Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 15 Chapter 117: End

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Ma Yuan's own principles, he will not owe others the love of others. Although this relationship is optional, Ma Yuan still leads, after all, this is the heart of others, and as the future wife of Ma Yuan Don't talk about a relationship, a hundred people are willing to love Ma Yuan.

Zhao Min is a bit weird. She did not expect that Ma Yuan was so principled. It is undeniable that principled men are more attractive.

"I'll do what you want, you owe me love, you owe it, as long as you don't send you one thing to me, then I will ask you, and now you are all clear, can you let me go? "Zhao Min looked at Ma Yuan and refused.

When Ma Yuan saw Zhao Min being aggressive, he couldn't help being speechless. Then he said, "Well, I won't forget it, no, girl Zhao, do I hate you so much, do you want to go down the mountain like this?"

"You can't control, you tell me, let me go down the mountain, I don't want to kill you with your net." Zhao Min asked with a cold expression on his face.

Ma Yuan looked at Zhao Min's delicate little face, with a cold face and a serious face, and it really didn't have a taste. Ma Yuan smiled, and then began to say: "Miss Zhao's angry, really don't have a taste. , As for the dead net you said, it is not necessarily that the dead fish, the net may not be broken!"

"Let me, in a word, don't talk nonsense to me!" Zhao Min is getting more and more angry, and now he just feels like his lungs are going to blow up!

"Let, let go, let go, let go, come, girl Zhao, please, you go down the mountain, I'm not talking nonsense with you." Ma Yuan saw that Zhao Min was really angry, and no longer Tease her, Ma Yuan did not know where Zhao Min was so angry!

Without saying a word, Zhao Min walked directly back to the Sanqing Hall. Ma Yuan followed Zhao Min, watching Zhao Min carrying a small hand, walking arrogantly in front, and shook his head involuntarily. He also returned to Sanqing Hall.

Zhao Min just arrived in the Sanqing Hall and shouted: "Go, go down."

Everyone in Zhao Min's men dared not have any objections and followed Zhao Min down the mountain.

After Zhao Min walked out of the Sanqing Hall, he just happened to meet Ma Yuan who came back behind her. When he met Ma Yuan, Zhao Min glared at Ma Yuan fiercely and then said, "Ma Yuan, you remember, this matter We're not finished, hum, sooner or later I will ask you to look good, hum, hum, hum." After that, I stomped hard!

Ma Yuan looked at Zhao Min's little woman's posture and couldn't help saying: "Miss Zhao, your little woman's posture is really beautiful. It's okay not to dress up as a man. It's better to wear more women's clothes!"

Zhao Min's eyes seemed to catch fire, staring fiercely at Ma Yuan. If his eyes can kill people, I am afraid Ma Yuan has already died. I don't know how many times.

Zhao Min was not talking to Ma Yuan, because she knew that she would never debate Ma Yuan, so she ignored him and directly took his three or four hundred men and went directly down the mountain.

Eh, I'm not right, Ma Yuan suddenly remembered something. He actually forgot the important things. He looked up and saw that Zhao Min and they had gone out of Taoism. Ma Yuan couldn't help being anxious.

Then he hurriedly performed a light exercise and stopped in front of Zhao Min. Zhao Min saw that Ma Yuan was in front of him, and suddenly it was on fire. Then he yelled, "Ma Yuan, are you endless? It’s gone, I thought Zhao Min was a bully?”

"No, no, Miss Zhao, I didn't intentionally scold me for having something to look for you." Ma Yuan was shocked to see Zhao Min so angry, and if Ma Yuan didn't explain, I'm afraid Zhao Min would shoot directly .

"What's the matter, hurry up." Zhao Min looked at Ma Yuan with a bad look, as if Ma Yuan didn't say one or two or three, but just wanted to get a shot.

"Give me black jade intermittently, this is our previous agreement!" Ma Yuan just forgot the most important thing, just to say nothing, just to intercept them.

"Here, give you, like a debating ghost." Zhao Min looked displeased and glared at Ma Yuan.

Then he said, "Asan, the black jade intermittently anointed him."

A San hesitated for a moment, but when he saw Zhao Min's sharp eyes, he could not help shrinking his neck, but he handed the black jade intermittent ointment to Ma Yuan. When he handed it to Ma Yuan, he stared fiercely. At first glance, Ma Yuan didn't dare to do anything bad.

Ma Yuan saw that the black jade intermittent ointment was in his hands, but he didn't care so much about A San, a small person. Ma Yuan unscrewed the porcelain bottle containing black jade intermittent ointment. After smelling it, he knew it was right.

"Thank you, Miss Zhao. See you later. I'll say goodbye!" Ma Yuan arched his hand and turned away.

Zhao Min looked at Ma Yuan and didn't speak. When Ma Yuan left, he led his men down the mountain.

After Ma Yuan returned to Sanqing Hall, he saw where everyone in Wudang Mountain was talking, and if not, there would be two laughs.

Ma Yuan had just returned to the Sanqing Temple. Zhang Wuji saw it sharply and shouted, "Brother, how is it?"

Ma Yuanyang raised the porcelain bottle in his hand and said, "Well, this is the black jade intermittent paste. I've verified it, and it won't be wrong, but before you apply it to your third teacher, you must remove your third teacher. Bo's broken bone was broken at times, and then smeared with black jade intermittent paste!"

After Zhang Wuji listened, his face changed greatly, and he even said, "Brother, do you really have to break it? Can't you break it?"

Ma Yuan looked at Zhang Wuji, and then even said, "No, the broken bones of your three masters grow naturally. No one helps him to bone, so I must break his broken bones at this time, you Uncle Liu Shi will not have this to say. I have helped you to take the bones of Uncle Liu Shi before. Just take back your uncle Liu Shi and apply black jade intermittent ointment!"

After listening to it, Zhang Wuji looked at Yu Daiyan lying on a soft chair, and asked, "Sir 3, you have heard it, how do you think?"

Yu Daiyan knew that he had the hope to stand up, and no matter what was broken, as long as he could stand up, even if all the bones of his body were broken, and then connected, Yu Daiyan could bear it.

Yu Daiyan nodded hurriedly, and then even said, "Master Unbearable, it's okay, as long as Master Uncle can stand up, what's the pain? What's the matter? Come on boldly!"

Zhang Wuji looked at Ma Yuan, and Ma Yuan nodded, next to Yu Daiyan in the aisle. Before starting, he looked at Zhang Sanfeng who was also a little excited. Zhang Sanfeng saw Ma Yuan looking at himself and nodded hurriedly, beckoning the horse Don't care. ,, ..

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