Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 15 Chapter 140: Flip face

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"Ah! Actually, what you heard is the truth. I saw seven monks and seven wounded fists, and I was killed alive. I have regretted this for so many years." Xie Xun regretted his face. Color, said to the mother-in-law Jinhua.

"What, you said that it was you who killed the **** of sight? How could it be!" Mother-in-law Jinhua couldn't believe what she said, because she knew that Xie Xun's martial arts were only a little taller than her. How could it be possible to kill a monk who saw nothing, so mother-in-law Jinhua did not believe it.

"It's true that I was killed by the monk. Otherwise, how could there be that rumor?" Xie Xun said with emotion.

"What!" After listening to the mother-in-law Jinhua, she retreated a little. Since Xie Xun was able to beat the dead monk in that year, he wanted to come. Xie Xun must have a well-known hole card. Otherwise, how could Xie Xun play the dead space? See the monk? Now that Xie Xun said that his eyes were blind, he had Dragon Sword in hand, but Granny Jinhua was a little scared.

"Ms. Han, you don’t have to be afraid, I can only kill the **** seeing the monk. That’s because, when I killed the innocent, the **** seeing the monk wanted to save me, but I was killed by me, of course. By the way, the **** monk didn't fight back. He wanted to influence me, a murderous demon!" Xie Xun seemed to know that the mother-in-law Jinhua was a little scared, and she said it in one gulp.

"That's right. If you can punch the dead monk with seven punches, then I'm afraid I only need two or three punches to kill my vomiting blood." After listening to her, Granny Jinhua was very loose. In one breath, it was fortunate that it was not a head-to-head fight, or else, even if Xie Xun's eyes were blind, it would not be her mother-in-law's death!

"Mrs. Han, I'm thinking about the friendship that was righteousness on the top of the light that year. You go. Just ask you if you met Wuji on that day, then you tell him that I'm waiting for him on Binghuo Island." Xie Xun said.

"Thank Brother San, can't you really borrow my Dragon Sword?" Granny Jinhua asked.

"No, I can't borrow it!" Xie Xun said.

"Well, let me tell the truth to Brother Xie. Zhang Wuji had fallen into the valley and died six years ago. You don’t have to expect him to be alive. Why don’t you lend me the Dragon Sword? , I will help you get revenge!" Granny Jinhua said so.

"What are you saying is true?" Xie Xun asked unbelievably.

"Third Brother Xie, I dare to swear my dead husband here. Today's words are true." Mother-in-law Jinhua said firmly.

After hearing Xie Xun, he did not doubt that he was there, because the mother-in-law Jinhua loved her husband the most. Everyone on the rivers and lakes knew that Xie Xun did not suspect that mother-in-law Jinhua lied to him.

Xie Xun took two steps backwards, and immediately cried out: "Wifey children, blame the uncle, because the uncle did not take care of you."

The hidden Ma Yuan dragged Zhang Wuji and motioned him not to be excited. He continued to watch. Zhang Wuji nodded and continued to look at his righteous father.

"Oh, it's impossible. Since you knew it already, why didn't you tell me early that you deceived me on the Lingshe Island for my dragon slaughter knife!" Xie Xun now has an insight into the crime of mother-in-law Jinhua .

"Oh, Brother Xie, you're right. I knew Zhang Wuji had died. I just cheated you here and wanted to rob you of the Dragon Sword." Granny Jinhua admitted directly.

Xie Xun was furious, and without saying a word, he pulled out the Dragon Sword, and chopped towards the place where the mother-in-law Jinhua had spoken. The mother-in-law Jinhua turned sideways, and she hid, and she walked with her walking stick towards Xie Xun. Poke.

Xie Xun heard the wind and immediately closed the knife to defend, only listening to the sound of "Dang", Granny Jinhua's walking stick was hit on the side of the Tulong Dao. Granny Jinhua couldn't hit it, she pulled away and did not linger. .

Xie Xun relied on hearing to defend his position, and immediately followed the footsteps of her mother-in-law Jinhua. The two of you come and go, and you chase and cut me. After a while, a hundred strokes passed.

Granny Jinhua gradually led Xie Xun towards the place where the steel nail was buried, but Xie Xun was a little impatient. He was blind and his eyes were unchanged. Naturally, he wanted to solve the battle quickly.

Xie Xun sold a flaw in his shoulder. When Jinhua's mother saw Xie Xun's knife used an old one, she immediately went straight up. Xie Xun couldn't avoid it. He suffered this record, and his left hand was a punch with seven injuries. Went out.

Upon seeing this, Mother-in-law Jinhua secretly said, ‘not good, fooled’. Mother-in-law Jinhua saw this punch in her heart, and she was so frightened that she was sweating all over, because Xie Xun was famous for her seven injuries.

Mother-in-law Jinhua didn’t even need to think about it. She knew that this punch was definitely a seven-wound punch, seven-wound punch, and the enemy hurt yourself first. It is conceivable that this punch hits the enemy. Ruthless.

Mother-in-law Jinhua knows that if this punch really hits his own heart, he might be asking for his name in an instant. He can only desperately avoid the vital position.

"Bang" Xie Xun made a seven-wound punch and hit the mother-in-law Jinhua. On the shoulder of Xie Xun, mother-in-law Jinhua pokes out a hole with a thumb, and mother-in-law Jinhua is hit with a punch. A little bit above the heart.

Hitting on the chest, if you can see the internal organs of Granny Jinhua, then you will know that the internal organs of Granny Jinhua are bleeding, seven wounds, not the outside, only the inside.

The two spit blood and took a few steps back, Xie Xun's injury was lighter, and Granny Jinhua's injury was slightly more serious, but Granny Jinhua's internal power was still able to suppress for a while, but after a long time without treatment, I am afraid there will be worries of life.

The spider on the side saw that the mother-in-law Jinhua vomited blood, took a few steps back, and quickly went up to support the mother-in-law Jinhua and asked, "Mother-in-law. How are you."

"It's okay, I can't die." Granny Jinhua shook her head and said.

Mother-in-law Jinhua looked at Xie Xun and knew that with her current injury, she might still be able to deal with three or fifty tricks.

If she cannot lead Xie Xun into the trap within these thirty or fifty strokes, I am afraid that her strategy today will fail.

"Thank Brother San, how's it going? Can you still fight? If not, then you give me the Dragon Sword, how about I let you go?" Mother-in-law Jinhua deceived.

"Huh, even if Xie Xun died here, the Dragon Sword will not be given to you." Xie Xun said.

"Thank Brother San, don't be so bad. You have lost your eyesight. Now you can't use your left hand. What are you still struggling with?" said Granny Jinhua. ,, ..

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