Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 16 Chapter 173: Elven country

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The idea of ​​zero is right.

It seems that many steps have been omitted in the middle.

However, these omitted steps are not important. Ma Yuan didn't correct the idea of ​​zero. Immediately after zero, he felt a different range from this depressed atmosphere.

It was as if someone had sent a glass of water in the desert.

Both zero and Liehua felt a distinct, cool breath.

This breath, Ma Yuan is no stranger.

Although the baby who emits this breath on weekdays still feels too weak, Ma Yuan has not been immersed in this atmosphere every day, and there is no way to distinguish its kind.

That's the breath that Afu spreads to Ma Yuan every day.

Zero and Liehua may not be able to feel it, but Ma Yuan can definitely feel it.

So when this cool feeling appeared, Ma Yuan could know that it was probably the elves.

Elves always have such a comfortable feeling, even in the depressing world of Devil Realm.

Ma Yuan looked in the direction where this cool feeling came, as expected, although he did not specifically see the elves-after all, these small creatures can be hidden in the woods casually-but he can feel that they really exist .

Immediately afterwards, the entire space seemed to have changed to another look.

Even in such a depressing place in the Devil Realm, a certain range of places has a feeling of being as beautiful as heaven.

"where is it?"

Lie Hua approached Ma Yuan and asked.

It can be felt even at zero. This is definitely the spirit field of elves, which makes them feel a very comfortable feeling.

"Are you the owner of Afu?"

After a while, an elf appeared, looking at Ma Yuan and asked.

Ma Yuan nodded.

If you want to say it is the owner, you can afford this title.

After all, all the energy is supplied by the Afu Magus.

However, the Ma Yuan who made Afu's magician is not just himself.

"Those who can seduce elves are certainly not bad people."

The talking elf looks like the leader of other elves. If the elves themselves are considered to have an equal lifestyle, then this should not be the elven king, but the person selected for negotiation.

"Hope not to confuse you."

Ma Yuan said with a smile.

"The relationship between Afu and I finally decided on the partnership. It was also the decision of the two of us after a long time of thinking. At first, we did not intend to use your power for this, but..."

Ma Yuan said here, paused.

"I'm very sorry that I have to use your strength here. After all, how troublesome is Izanami, and you also know it."

This kind of diplomatic vocabulary surprised Zero.

If Ma Yuan is not a Lord of the Rings and Lord of the Rings, and has a vital role on the front line, probably at this time, Ma Yuan will be included in the senate.

After all, compared to management skills, the ability to fight is more important to the world of the Lord of the Ring Knight and the Lord of the Rings.

"Then those two are?"

The elf asked Zero and Liehua.

"These two are our companions. There is no way to summon all the Lord of the Ring Knights and the Lord of the Rings in the battle of Izanami, so... this time the three of us mainly fight."

Ma Yuan said with a smile.

The elves were very pleased with Ma Yuan and Zero and Liehua's attention to this meeting. They nodded to each other immediately, as if they had already approved Ma Yuan.

However, it would be nice if things could end so simple.

"I wonder if you are missing one person."

Who knew that at this time, another dark elf looked at Ma Yuan.

His words seemed to blame Ma Yuan for deliberately concealing something.

"I don't know what to say?"

Ma Yuan, they can't hide any one person, and the only one who really fights is zero, Liehua and Ma Yuan.

If it is to be counted, there is the Kojima Gangya.

But Yedao Gangya was patrolling, and they happened to come directly, but they forgot about the existence of Yedao Gangya.

"As for the Golden Knight, we came as soon as we got the news, so we forgot him for a while, and I am very sorry."

Zero quickly stepped forward.

Because Kojima Gangya is zero's best friend.

Actually forgetting his best friend at this time, this is a shameful thing for zero.

After hearing that they were the golden knight, the elves glanced at each other and immediately awed in awe.

"If it is a golden knight, he is too busy and does not need to come over."

The headed elf said so.

After all, they thought at the beginning that only Ma Yuan would come by himself.

But this made Ma Yuan feel a little depressed. The gold knight, besides Kirishima Steel Fang, is also himself.

Although it hasn't been a long time since becoming a golden knight, it is understandable that the other party will be more familiar with the tooth wolf than himself. But for Ma Yuan, it was enough to be depressing.

"No, I'm not talking about the golden knight."

How do you know that the dark elf suddenly started to get upset.

Generally speaking, such dark characters will exist as villains.


In the world of elves, it probably exists as a kind of elves that are not very well-received.

The character is not the same as other elves. There are some naughty dark elves. Ma Yuan guesses that he is probably this setting.

However, the dark elves are nothing. After all, they exist for the sake of the elves, so they can talk about this matter.

"I mean the Hora carrier in the depths of the demon world, don't you want to be with Flora. But is she the carrier of Izanami?"

Ma Yuan didn't expect that the other party directly took Flora to speak.

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