Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 15 Chapter 111: Tai Chi Sword

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After Zhang Sanfeng took it, he sighed a few words, and then he held the sword in his right hand, pinched a sword tactic in his left hand, and formed a ring with both hands, slowly raising it.

This hand-held exhibition, followed by the three-ring moon, the big Kuixing, swallows copy water, left sweep, right sweep.

The demonstration of Zhang Sanfeng's one move and one move made the fifty-three style of "haidilao moon", and his hands draw a circle at the same time. The meaning of'God is first in the sword and endless' is in the middle.

After seeing Ma Yuan, he couldn't help but also be amazed. Zhang Sanfeng deserved to be a master of martial arts. This set of Tai Chi swords was not created by Ma Yuan. After all, Ma Yuan was not good at using swords, and Ma Yuan's mouth was still good at fists.

Looking down this course, Ma Yuan also learned a lot, and as long as he can get through it later, there will be no problem. After all, Ma Yuan has no foundation for swordsmanship, but he has learned Tai Chi very well.

But this Tai Chi sword, Ma Yuan is still a little bit. Ma Yuan is not like Zhang Wuji. Since childhood, even if he was weak and sick, he has never broken the practice of swordsmanship. Although there is no internal force, it is better than Ma Yuan. many.

But Zhang Wuji is a lot stronger than Ma Yuan, and Ma Yuan doesn't understand it at that time. I'm afraid I still need to ask Zhang Wuji.

At this time, Zhang Sanfeng also completed a set of swordsmanship demonstrations. However, there was no applause. The people in the Sanqing Temple came out with Zhang Sanfeng, Zhang Wuji and Ma Yuan, and the rest of them could not understand this set. Swordsmanship.

Even if it was Yu Daiyan, I couldn't understand it. They all thought it was just Zhang Sanfeng's fear that Zhang Wuji could not remember this set of swordsmanship, which was a slow demonstration.

At this time, Zhang Sanfeng asked: "Wuji, do you see clearly? Remember?"

Zhang Wuji closed his eyes and waited for a while, then replied: "Master, see clearly, but now I have forgotten a part!"

After listening, Zhang Sanfeng touched his silver-white beard with a smile, and then said, "Okay, yes, you are thinking about it yourself!"

After Zhang Wuji listened, he closed his eyes, and after a while, he opened his eyes, and even said, "Master, I can't forget it, but now I just forget a large part of it. Demonstrate once for Wuji."

After listening to Zhang Sanfeng, he then replied: "Okay, the teacher will demonstrate for you once, then you can see clearly."

Zhang Wuji nodded in a hurry, then even looked at Zhang Sanfeng, and Zhang Sanfeng held the Yitianjian to demonstrate the sword move.

After seeing everyone in the Sanqing Hall, not only did they dare to doubt, because the sword trick demonstrated by Zhang Sanfeng did not have the same sword trick as the one just demonstrated.

With a bang, Zhang Sanfeng sheathed the Yitian sword, and even asked, "Wuji, how are you?"

Zhang Wuji thought for a while, and then replied, "Master, I have forgotten almost, there are still three tricks I have not forgotten, wait a moment!"

After listening, Zhang Sanfeng nodded and went back to his seat. Zhang Sanfeng just sat down and Yu Daiyan lying on the soft chair whispered and asked, "Master, did you just make a wrong presentation, how twice?" What's the difference?"

After listening to it, Zhang Sanfeng shook his head and then said, "You, really, alas, I will explain it to you. What I pass to Wuji is sword intention, not sword skill, sword move, sword move. It doesn’t matter what it looks like, as long as you can’t forget the sword moves he saw, you can get the essence. When facing the enemy, you can control the sword with kaleidoscopic changes, endless, if there are one or two moves. If you forget it cleanly, you will have a sense of restraint, that is, you can’t fully convey the sword intentions that I passed to him."

After listening to it, Yu Daiyan seemed to understand something, but he didn't know what he meant. Since he was paralyzed, he couldn't even reach the martial arts. So for more than 20 years, Yu Daiyan can be said to be inexhaustible. Not as good as before.

And this sword intention, most people have never seen it. In the Sanqing Hall, not many people know it, that is, Zhang Sanfeng, Zhang Wuji, Ma Yuan, Zhao Min, Dongfangbai, and Xuan Ming.

The remaining three or four hundred people have never heard anything like Jianyi, let alone understand it.

And Dongfang Bai, who is about to fight Zhang Wuji, is more and more dignified, because he can see that Zhang Sanfeng is teaching swordsmanship, although Zhang Sanfeng has not avoided him, but he can't learn.

Not because of his lack of talent, but because of his lack of internal strength, and his internal strength is not so deep. Even if he learns it, he can't use it.

Because he didn't know the depth of Zhang Wuji's internal skills, and he didn't even know whether Zhang Wuji could learn Jianyi. If Zhang Wuji learned Jianyi, then I'm afraid he was not an opponent.

At this moment, Zhang Wuji suddenly said: "Master, I have forgotten all, and I have forgotten to be clean, and there are no more bits left!"

After listening to it, Zhang Sanfeng grinned and said, "Okay, no bogey, then please ask the eight-armed sword to guide your swordsmanship!"

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and Lingxu gave Zhang Wuji the sword he took from Zhang Sanfeng's bamboo house, and Zhang Sanfeng also put the Tianjian sword in his hand.

Then he said, "This little brother, thank you for your Heavenly Sword, for you!"

After speaking, he handed Yi Tianjian to Ma Yuan. After Ma Yuan heard it, he smiled and said, "You are very polite. Wuji and I are friends of the Eight Bastards. His teacher is my teacher." , You're always too polite."

After listening to Zhang Sanfeng, he laughed twice, then even said: "Haha, then I will take advantage of you!"

After Ma Yuan heard it, he smiled slightly, and even said, "Oh, Master, I still said that I was climbing. You are the Taishan Beidou in the martial arts, a generation of martial arts masters, I am just an unknown soldier!"

After listening to it, Zhang Sanfeng shook his head, and even said, "I'm just a bad old man. If it's not you and Wuji come today, I'm afraid I won't see tomorrow's sun. Thank you so much. You helped me make Wudang Mountain free today!"

After Ma Yuan heard it, his face was displeased, and he even said with some dissatisfaction: "I call you a teacher, and you are so polite to me? If you are still so polite, don't blame the juniors for leaving! "

After listening to Zhang Sanfeng, for a moment, he smiled, and then said, "Haha, the old man is wrong, the old man is too polite, take care, ha ha!"

Ma Yuan smiled slightly, and then even said, "Master, let's take a good look at how Wuji competes!"

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