Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 16 Chapter 188: time limit

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Actually, it is not that time has slowed down.

In fact, Ma Yuan knew.

Time cannot be slowed down, but after wearing armor, your physical function has been improved as a result, and your ability is naturally strengthened quickly.

Because of this improvement in physical function plus the rapid strengthening of abilities.

Ma Yuan, the Lord of the Rings, will feel that time has become slower.

Generally speaking, once there are more things that can be done in an instant, then the corresponding time will be "slow".

Einstein's theory of relativity probably means that.

Fifty or more seconds.

Do you defeat Izanami in this time?

Of course it is impossible.

Just think with your knees that it is impossible!

Ma Yuan is a powerful Lord of the Rings, but it does not mean that he is an arrogant maniac.

In this case, just think about it with your knees and you will know that it is impossible to achieve.

But Ma Yuan did not panic, and began to write directly to the phantom that Flora started to attack.

Concern is chaotic.

Zero cares about Flora, but it is easy to mess up his position.

In front of him, not just a phantom, but Flora's avatar, which is part of Flora.

This "part" is of course, in a sense, contains all the existence of Flora.

The meaning of this "everything" may not be clear to zero, but Ma Yuan can't understand it.

"You calm down, the ‘person’ in front of you is Flora.”

Flora, as the successor of Izanami, no longer knows how many years of history, nor how many generations have been reincarnated.

Because of this, Flora's existence will be more realistic.

This phantom is not just a phantom used to disturb people's hearts, it can also be regarded as a part of Flora, Flora is a real part of this world.

"You mean?"

Zero froze for a moment.

In fact, when fighting just now, zero should be felt.

The Flora's illusion in front of him, although it is only a Flora's figure, but the way of using a spear is exactly the same as Flora.

Although it is said that there is no formal confrontation with Flora, Zero can probably see Flora's figure in this "phantom" in front of him.

He doesn't need to fight Flora to know Flora's strength, so when Zero is playing with this "phantom", he probably knows it, which is a complete reenactment of Flora.

Engraved the existence of his most important companion.

This re-enactment is like saying from the bone that Flora was pulled out of Izanami's body.

"But consciousness is not Flora at all."

Zero added.

"Of course, this is nothing more than a "robot" created by Izanami using Flora as a model."

The reaction ability, plus the fighting method, is probably very similar to Flora, but it is only very similar. Basically, this person is not Flora.

This zero can still be felt.

"I know, I won't take it lightly again."

Zero responded to Ma Yuan.

Ma Yuan nodded.

Sure enough, he is a well-known and experienced Lord of the Rings, but with a little mention, he can know what he wants to express.

"This is just for me."

At this time, Yedao Gangya took a step forward.

What he meant was quite simple.

What is different from zero is that Nishima Steel Teeth did not follow this task all the way, which means that compared to zero, Nishima Steel Teeth lacks the emotional presence of Flora.

It is because of this that it will be more convenient for Gengdao Gangya to start Flora.

He would not have too much affection and sympathy for Flora.

This can't be done by zero.

"Don't underestimate me."

Zero said.

"Even if it's just a phantom, but as a companion in the past and as a comrade in the past, I also realized that I would send her to Requiem in person."

When Zero said that, Ma Yuan smiled a little embarrassedly.

"Well, although it's a bit wrong to interrupt your determination... No, it should be said, it is time to remind you at this time, may you have a lot of goals for your determination?"

Ma Yuan said while looking at the other side.

There are more phantom travels in front of zero.

"Really, if there is only one, it will make people hesitate, so many of them..."

Zero laughed.

For some things, as long as the number becomes larger, human sympathy will decline.

If it is just a Flora, then zero will have a little hesitation.

But Flora's phantoms became more, and Zero's hesitation disappeared. He knew that he was only facing some robots with Flora's abilities.

"It seems that this time there is no position that let me come."

Yedao Gangya said mockingly.

Yes, with such a large number, it's just not possible to solve the problem alone.

Not just zero, even Ma Yuan himself is going to join this battle.

Without saying anything, Ma Yuan ran to the phantoms in front of him.

The long sword in his hand first attacked the first phantom.

However, it is very miserable that these phantoms did not have any decline in quality due to mass production. Flora’s phantom directly intercepted Ma Yuan’s attack.

This interception made Ma Yuan know this in front of him in an instant, not the kind of incomplete reproduction.

Generally speaking, if any technique needs to re-engrave a person, there will be some defects.

For example, the ability will be somewhat insufficient.

But the Flora in front of him now has no shortcomings.

It was the one Flora who knew her.

"It seems a bit bad."

A sweat dripped from Ma Yuan's head, and he stepped back a few steps before throwing away his shuriken.

Flora's power, even if Ma Yuan is recognized, now about seven or eight Flora are in front of themselves, it is indeed a bit difficult.

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