Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 15 Chapter 87: intend

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"And I just joined Mingjiao, and there are still many things that need to be handed over to Guangming Ding, which all need me, so I can't live without it now." Yi Xuantang said.

After Ma Yuan heard it, he nodded, and looked at the Heaven, Earth, Wind Thunder and the Five Elements Banner, and then asked, "Nine of you know what we are going to do?"

Nine people glanced at each other and then said, "Please ask the Lord to express."

After listening to Ma Yuan, he nodded and said, "Well, I tell you that we originally went to Binghuo Island. The next stop will be through Henan. I am afraid something will happen. Nine of you will do it. Be mentally prepared. If there is little slackness, I am afraid that there will be life worries."

After listening to the nine people, they could not help but looked at each other, they all had some pressure in their hearts, they knew that Ma Yuan would not be calm along the way, but they did not expect that even if they didn’t pay attention, they would have Worry of life.

Nine people couldn't help but were a bit vigilant. They didn't want to die because one of them was not paying attention. They had been in the rivers and lakes for many years. Some common sense was still very clear.

Nine people all looked serious. The heaven and the earth were in the thunder, the gatekeeper of Tianmen, said to Ma Yuan at this time: "Teacher, I don't know who we are all going with?"

After listening to it, Ma Yuan thought for a moment and thought for a moment. Then he said, "Nine of you, plus the white-browed eagle king, the blue-winged bat king, and Zhang Wuji, and then there are those two thousand people. Showa Zhou Zhiruo if they are a few women, I will ask them again later, they all have martial arts in their hands, be careful, it should not be a big deal, as long as Yang Zuoshi, after his affairs are busy, you Let him come to me, I ask him what he wants to do."

After listening to Master Tianmenmen, he replied: "Okay, Master, can we bring our own guards?"

After listening to it, I thought about it. I am afraid that the guards of nine of them are among the best in Mingjiao. It is also good for them to bring them. The high-level guards of Mingjiao were trained by Mingjiao when they were young.

There must be no betrayal, they are all 100% loyal, and the guards at the top level of Mingjiao are all learned methods of attack. Generally speaking, the attack may not be strong, but the defense is definitely strong.

In general, the defense formed by the two of them can withstand five masters at the same level as them, and it is not that they only defend, but the kind of people who fight on the rivers and lakes.

Moreover, the identities like Tiandi Fenglei and Wuxingqi are the highest-level guards. The defense, as long as there are more people, may have to work harder for Ma Yuan, and they are each assigned to ten. People, as for the senior Mingjiao people who are one level shorter than them, there are only five people per talent. As for the deputy host of the resident, they can’t enjoy this specification at all. These guards are only for important people in Mingjiao. As for the deputy host of the station, the Mingjiao is also afraid that they will betrayed them. After all, knowing people knows their faces without knowing them. You can never guess what others think.

Ma Yuan withdrew his thoughts, and even said, "Okay, you can take it with you, and you don't need to count among those two thousand people. If Xiao Zhao and they still have to follow them, they can protect them well. I also You can rest assured."

Master Tianmen, with a look of joy, immediately said, "Thank you, Master, I don't know if there is something else? If we don't, we will first prepare."

After Ma Yuan heard it, he thought about it, and felt that there was nothing important to explain. Then he said, "Okay, you go first, and tell Yang Zuoshi, then I will wait for him in this hall, tell He, just come when he is busy, don’t worry."

After listening, the person replied slowly, and then he slowly retreated. After seeing a few people leaving, Ma Yuan thought about it. Yang Xiao might take a while to come over. After all, Yang Xiao is not easy to deal with.

It happened that he hadn’t eaten yet, so he went to find something to eat and fill his stomach, so he walked out of the hall, and just after stepping out of the hall, Ma Yuan thought that he was really unfamiliar with this place and didn’t even know where to eat. Shook his head.

When he saw the two guards guarding the entrance of the hall, Ma Yuan said to the guard who had just looked for someone, "When will you have dinner in the morning?"

The guard heard Ma Yuan talking to him and hurriedly saluted. Then he said, "Master, it's already finished the morning meal."

After Ma Yuan heard it, he shook his head. He didn't expect that he was still up late, and he couldn't even eat his food. After thinking about it, he said, "Then you go to your host, so let him give I prepared some food and delivered it to my room, and told him that it shouldn’t be too rich. It’s usually good. It’s too greasy in the morning.”

After listening, the guard nodded hurriedly, and then even said, "Good teacher, I will go."

After saluting Ma Yuan, he ran to find their host. Ma Yuan saw him ran to find the host, and then returned to the room to wait.

After Ma Yuan returned to the room, she saw where Xin Mudie was sitting and dressing up, but she did not speak, but stood behind her and looked at her.

At this time, Xin Mudie also discovered that Ma Yuan was back, and even asked, "Is the matter solved so quickly?"

After Ma Yuan heard it, he smiled slightly, and then said, "No, isn't this not yet a meal, just come back and have a meal with you."

After Xin Mudie heard it, he whispered softly, don't have any more sound, Ma Yuan saw it, shook his head, and Ma Yuan was talking, but went directly to the table and did it.

He was waiting for the meal to arrive, and the two were just like that, one was dressing up and the other was sitting where he was waiting for the meal.

Just like this, after half an hour, there was a knock outside the door

There was a voice along with the sound of the door, saying, "The leader, the host ordered us to prepare the food for you."

After not listening, he whispered softly, and then said, "Okay, then come in."

One person opened the door and walked in. A dozen of maids followed, each of them carrying a dish. After a while, they put it on the table.

After more than ten people put the dishes, they said to Ma Yuan: "Master, are these dishes, I wonder if you are still satisfied? If you are not satisfied, I will ask the kitchen to change it for you. How about you?", , ..

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