Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 15 Chapter 90: solve

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After listening to the five people and five people, Zhou Deng stood up and said: "Yang Zuoshen, we are really weak. We five have to deal with Mingjiao on the mountain. You haven't returned to Guangming in a while? "

After listening, Yang Xiao nodded, somewhat puzzled, and even asked, "Well, I haven't returned to Guangming in a while, but what happened?"

After listening to the five people, Zhou Ding replied and heard: "Yang Zuoshen, I don’t know what happened to Mingjiao recently. Now every day, there are hundreds of things, big and small, to be dealt with on top of the light. You can ask these things if you don’t believe them. Ask a few of them: Tiandi Fenglei and Wuxing Banner, and they are also helping on the top of the light. If these things really happen every day, the five of us really don’t have time to help you deal with your armor, And the major event that the leader explained yesterday, I am afraid that there will be no peace in the light of the summit, I am afraid that there will be more things in the day. After all, if the station has no money to recruit people, it still has to be taken from the light, so Say, your thing, I'm afraid we can't really help you."

After Zhou Dian finished speaking, he gave Yang Xiao a deep look, and Yang Xiao was a little unhappy after hearing it, and then he lowered his head. He wanted to find the best of both worlds, which would not delay their task, but also help He is optimistic about his mission.

Yang Xiao thought for a while, then suddenly his eyes lit up, and then he said, "I have a way, but I can actually say that it is not a way. Then I will let all the deputy hosts in the resident help find materials. , And these materials, I’m really not very knowledgeable, so I need a resident deputy host to help find craftsmen, and good craftsmen can’t be found in two days a day. Before that, you five As long as people help me to see how the craftsmen they are looking for, I will let the sub-hosts of each resident select them on their own. This will be much simpler. When the time comes to the top of the light, as long as you five It’s good to check the gates, and I’ll come back to host when the time comes. Do you think it’s better? And it’s not necessarily so busy every day after the summit, it’s just that there will be a busy period of time, if it’s really not busy then, Well, I hope you will help me solve this matter. Do you think it will work?"

After listening to it, the Wusan people glanced at each other. Then the monk Budai stood up and said, "Yang Zuoshen, that can be said in advance. If we can't really pull our hands, then You have to let you come back early, so don’t blame us.”

After listening to it, Yang Xiao nodded happily, and then even said, "Relax, I don’t have that, don’t talk about credit, and say good things, I will definitely obey, you help me choose more ."

The five scattered people and five people all nodded, and then the Tieguan Taoist stood up and said, "We believe Yang Zuo Shi, but we have the ability to do it, it is not necessarily true. ."

After Yang Xiao heard it, he was a little anxious. He listened to Tieguan Taoist's tone, and he seemed a bit unwilling to help this. Yang Xiao couldn't let the duck in his mouth fly away.

Yang Xiaosui even said, "Tieguan Taoist, you can rest assured, I won't blame you, okay. If the teacher punishes you, then you will let the leader punish me. I won't let the leader be involved. ."

After listening to the five scattered people such as Tieguan Daoren, they all looked at Ma Yuan, who was sitting in the first place. Ma Yuan saw several people looking at themselves, and then he said, "Well, I will bear witness to this matter. You can rest assured, if something really happened, it will not be implicated to you, you can rest assured."

After the Wusan people listened, they all let go of their minds. They didn’t want to be punished at that time, and Yang Xiao heard the words of Ma Yuan, and he also took the heart. After all, these things are still very simple. , Can do a good job, as long as you find a good craftsman, Yang Xiao is going to be bright, take over this matter.

It was really a bit difficult to come up with the problem at that time. After thinking about it, Yang Xiao said, "Thank you five."

The five people saw Yang Xiao thanking them and replied in unison. "Yang Zuoshi, you are really too polite. Is it easy for me to help you order something within my ability?"

In fact, the five people didn’t want to offend Yang Xiao too much. After all, the five of them are two grades lower than Yang Xiao. You know, the leader of the Ming religion is the leader, followed by the bright left envoy and the bright right envoy. Again It is the four great priests, and then they are the five scattered people.

As for the five scattered people, there are the heaven and earth wind and thunder, the four gatekeepers, and the five palm envoys of the five elements flag. The heaven and earth wind and thunder and the five elements flag belong to the same rank. The five of them, in the upper levels of Mingjiao, only belong to At the penultimate level, they didn't want Yang Xiao to wear shoes for them.

After all, they have been in Mingjiao for so many years, and they still have very affection with Mingjiao. They don’t want to, because Yang Xiao gave them small shoes, they left Mingjiao and got to such a high position in Mingjiao. Needless to say, Ma Yuan was going to build an empire, and the five of them would also belong to the Founding Workers.

The five men withdrew their thoughts, and then said to Ma Yuan: "Master, what else is there?"

Ma Yuan saw that they had resolved the matter, and then he talked to himself. Ma Yuan thought about it and then replied: "It's no big deal, but I still want to tell you a few words."

After listening, the five shouted loudly: "Subordinates listen to each other and listen."

After Ma Yuan heard it, he nodded with satisfaction, and then even said: "I want to tell you that you are on the top of the light, you must be careful, don't let the people of the six factions, have any opportunities , Have you heard?"

Although, Ma Yuan knew that the six major factions would not attack Guangmingding, but others did not know, so Ma Yuan had to scare them and let them do more precautions, although Ma Yuan passed through and could do it. The prophet is not known, but Ma Yuan is afraid that there are some things beyond his control, and then there will be trouble. If something that has not been played on TV comes out, I am afraid that Ma Yuan’s plan will be disrupted.

This wasn't what Ma Yuan wanted to see, so it was necessary for them to do more precaution.

After listening to the five scattered people, they returned to the road and said: "Ask the Lord to rest assured that I and I will vigorously guard the light summit, and will never let the Xiaoxiao people have an opportunity."

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