Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 16 Chapter 183: Officially begin

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Ma Yuan looked at this huge Izanami.

He noticed that zero had begun to increase his vigilance.

Ma Yuan probably knew what was going on.

I have also seen records of huge Hora in the records before. Those Horas are like the overlords of this world, generally they can be as high as five or six floors.

However, in theory, if it is really so tall, it is actually impossible to have enough agility.

It's a pity that even agility is not enough, but because it is too huge, at least the blood is thick, and it seems that after reducing one ability, another ability will be improved accordingly.

It is a very environmentally friendly way to follow the law of conservation of energy.

Of course, it is not a little bit difficult.

And Ma Yuan soon learned why Izanami didn't even care about the seal of enchantment she had set for her.

Because for Izanami, this seal of enchantment simply does not need to worry about existence.

When Ma Yuan realized it, his enchantment seal had already been broken through because of the huge body of Izanami.

damn it.

I forgot about this myself.

When the Lost Forest saw Izanami, Ma Yuan should know that the other party was definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Her hugeness, she should not ignore it because of Flora's normal, but should keep in mind the size and beauty of Izanami.

As a creature, as a Hora, Ma Yuan has seen her once.

Although it is said that Ma Yuan did not expect Izanami to be able to directly break his enchantment seal in such a simple way, Ma Yuan still expected that Izanami could break through the enchantment.

And Izanami didn't say much nonsense, they directly attacked Mayuan.

It was Hora who attacked them on Izanami.

That’s right, it’s Hora in Izanami.

It seems that it is already possible to know Ma Yuan's situation in general. Izanami has also made psychological preparations for the world and the channel of the demon world to be closed after he came here.

Directly entered the world with a group of Hora.

For the powerful Hora.

It's not difficult to become a new Hora with your own blood and your own body.

After all, Ma Yuan also encountered such a huge Hora before, so I can still understand.

"According to the plan, act separately."

Ma Yuan looked at zero and said.

zero nodded.

Because of its large size, Izanami is said to have a very thick skin and is not very good to kill, but it also causes slow movements.

For Izanami, it may be more convenient to use some kind of power in his body to carry out a variant attack, or to hand over the attack itself to other Hora.

In this way, Zero doesn't need to worry too much about Izanami getting a black gun in the back, just need to pay more attention to these Hora in front of him.

This is an easy thing.

You know, for zero, this little hora is a piece of cake.

The silver tooth knight, which is the same as the gold knight tooth wolf, is not a fuel-efficient lamp in itself.

As for Ma Yuan, of course, he hasn't rushed to call the armor, and changed the position with Liehua, Liehua immediately began to support the attack of zero.

The Ma principle is to directly add to his own body functions, and quickly rushed towards Izanami.

It is necessary to know how many chips and attack methods the opponent has at the beginning.

Ma Yuan is ready to weaken Izanami's ability.

But the most critical information about Izanami is not fully understood by Ma Yuan, so it must be tested from now on.

Ma Yuan has done this many times.

If you only want to collect information, you don't need to do your best.

It only takes a wandering battle, but Ma Yuan is still reluctant to leave them to zero.

When faced with Hora, the Lord of the Rings like zero basically doesn't spend much time understanding the other party's abilities.

It's just that the soldiers came to cover up the water.

Although it is not wrong.

But in this way, it is easy to have some unexpected situations. The Lord of the Rings is not easy to live long because of the battle with Hora. When facing the powerful Hora, such as Izanami, he still does this. Death is basically the same as finding death.

However, according to the situation of zero, Ma Yuan was so afraid that he would really go to death.

Ma Yuan thought this way, and immediately Izanami realized the meaning of their separate action.

Something like a vine suddenly appeared on his body, and he lashed directly at Ma Yuan.

Ma Yuan quickly retreated, this attack was not covered.

After all, it was Izanami's attack, and this black "vine" didn't even know what the body was, and what would happen to him when he hit him, Ma Yuan was even more unaware of it.

Sure enough, it was just like what I thought.

In this state, the opponent will give up any fighting method by directly moving the body.

In other words, it is most normal to let your family members, or some kind of force generated by a deformation of the body itself, attack.

It was at this time that a golden wolf suddenly fell from a height and directly cut off these vines.

That's the golden knight tooth wolf.

Ma Yuan looked at Kengdao Gangya and was surprised.

It's not because Majima's appearance at this time surprised Ma Yuan, but because Majima's steel tooth was wearing armor directly at this time, which surprised Ma Yuan.

This is not what they planned.

During the battle, the Lord of the Rings should generally be the same type. Do you attack without weakening the opponent without armor?

Why did Nishima Steel Fang suddenly start armor dressing at this time?

Could it have any other meaning?

Ma Yuan had no way of knowing this.

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