Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 16 Chapter 137: Lost Forest

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With the help of Ma Yuan, zero easily gave his right attack a fatal injury.

If it is to restore these two twins' Hora to their normal Hora form, who knows what will happen?

Anyway, zero can't imagine it.

In any case, the two twins' Hora will definitely not be easier to solve than the dragon-shaped Hora, or the clown-like Hora, and may even be more difficult to tangle.

And Ma Yuan said that the quick battle and quick decision is also the difference between the ability of the Lord of the Rings when Hora is used as a "human".

However, this is also because the Lord of the Rings here is Ma Yuan and Zero.

Mainly Ma Yuan.

If it is just zero and another Lord of the Rings, the possibility of delaying the other party into the evening is also very high.

Ma Yuan looked at zero and said that they only need to do another thing.

That is to open the door of the demon world.

Put them into the lost forest.

When Ma Yuan reminded zero in this way, zero looked at the nearby woods, but suddenly remembered some rumors of this small wood.

"Speaking of this, it should be a place related to Devil Realm."

Zero looked at Ma Yuan and said.

"When this park was not completed, it was actually required to be a playground instead of this kind of park with woods, but I don't know why, the workers here disappeared one after another as if someone was there They are forbidden to destroy these trees as well."

When zero said this, Afu returned to Ma Yuan, seeming to be thinking about the situation of the forest.

"Then the government at that time changed all the combat plans and kept this forest, and no one who played here was missing."

"This is a very delicate place."

After zero was finished, Afu told Ma Yuan what was meant by zero.

"Even if it is said that the devil itself has some kind of incredible energy for our creatures, but for us, there is not a place where we like to live."

"If it was not to avoid persecution, we would like to stay here in the world more than in the devil world."

Afu explained this, and then she told Ma Yuan that the place where the forest is located actually overlapped with the Lost Forest, that is, there was some overlap with other places where elves lived. local.

Then it is not difficult to explain what happened.

In order to protect the place where they might be able to come out of the air, and even the second home of the elves, they directly introduced the workers who transformed it into the lost forest.

Perhaps some of the workers came back after meeting the Lord of the Rings, or that they were able to leave the Lost Forest with good luck.

But the woods here have become places that cannot be moved.

In a prosperous Shinto country such as Japan, the unmovable woods became the most important core of this place.

No one dared to move it.

Because there is a **** here.

"So as long as the door of this place is opened, can you go to the Lost Forest?"

Ma Yuan asked seriously.

"Yes, as long as the door here is opened."

In the conversation between Afu and Ma Yuan, zero is incomprehensible, so it is a little irritable, but from Ma Yuan's conversation, zero still probably knows what they are talking about.

"In other words, are we going to face Izanami?"

zero also asked his own question.

"Don't think about it, it is impossible to find a way in the Lost Forest, let alone find Izanami."

Afu reminded zero, but Ma Yuan conveyed this to zero.

It’s really a hassle not to be able to communicate with other people with their own magic devices and their own elves.

"Save Liehua first, let me tell you. I will leave a message for Yimei. After Yimei solves the matter over there, I will deal with the spirit here."

As Ma Yuan spoke, he used his own technique to convey the message to Yimei in the distance.

Even if zero heard Ma Yuan's words, he still hoped that if he could, he could stay in the Lost Forest for a while to see if he could find Izanami.

Finding Izanami before the release of Izanami's seal is a good result.

If Ixanamy can be solved in advance, a lot of trouble will be saved.

However, Ma had no such optimistic ideas.

He now feels that the most important thing is to bring Liehua out of the Lost Forest. After all, before the final battle, a little more fighting power is a little fighting power.

Ma Yuan brandished his brush and tried to open the door of the Lost Forest from here.

But I don't know why, but this door cannot be opened.

"It seems that it is not the creation of this world, or the residents, it is impossible to open the door to there."

Afu said so to Ma Yuan.

The meaning is quite clear.

That is only Afu can open the door here.

But Ma Yuanke didn't want that at all.

"The Devil Realm has a variety of requirements. There are some things that can't be done. Just the door here, I don't have any confidence to open it."

Afu reminded.

The door here is the most difficult one.

The closer it is to the intersection of the two worlds, the more difficult it is.

Because the two worlds blend together, not only Ma Yuan’s world will worry, but the Devil World will also care about it, so whether it is outside or in the Devil World, it will also prevent everything that may happen.

The prevention of the two parties began, it is not only the residents in this world who can open the door.

And it is difficult to open the door.

"How to do?"

Zero looked at Ma Yuan and asked.

Although I don't know what happened, zero can be seen as a bit of trouble.

Ma Yuan smiled and looked at zero. Ma Yuan didn't think the trouble would hinder herself.

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