Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 16 Chapter 163: Bar owner

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When zero said so, Ma Yuan thought of it.

I have seen the dojo of the zero family.

But if it is a training ground, I have not seen it.

When zero was waiting for Mayuan to the dojo, he said to Mayuan that in general it is used as a training ground, and is generally prepared for some training of zero to exercise his body and make himself more in line with the magic. Knight's request and the like.

But the specific situation, Ma Yuan is not too well understood.

When zero said this, he probably intended to use his training ground for Ma Yuan.

In this way, Ma Yuan is very interested, and in the case of saying zero, Ma Yuan is not very good at rejecting the "beauty" of zero, and can only hope that his "bulb" will not be too obstructive.

There was no news from Afu.

It's probably a little bit different from the Fairy League, and what I thought, but it's biased towards Afu's statement, which is a bit troublesome.

It's just that no matter what the trouble is, it's not very important for Ma Yuan.

Because of the development of the event, even if some yaw will occur, it will generally be the same as what I thought.

So Ma Yuan didn't care much.

In case Izanami suddenly ran out and pretended, she sent her back.

Just happen to be able to seal together.

It's just that the battle between the Lord of the Rings and the Lord of the Rings is said to be the battle of the seals, and I always feel that Ma Yuan is unhappy.

Is there no possibility that these Hora can be directly destroyed? Because they exist by relying on yin and ego, so they basically depend on human beings, and they will not disappear as long as someone is there?

Ma Yuan didn't understand these very well.

None of this exists in your own knowledge of the Lord of the Rings or in your understanding of the world, as if it were a puzzle.

Ma Yuan didn't intend to ask zero either. They seemed to have accepted this setting and felt that it didn't make any sense no matter how they asked.

When thinking about this, Zero and Liehua have already walked ahead. Their first destination is naturally a dessert house.

However, Zero said that he wanted to say hello to the boss, but turned a halfway and entered a bar.

This bar looks old.

The "boss" inside is a disabled person.

Although it is said that Zero calls his boss, no one actually knows his real name. It is only from the objects behind him that it can be seen that this boss should be a Lord of the Rings.

Do you like to open a bar now after Lord of the Rings retires?

Ma Yuan remembered that the boss he met when he first came to this world was treated like the "boss" of zero.

I am afraid that the Lord of the Rings usually lives after retirement?

After seeing zero, the boss brought him a cup of Irish coffee.

After thinking that zero could finally drink some sweet and unrelated drinks, Ma Yuan instantly felt that he was really naive.

In front of me, it is as innocent (sweet) as sugar.

After the Irish coffee was taken out, the boss directly applied a circle of cream on it.

That's right cream.

Generally speaking, even if it is alcoholic Irish coffee, there will be a little milk in it.

This milk froth is like reading the essence of directly serving as coffee.

But on this zero cup of coffee, the milk foam turned into sweet cream directly. This kind of sweetness was so fragrant that Ma Yuan saw it for the first time.

It really is very consistent with zero behavior.

When Ma Yuan was thinking this way, Liehua also seemed to know the boss and ordered a cocktail for herself and Ma Yuan.

"I heard that the recent Hora is the very tricky Izanami in the record?"

The boss was talking with zero while making a cocktail.

"Yes, so I hope the boss can do me a favor and look at the situation."

zero said with a smile.

This kind of Lord of the Rings Master who can retreat, even if he is physically disabled, is basically a very powerful existence.

"This is no problem, after all, it may still be difficult for you alone, but I can't really do things related to combat."

The boss raised his hand while talking.

This hand is a bit troublesome to take the cup.

If he was asked to fight with a brush, he might have killed him.

"Of course we do."

Zero smiled in response to the boss's words.

"But speaking of it, all three of you are here, is... Is that Izanami coming out?"

This kind of lineup can almost be regarded as an attack by the whole army. It is understandable that the boss feels this way.

"Actually not, I just came to this city and wanted to see it after the arrangement, so I asked them both to be guides for me."

Ma Yuan's words actually caught the boss a bit off guard.

Is there a Lord of the Rings who would want to travel in the city he arrived in?

Although it is true that there are occasional situations where you can watch the scenery, Ma Yuan's specialty is still a bit strange.

"By the boss, shouldn't the playground I visited when I was a kid still?"

Zero at this time, by the way.

It’s been a long time since Zero’s memory of the playground was also a long time ago.

At this moment, Ma had the idea of ​​"Can this person do it?"

Feeling inexplicably a little unreliable?

"It's been demolished early. Why did you take them both to the playground? But it's about the same. At your age, most people are having fun."

The boss glanced at Ma Yuan and pointed to the northwest direction.

"There is a new house over there, you can check it out, but one thing is different, it will be closed after three hours. If you come back early, I will go to the corner store to bring you some food."

The boss said to zero like a child.

And what zero looked like really looked like a child.

As for that shop, you can know from your knees that it must be a dessert shop.

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