Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 15 Chapter 136: Purple King Dragon

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Since the beggars ran away, Xie Xun stood in the same place, and there was no movement. Mother-in-law Jinhua exerted light power and swept past quickly, not as slowly as before.

Grandma Jinhua came to Xie Xun and glanced at Xie Xun, then she said, "Thank Brother Xie, the prestige is not reduced! I don't have Xie Sange's style, I am old!"

"Hum, Mrs. Han, don't say more, those imaginary things are now useless for me blind. You invited me to Lingshe Island, not that my husband and wife Zhang Wuxi refused to reveal where I was hiding, Was it forced to kill both of them on Wudang Mountain? He also said that my unintentional child became an unaccompanied orphan, and fell into the rivers and lakes. Is this what Mrs. Han said? You also said that my unintentional child I was beaten by the mysterious palm of mysterious god, suffering day and night, isn’t it? Didn’t you say that this time I went to the Central Plains to help me inquire about my unscrupulous child? Did you inquire?” Xie Xun said that he was blind , But his blind eyes were still staring at Mother-in-law Jinhua.

"Yes, I said." Granny Jinhua did not refute, but responded.

"So what's the matter with you? Why didn't my Wuji baby follow you? Didn't you promise me to take him to Lingshe Island? People?" Xie Xun mentioned Zhang Wuji, anxiously, and asked quickly.

"Thank Brother San, I didn't inquire about Zhang Wuji's news, I'm so sorry for you!" Granny Jinhua's face was not ashamed, but she said in ashamed tone.

After listening to Xie Xun, he was melancholy, and some angry words said: "Mrs. Han, you lied to me, are you cheating me?"

"Thank Brother San, I really didn't lie to you, I can swear." Granny Jinhua said in a vow.

"Oh, okay, I'll go find out about my unscrupulous boy!" Xie Xun said with a sigh.

"Third Brother Xie, we said that day, I will find out Zhang Wuji's news for you, you will lend me the Dragon Sword, Xie Brother, as long as you lend me the Dragon Sword today, then I will go to Zhongyuan tomorrow Finding Zhang Wuji's traces in person will inevitably bring you to Spirit Snake Island." said Granny Jinhua.

"Impossible, I lent you the Dragon Sword. In case you turned your face and didn't recognize anyone, wouldn't I have lost my wife and collapsed the soldiers? If you bring the Wuji child to me, I will naturally take the Dragon Sword Lend you a use." Xie Xun shook his head and refused to agree with Granny Jinhua's proposal.

"Thank Brother San, we have been in friendship for more than 20 years, don't you still believe me?" Mother-in-law Jinhua was dissatisfied with Xie Xun's attitude and said coldly.

"Don’t say that we have been in friendship for many years, even if it’s father and son, there are times when we are fighting against each other, let alone the two of us. You can’t mention it again, if you don’t bring me my unscrupulous child to me first In front of me, I will definitely not lend you!" Xie Xun said firmly to her mother-in-law Jinhua.

"Brother Xie, is there really no room for discussion?" Granny Jinhua asked.

"The elders of the beggar gang ran three people. If my enemies on the rivers and lakes knew about it, I would surely never have peace in the future. I will lend you the Dragon Sword, I am afraid that tomorrow I will die in your spirit snake On the island." Xie Xun shook his head and said.

"Third Brother Xie can rest assured that you lend me the Dragon Sword, your safety, my mother-in-law Jinhua will certainly guarantee your safety." Mother-in-law Jinhua promised Xie Xun.

"Oh, Mrs. Han, what do you say, do you believe it? I think you will come to me from the seaside with the skills of Mrs. Han, I am afraid that a moment of kung fu will come? Is it just walking slowly, My Xie Xun is not a fool, you obviously want me and the five people of the beggar to lose both sides, and where do you get the fisherman profit, and I am afraid that the beggar is also from you? I come to your Spirit Snake Island, except you , But I don’t know, I don’t know if I’m right? Purple King Dragon?” Xie Xun broke the identity of her mother-in-law and asked ironically toward her mother-in-law.

"Oh, Brother Xie, you can blame me. I'm suffering from internal injuries, so the pace is slower, as for the beggars! They are not really notified by me, maybe they happened to meet you. Right.” Granny Jinhua denies, refusing to admit Xie Xun's accusation against him.

After Xie Xun listened, there was a sarcastic smile in the corner of his mouth, and he pushed the dragon knife in his hand toward the scabbard behind him, and said, "Oh, yes and no, you and I understand in your heart, you know it, As for finding the whereabouts of my unscrupulous child, I will come out of the mountain by myself. I have spent twenty years in Xie Xun, and I have not stepped out of Binghuo Island. I want to come to the rivers and lakes. People have forgotten my Golden Lion King Xie Xun. Let the rivers and lakes know that even if my Xie Xun is blind, he is still the killer Xie Xun. If anyone wants to rob the Dragon Sword, then try it." Xie Xun's last sentence seemed to mean something.

After listening to it, Mother-in-law Jinhua snorted and said, "Xie Xun, are you really going to go out of the mountain?" Mother-in-law Jinhua doesn't call Brother Xie anymore, it seems that she can't help herself. .

At this time, Ma Yuan and the three did not hide any traces. They just walked abruptly near the two of Xie Xun. They also heard the dialogue between the two, and even heard the words Zijin Dragon King.

Ma Yuan didn't react very much, because he already knew that Jinhua's mother-in-law was the Zijin Dragon King, and naturally there was nothing surprising.

However, Zhang Wuji and Zhao Min are different. The two of them have long heard of the Zijin Dragon King, one of the four princes of Mingjiao, but they haven't seen it. The two of them know that it is only a rumor.

I only knew that the Zijin Dragon King had disappeared long ago, but I did not expect that the Zijin Dragon King was actually the mother-in-law of Jinhua. The two looked at each other, and Qi Qi couldn't help but think of some rumors about the Zijin Dragon King.

The two of them just heard that the Zijin Dragon King was the head of the four princes of the Ming religion. They disappeared more than 20 years ago. The two did not expect that the mother-in-law Jinhua was actually the Zijin Dragon King.

The two took a closer look at the Jinhua mother-in-law. They were all puzzled. According to their age, the Zijin Dragon King should only be about the age of the Golden Lion, but the two looked away, but not so.

The old Zijin Dragon King in front of him was coughing frequently, and there was nowhere to be a Zijin Dragon King. The two couldn't help but glance at Ma Yuan. Seeing Ma Yuan's eyes were not squinted, they just stared at Xie Xun. ,, ..

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