, no such thing will happen in the future." "",,..

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