Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 1: Changan

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As soon as Ma Yuan recovered, he was already standing in a strange place.

what happened? what happened?

He couldn't remember anything.

The sky here is already dark, and countless stars are lit up, not only in large numbers, but also colorful, as attractive as jewelry.

This is much more spectacular than all the night sky he has seen. He was instantly fascinated.

But the strange environment triggered his alertness. In front of him, five hundred meters away, a huge gate was closing slowly, but there was no sound.

Suddenly, a roar broke the silence of the world.

"Bold fanatics, dare to disturb Chang'an clean."

Looking in the direction of the voice, Ma Yuan was frightened.

It was a body without flesh, like a flame covered by a robe. It was more than two people tall. It is drifting quickly, is it a demon or a ghost?

Before Ma Yuan thought about it, the bad thing threw a sickle at him.

As the murderous approached, Ma Yuan instantly felt unable to move. Although he instinctively told himself that this thing was very dangerous, his body could not react at all, and a powerful force bound him.

Get moving! Get moving!

Ma Yuan was already on the verge of death, and he shouted inside like crazy.

Seemingly feeling his call, Ma Yuan flew five stones all over his body. Those stones had strange patterns and energy fluctuations that surprised the other party.

"this is……"

Both sides are puzzled at this time.

The long sickle stopped in midair, but approached Ma Yuan at a visible speed. Ma Yuan observed that the sickle and the flame in the human body were connected by a thread, like his tentacle.

Ma Yuan found that he was able to move, so he immediately ran to the opposite direction of the door blocked by the monster. Gradually, he saw the street with many houses and hid in.

And that monster seems to be still fighting these stones.

This is a city, it has a name that shocks the Quartet-Chang'an City. But at this time, Ma Yuan did not know.

In the uppermost palace of Chang'an City, a woman who seemed to be sleeping opened her eyes gently, and she looked at a place where there were five stones with strong light.

"Eternal life, destiny, red moon, beast marks, source of disaster."

She called out the names of the stones.

Di Renjie, beside the guard, was taken aback, "This is the holy stone of the fifth order, and five of them were born at once."

This woman is the Holy Emperor Wu Zetian.

She dominates all directions, she stands, all living beings can only kneel down, she smiles, the beauty loses her posture, she is the last emperor.

Under the sky, all of us are Wu Zetian's subjects!

"Go," she said, closing her eyes again.

Di Renjie quickly walked out of the palace.

He threw a token. The token flew into the sky and turned into a yellow firework. It was a search order that ordered the world. Only one in Chang'an City enjoyed this power, it was Di Renjie.

Hearing the sound, all the servants in Changan immediately armed and ran around on Changan Street.

At this time, Ma Yuan was still shrinking in a small corner, and he desperately suppressed his fear. There were many people walking around outside, and Ma Yuan found that their costumes resembled soldiers. They had a heavy stride, and their eyes were fierce.

Is there a countermeasure? Maybe not.

This is a completely unfamiliar world. In the face of a powerful force without knowledge, Ma Yuan is just a waste.

Damn it! Why am I here, such a ghost place.

Ma Yuan tried to calm down and sort out the past. He suddenly remembered what the monster said--

Bold fanatic, dare to disturb Chang'an clean.

Changan? Is this Datang?

Ma Yuan had an idea in mind. Datang is a prosperous age, and here is Chang'an again. I heard that the Great Wall is very well-ordered. I asked the officers and soldiers for help.

With a long sigh of relief, he felt a lot of relief all over his body.

Just preparing to go out, a force pulled him back. Ma Yuan thought that he was the monster just now, looked back in amazement, and found out that he was a white man.

Under the dark night, wearing a white coat is obviously abnormal.

"Do you want to die?" he asked haughtily.

"I don't want to." Ma Yuan didn't know what he said.

"If you go out now, no matter what you say, the officers and soldiers will kill you immediately, just like what their chief Zhong Kui did to you."

"Zhong Kui... He is Zhong Kui, why did he kill me?"

"Because you came out of that door. That door does not allow anyone to enter, but you enter."

Ma Yuan stunned for a moment, and remembered the door. It was a huge door with a height of 50 meters. The material of the door was transparent, and the surface seemed smooth.

"Let's say, you are inside the door, in addition to the five long holy stones, longevity, destiny, red moon, beast marks, disaster sources, what do you get, or what do you peep."

The man in white suddenly focused his gaze on Ma Yuan. He felt a gas field much stronger than Zhong Kui. Without those five stones, this time he seemed hopeless to escape.

The gas field turned into the image of Wan Jian and began to impact his consciousness, "I...I don't know...I'm here as soon as I get back..." Ma Yuan said what he knew, and the pressure was Take it back.

The man was surprised, and it felt that Ma Yuan was not lying.

Just as Ma Yuan gasped, five stones returned to his side, circulating around him in a clear trajectory like a stream of clear water flowing around him, and Ma Yuan was refreshed.

"Oops." The man in white pulled out his long sword, which was crystal clear and exudes pure air. Even Ma Yuan didn't understand the sword, and knew that this sword is definitely a peerless sword.

In the small corner where Ma Yuan was hiding, there were already soldiers densely standing, more above the eaves, and Zhong Kui was facing them. However, this time, his eyes were only on the white man, it seemed that Ma Yuan was no longer important.

"I can take you, you have to follow me." The man in white said to Ma Yuan, he seemed confident.

A white circle more than three meters wide appeared next to the man in white, and the sword gas floated above, forming a clear text. Those mysterious forces from the man quickly penetrated into the horse body, and Ma Yuan felt that his shape was becoming unreal. .

What will happen next?

The man in white took a step forward, and after this step, he was already within a hundred meters away. During this period, Ma Yuan felt that he had turned into an invisible wind, just like natural plants and trees without consciousness, and passed through the soldiers and Zhong Kui, just as normal as water flowing down.

Before Ma Yuan was thankful, the soldiers in the rear quickly caught up, and the man in white took him into the air with a jump of five or six meters and quickly fled.

Caught by the man in white, bumping all the way, Ma Yuan felt that his heart and lungs were flying out.

Di Renjie suddenly appeared in front of the man in white, and he had to use the magic method just now. Ma Yuan once again realized the beauty of incarnation. But this time, in addition to Di Renjie, there was a kid who looked like a raid.

"Just let it go."

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