Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 15 Chapter 130: valley

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"Yeah, brother, we have to let them hide somewhere. Now Zhao Min doesn't have his hands. If he does, I'm afraid he will dig the ground three feet and find people from the six major schools." Zhang Wuji also said.

"Well, this is what we are now in the capital of Mongolia. If we go to the Central Plains, we are heading towards the north. If we are heading towards the north, they must be able to guess. Since that is the case, then We went the other way. We headed south, looking for a hidden place and hiding for ten days and a half months. When I think about it, everyone can return to their martial arts themselves."

After listening to it, everyone discussed it and praised it. Yang Xiao said at this time: "The leader is really high-profile. The south is wide and sparsely populated. If you just find a barren mountain, you can hide for ten days and a half.

After listening, everyone agreed, and agreed. After seeing everyone's consent, Ma Yuan ordered people to gather some food for the six major parties to eat.

After the people drove more than fifty miles to the south, they saw a hidden valley. After seeing Ma Yuan, he nodded secretly, knowing that this place, singing for ten days and a half months, was no problem.

At this time, the people who bought food also bought dry food, wine, tableware and the like, all of which were not missing. Everyone set up tents in the valley, and they all took a sigh of relief and finally got rid of their difficulties. By the way, when the people of the six major schools talked about the process of getting out of trouble, they all lamented that Mingjiao had a good leader!

Ma Yuan was just listening there, laughing and not talking, even if he saw everyone pulling the topic to him, he just nodded and did not speak.

After noon time, Ma Yuan Zhang Wuji and Yang Xiao and others ate after lunch in this valley.

"All of you, I still have this matter. Let's go away first, my brothers of Ming Dynasty, I will let them guard you, you don't have to worry." Ma Yuan arched his hand and said.

After listening to the six major factions, they thanked each other, Ma Yuan waved his hand, and Zhang Wuji and Yang Xiao were together and drove towards the distance.

When Ma Yuan and the three people arrived at the agreed place outside the city, they met with the Mingjiao people. Ma Yuan went to order people to count the people.

After the inventory, Ma Yuan was silent for two thousand people, a total of 200 people were injured, more than 100 people were slightly injured, more than 50 people were seriously injured, and 23 people died. After Ma Yuan heard it, he didn't say much. .

Instead, he bowed to the Mingjiao people, and then even said, "Thank you guys, I owe everyone."

After listening to it, the people of Mingjiao shouted, "Master, what we should do at this time."

After Ma Yuan listened, Ma Yuan said more, but instructed Yang Xiaodao: "Yang Zuo Shi, you lead them to the valley, remember, you must disperse a little, don't let people see it, wait for the public After the brothers arrived in the valley, let them heal first."

"Yes, leader, I know, I will take care of them." Yang Xiao said.

After Ma Yuan heard it, he was also relieved. Yang Xiao, Ma Yuan was more at ease. Many things Yang Xiao might do better than him.

"That line, Yang Zuoshi, Wu Ji and I will meet most of them first. I still have something to do and I need to go back to most of them once." Ma Yuan glanced at Yang Xiao, and then even said.

"Master, what are you going to do at this juncture? What are you going to do in the wolf den?" Yang Xiao was puzzled and wondered what the two of them were going to do.

"Yes, Yang Zuoshi, don't ask, there are some things, it is inconvenient for you to know, and, with my martial arts, what are you worried about, this world is big, but there is really no place to stop It can hold my horse." Ma Yuan's spirit is strong, a kind of peerless master's momentum, emanating from the inside out.

Both Zhang Wuji and Yang Xiao, being away from Ma Yuan, were shocked by the momentum of the peerless master. For a moment, both of them stared at Ma Yuan in horror.

"Brother, did you make a breakthrough in martial arts again? I feel a little bit scared and a little scared of your momentum." Zhang Wuji said with a lingering fear.

"Oh, recently on Wudang Mountain, I learned about your teacher's Taijiquan and Taiji sword, and also discussed some martial arts insights with your teacher. Both of us have some insights." Ma Yuan smiled. Opening and Zhang Wuji explained.

After listening to Zhang Wuji, he even said: "Congratulations to the elder brother, it seems that the elder brother in this world, I am afraid that there are already few rivals."

"Oh, that's what happened, okay, let's just go." Ma Yuan waved his hand, looked at the time, and said that Zhang Wuji should almost go.

"Well, brother, let's go!" Zhang Wuji replied.

"Envoy Yang Zuo, you should also lead the brothers to go." Ma Yuan looked at Yang Xiao and wanted to let Yang Xiao leave early. After all, this position is not far away. In case he was chased by someone, he had to fight hard. For a while.

"Okay, the leader, we will leave first," Yang Xiao nodded, and said.

"Well, you go." Ma Yuan said

Ma Yuan watched the Mingjiao people spread out and drove towards the valley, but then withdrew their eyes and looked at the capital.

I thought about it secretly, I don't know if anyone wanted me, if someone wanted it, he would go directly like this, I'm afraid it would be troublesome.

Suddenly, Ma Yuan's heart lit up, and he even stretched out his hand, scraping a strand of black hair over the horse's tail, and looking for some gum on a tree, he and Zhang Wuji became two bearded men. Man.

Ma Yuan knew that with their current appearances, they were almost okay, and they even drove with Zhang Wuji and headed towards most of them.

After Ma Yuan and Zhang Wuji returned to the inn where they lived, Zhou Zhiruo and Xiao Zhao were summoned to his room, and after talking to Zhao Min about the agreement with the three, Zhang Wuji opposed it first.

"Brother, no, the Dragon Sword is my righteous father, and I can't give it to Zhao Min. My righteous father will not give it to Zhao Min even if he is dead." Zhang Wuji disagrees with Ma Yuan.

"Second brother, you have to believe the eldest brother. Actually, it's no problem to hand over to Zhao Min. Zhao Min will be my person sooner or later. How about handing over to her, won't it be you and my brother by then?" Ma Yuan glanced at Zhang Wuji and explained to him that he was afraid that Zhang Wuji would not agree, and then he would not go to Binghuo Island with him. Although Ma Yuan could also rob himself, but how to say Zhang Wuji's uncle, Ma Yuan and How can I get it? ,, ..

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