Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 16 Chapter 197: Eight hands

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Ma Yuan wandered in front of Izanami.

The axe in Izanami's hand has completely disappeared.

She was like shooting mosquitoes, attacking Ma Yuan and Lidao Steel Teeth.

No, it would be nice if you just shoot mosquitoes.

Ma Yuan can see that this attack method is definitely more troublesome than shooting mosquitoes.

It wasn't just a mosquito shoot. Every time I hit, Izanami's hands would deform.

Hora will even appear in some half-lengths.

These half-length Horas, like the evil spirits in hell, stretched out their hands to Ma Yuan and Keng Dao's steel teeth, as if they wanted to pull them into the depths of hell, into Izanami's claws. Inside, inside Izanami's body.

This situation was a bit disgusting just looking at Ma Yuan.

He controlled Huang and probably avoided the attack of three hands.

The other pair of hands, of course, are attacking Kojima Gangya.

Ma Yuan waved the brush in his hand.

Text quickly appeared on the brush, and soon the text began to expand rapidly, and then wrapped the whole person of Izanami.

Izanami looked at Ma Yuan and smiled.

"How do you check me?"

Izanami's voice no longer felt any "human" at this time.

Overlapping sound effects, plus a trembling, mechanical tone, even though it may still have the feeling of a female voice in it, but her voice can no longer be described as "female".

Flora may have been completely eaten by this time, right?

Ma Yuan thought of it suddenly.

Zero has always cared about Flora's existence more than anyone else, and was more touched by this tragedy.

If Zero at the rear knew this, or let Zero discover this, Ma Yuan didn't know what kind of power zero would explode.

Anyone who is almost desperate, even the culmination of anger, can always burst out unexpected power.

It's just a pity that zero just made Izanami slap a serious injury, otherwise Ma Yuan can look forward to it.

But it’s not a matter of missing zero.

Ma Yuan and Kojima Gangya confronted these four hands. Although they were a bit difficult, they were still able to fight.

In comparison, Ma Yuan actually checked Izanami, and Izanami thought it was correct.

As can be seen from his own inspection, Izanami has the most eight hands.

Although it is said that the hand itself was transformed from Izanami's body, it will maintain a balance only in the eighth state.

This balance allows Ma Yuan to confidently say that the upper limit of this hand, and the most beautiful state, is eight.

Yes, eight.

No more, no less, it would be a good situation if you resisted six, and let Niijima Gangya resist two.

After all, his own ability is stronger than that of Nishimado Gangya.

But hiding a killer weapon until this time was used, but it made Ma Yuan want to sigh uncontrollably, and Izanami really existed for wisdom.

She really did what she could do with patience and close mind.

It would be nice if someone could deal with these six hands.

While thinking about it, Ma Yuan brandished his long sword and solved all the Hora in the hands of Izanami.

These hora are simply endless.

Sure enough, such a powerful Hora.

I don’t know how many yin I am made up, I don’t know how many years have passed, how much experience Hora has.

The existence is not so easy to solve.

"Are you ok?"

Ma Yuan looked at the Kangdao Gangya.

Because of the help of elves and the magic buff bonus of the Lord of the Rings.

In addition, Ma Yuan gave himself a certain energy lock from the beginning, which can reduce his fatigue gain to a surprising level.

So Ma Yuan was okay at this time.

However, in this case, Ma Yuan was not sure whether this was the case for Najima Gangya.

Kojima Gangya is not a Lord of the Rings.

He is just a Lord of the Rings.

So anything that can be done is purely only done by one's own strength.

Even if Xiemei and Liehua have a spell bonus, Ma Yuan also got the bonus of this spell, so Ma Yuan can know that the bonus of this spell does not represent the bonus of physical strength.

"Compared to others, care about yourself first."

Tooth wolf said.

There is an elf's protection, so the fatigue of Gengdao Gangya appears slightly later than usual.

But the most important thing is.

It's not just because of the protection of elves.

To know that as a senior Lord of the Rings Knight, Gengdao Gangya actually has a lot of power.

And it doesn't count.

The tooth wolf is now resisting two palms of Izanami, while the horse was originally six.

This gap made Kenji Gangya feel that if he showed weakness at this time, he would fundamentally lose.

And on the other side.

It seems that because the spirit was originally the mental ability of the healing zero.

So zero's mental strength has picked up.

The complete consciousness can be restored immediately.

When zero's complete consciousness was restored, zero began to fully accept what the elf did on his body.

This makes the treatment of elves more convenient.

Not only that.

After the wizard's treatment became convenient, zero immediately recovered from his usual situation.

When I opened my eyes, I saw the monster that I was fighting before. I stretched out three or four hands and faced my companion. What's the mood?

At this time, probably only zero can understand it.

The armor on the body has not been recalled, which means that he is still in a state of armor.

Since it is in such a state, zero can more easily know what to do afterwards.

"Silver Teeth."

Zero yelled.

Yinya flew to Zero's side immediately.

The serious injury I received just now, even if the body is a little better, a little bit, there is something wrong with zero. It is not suitable for his current state.

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