Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 16 Chapter 142: doubt

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Ma Yuan was very depressed about this matter.

If it’s not because you saw Izanami, it doesn’t matter how you come out and how you come out.

The most important thing now is not that I have seen Izanami, but that I am obviously about to use my own ability to give Izanami to try to solve it.

But nothing has been done yet, and even the things to be done are already in hand, but they are called back.

"It's really thrilling, if it wasn't for me to arrive in time."

Immediately, Ma Yuan foresaw the culprit that caused this to happen.


Yimei ran to Ma Yuan with a smile on her face, and looked at Ma Yuan and said.

"When I first came here, I was thinking about why it is so familiar, and then I remembered that it was a forbidden place before, because the Lost Forest has a certain connection with it. If it is an ordinary human, it does not matter, after all, it can’t be beaten. Open the door of the Lost Forest, but the Lord of the Rings is different."

Yimei said with a smile.

If it is the Lord of the Rings, then it is easy to want to enter this resource-rich lost forest because of some materials.

If you enter by mistake, or enter without permission, it is easy to have an accident.

This is a very easy to understand situation.

However, Ma Yuan always felt that something was wrong, but with such an explanation, Ma Yuan could understand that Yimei could not know what was happening to him, so pulling him out without authorization would have no way to say anything.

Only, vaguely always think something is wrong.

"When I wait to go back next time, go and see Pingyang."

Ma Yuan said quietly and zero.

"Indeed, it's clear that it can only be opened by the aborigines here. She actually opened it so lightly. She always felt something was wrong."

Even zero also felt something abnormal in Yimei.

Zero looked at Ma Yuan. After he finished speaking, he bowed his head and thought for a while, but also felt even more wrong.

Pingyang and Yimei have always appeared together as the twin ring masters of the ring.

But this time Yimei appeared alone.

Not only that, but the worst thing is that Ma Yuan always felt that there was something wrong with this Yimei.

Although it can be said that it is quite good in the protection of the Spirit Vessel, but the speed is too slow, and Liehua was discovered by Hora of the other two twins.

One of the twins was gone, and Hora happened to be the twin, and Ma Yuan couldn't help thinking more.

I hope it's just an illusion. If I see Ping Yang and there is another Imi when I go back, I probably know Izanami's plan.

Once it began to doubt, Ma Yuan had no way to leave the spirit vein to Yimei for safekeeping.

So he once again sealed the spiritual vein responsible for Yimei, and by the way, he resolved the strong flowers.

It didn't take much time for Ma Yuan. After all, Yimei wasn't an idiot. Of course, Ma Yuan would find out if they were doing things from the beginning.

So Yimei didn't plan to do anything on the spirit vein at the beginning. If you want to do something, it must be a little tricky during the seal.

The preparatory work in the early stage also made it easier for Ma Yuan to seal up the spirit vein faster without being affected too much.

After Ma Yuan sealed the spirit veins-of course he didn't tell this Yimei-and then went to find Yi Ping.

Ma Yuan knew that the sergeant could not leave the fan.

But what Ma Yuan didn't know was that in the end he could not leave.

If it is said that the "sergeant" of the fandog is itself the Lord of the Rings, then as a Lord of the Rings, it cannot be justified that he cannot leave the Fandog.

As for zero, Ma Yuan did not let zero or Liehua follow him.

Yimei said to help them, so she always stayed with Zero and Liehua. After Ma Yuan let Zero and Liehua pay more attention, she still let Zero and Yimei fight Tai Chi first.

Otherwise, after Yimei discovers her plan, something more troublesome may happen.

Ping Yang was looking at a letter when he walked to the fan dog office, as if it was the job of the fan dog office.

There is no access control at Fandog, and Ma Yuan is not likely to give up the idea of ​​seeing because the other party may be working.

Besides, it’s just work, and it’s not about doing something shameful, so Ma Yuan didn’t shy away.

"How about your sister?"

Ma Yuan looked at Ping Yang.

"Don't she go to your side? She said she was going to help. Didn't she pass?"

Ping Yang looked at Ma Yuan seriously and said.

It really looks like what Imi said. Is it because Ping Yang didn't come because there is something to deal with?

No, it's definitely not that simple.

Zero has also said before that the door of the Lost Forest should be opened only by the creatures of the demon world. Generally speaking, the elves and goblins sometimes have the situation that Hora can open.

But Yimei is not a fairy, nor an elf, but an ordinary person...

Ma Yuan suddenly took out his brush and waved it.

As the brush flicked, some green fire light was born, as if it was engulfing something, wandering in the whole dog.

"Ma Yuan?!"

This is simply an insult to the Fandog.

Even if it was an insult to the Fandog, it was also an insult to the Lord of the Rings.

Ping Yang exploded immediately.

Even if they are basically retired. But they are still a man who has fought all his life to kill Hora.

Ping Yang was immediately annoyed when he dealt with Hora.

"Nothing, I just look at the situation."

Ma Yuan said with a smile.

"After all, Yimei did a very interesting thing on our side."

"whats the matter?"

When Ma Yuan asked, the other party started to worry because of chaos.

Ping Yang like this made Ma Yuan feel involuntarily that these two twins of the Lord of the Rings absolutely had something to hide from them.

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