Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 16 Chapter 153: Sneak attack

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It was like Zero and Flora were worried.

Izanami’s main goal is now focused on Ma Yuan.

For Izanami, Ma Yuan, which has been too active in the recent period, is the real problem.

Izanami has been resurrected many times in this world, each time encountering a very difficult Lord of the Rings and Lord of the Rings.

After experiencing the obstruction of the Lord of the Rings and the Lord of the Rings countless times, Izanami, a hora who exists as wisdom, also knows many ways to solve the Lord of the Rings and the Lord of the Rings.

Use their psychology, use their habits.

However, this time, Izanami met a very difficult person.

Ma Yuan.

If you want to fully awaken and then reign for hundreds of years, Ma Yuan's existence must be quickly eliminated.

This is a very wise decision.

The gun shot the bird, and the thief captured the king first.

The only problem is that it should not be aimed at Ma Yuan from the beginning.

Ma Yuan, the ground snake, is no other early bird, king of thieves.

Just as Izanami worried, Ma Yuan was indeed an existence that should not be underestimated.

When Izanami controlled those Hora to attack Ma Yuan, Ma Yuan was completely discovered and exposed to Flora.

There were a few Hora who seemed very strange.

Because zero's house is not the same as the home of Gengya Gangya, there is no gate outside the house of zero, and there is no very long garden road.

It's just a very peaceful house.

That is because it is a large mansion with a Japanese style, so in a sense it is considered undefended.

When something went wrong, it was because of this Japanese-style mansion that the other party entered the front yard directly.

Flora was very sensitive to Hora's induction.

But Ma Yuan has not been sensitive to the traps laid near Zero's house.

Just when Flora stood up, Flora heard some screams.

It was a scream that was different from ordinary people, not a sound that humans could make.

Judging by Flora's experience for so many years, only one of these screams exists.


Definitely Hora.

It could only be Hora.

For Flora, she has been fighting Hora for such a long time, and she is very sensitive to Hora's existence and everything about Hora.

When Flora walked out of Ma Yuan's room and came to the front door, she saw that in this front yard, several Horas were entangled with something like a net.

This net-like thing is mainly composed of thin lines.

But it's not just the "net".

It is a sharper existence.

These Hora entangled in the net are just a few of Hora who have better luck.

They were just entangled in the net.

Those with bad luck are mostly killed by these sharp lines.

"Ah--I didn't expect this trick to come--"

Ma Yuan walked out of the back room, looked at the wreckage in front of him, and yawned.

He didn't panic.

However, the trap he laid was trampled by someone, of course, I want to take a look.

"this is?"

Flora looked at Ma Yuan with some curiosity.

"It's just some thin wires made of Soul Steel, I made it with the remaining materials. Then I use the spelling to help, as long as I touch Hora, I will directly hang it."

Ma Yuan touched the line above and said to Flora.

"But the only flaw is that these thin lines and spells can only do some simple actions, but let these remain."

As Ma Yuan said, he pulled out a soul steel sword from his arms, and after completely disposing of these Hora, who was caught in the net, turned back to look at Flora.

"But you don't need to worry. Although they are relatively simple to set up, I have also done some complicated things, at least to get rid of you from the object."

Ma Yuan said that Flora did not know whether to be happy or sad.

After all, for this situation, Flora did not want to happen.

This means that in Ma Yuan's spell, Flora itself is an attribute with Hora, and Flora does not want to be Hora.

It's just that she was originally Izanami's flesh, so she didn't want to do it.


As Ma Yuan said, he threw a shuriken towards the roof.

Generally speaking, some weapons of the Lord of the Rings cannot be used after the armor is recalled.

Like some steel wires that Zero often uses, those are things on the Lord of the Rings armor and cannot be used without armor.

However, for Ma Yuan, this setting seems a bit redundant.

Because it is too used to using those shurikens, Ma Yuan's use of shurikens, but there is no distinction between whether to wear the ring armor.

As long as he wants to use it, he can use it.

Right next to the roof there was a Hora, catching Ma Yuan's shuriken.

"Unexpectedly, you have such a capability."

This hola's high appearance made Ma Yuan want to beat him directly on the ground to beg for mercy.

"Really? When you came here to attack, did you not think about who you are attacking?"

Ma Yuan asked after looking at this Hora.

Now that he has reached the point where he needs a sneak attack from the other side, he should be somewhat aware of his strength, but this kind of undetected statement is part of making Ma Yuan even more angry.

However, the opponent's ability is not bad.

Able to pick up his shuriken empty-handed.

There is also a certain ability to do so.

Ma Yuan thought so, and Flora stopped Ma Yuan.

"Two battles a day is bad for you."

Flora said so.

The depression brought by Ma Yuan just now let a Hora solve it for himself.

Flora will naturally leave Ma Yuan out.

"It's better to let me come here."

Ma Yuan froze a little, nodded, and then returned to Zero's house.

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