Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 5: The practice of knowledge

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Ma Yuan had just been in the battle of Li Bai, Ju Youjing, Di Renjie, Zhong Kui and others. But it did not play a role.

In the final analysis, it was because he had no strength at all and could not control the outcome of the battle. He could only watch others kill him, or Li Bai to kill Saint Emperor Wu Zetian.

Although through short practice, it also opened up a simple control of the five holy stones. Just when he thought he could use force to fight, Li Bai's words undoubtedly suppressed Ma Yuan.

Ma Yuan clearly realized that he seemed to be a ants.

"Li Bai, aren't you dead?" Ju Youjing looked suspicious. Wu Zetian said that Li Bai would die, he wouldn't miss it.

"Void, longevity." Li Baiduan sat on the ground, slowly saying these names, and two stones flew out of him.

This is exactly the other two fifth-order sacred stones. Li Bai didn't expect it.

"Although I don't die for the time being, I can't stand it until the sunrise tomorrow." Li Bai sighed, the glory of the Holy Emperor destroyed his soul, causing him to lose his vitality, and his skills were gradually exhausted.

A generation of Qinglian Jianxian, even if not dying, will also become ordinary people without any strength.

"Boy, what is your name?" Li Bai looked at Ma Yuan.

"Ma Yuan." Ma Yuan quickly replied.

"I said what's your real name? Is it Ma Yuan?" Li Bai seemed dissatisfied with the answer and asked.

But Ma Yuan did not know what the real name meant. Li Bai thought about it and turned to Ju Youjing, telling him,

"Don't look at his fifteen or sixteen-year-old appearance, this teenager may be a peerless strongman. He entered the door, and some incredible things happened inside the door, which caused the loss of all his memories, and his cultivation practice was also retired."

Then he said again, "I'm going to die soon. Please trouble you to teach him how to practice. When he returns to the top, maybe he can remember what was in the door at that time."

Ma Yuan couldn't help but slander, he still remembered that he was a person from a different world, and his body was also the original body. Although he found that the clothes were a little weird, he was comfortable to wear. But at this moment, he felt that no one believed it.

The face of Ju Youjing showed tangle. Then, he put aside the sword on the ground into the sheath and said,

"Sorry, I am only saving my own boy. I am a dying person, and I don't have much time. Moreover, according to your inference, the evidence is slightly lacking and I can't believe it."

Ju Youjing saved Ma Yuan of course for the secret of that door.

At the risk of being wanted by Changan, he defied the Emperor and rescued Ma Yuan. Ju Youjing was willing, but it would take a lot of time for him to teach Ma Yuan Xiu to get him back to the top. He couldn't wait. Including her waiting for him to return.

"I know what you are looking for." Li Bai looked at Ju Youjing calmly.

Juyou Jing has an admirer named Gui. In any case, Kee wanted to pluck the beautiful flowers blooming on the cliff for her mother who had been ill all day. You Jing picked the flowers for her.

Offering beautiful flowers in the world for the girl you love, this is Juyou Jing.

Later, Gui was in a state of melancholy because of his mother's illness. The spread of hibiscus caused panic. At this time, the news came that the distant Kyoto was blooming with the ultimate flowers. It is a panacea that can cure all diseases and prolong life.

This is why Ju Youjing came here.

"That kind of flower doesn't actually exist." Li Bai went on to say this fact.

Juyou Jing pulled out his knife, "Sorry, I can't believe anything without evidence." He said awe-inspiringly.

He has been looking for this kind of flower for more than a year, and he also doubted whether the claim about this kind of flower is a rumor. But he can't deny, because once denied, many things will lose meaning.

"Although there are no flowers, this young man named Ma Yuan may be able to save the woman." Li Bai said slowly.

Ju Youjing walked beside Li Bai in disbelief. Then the two whispered for a while, Ma Yuan looked at it and didn't understand it, but after the two had finished speaking, the look at Ma Yuan was chilling.

They should have avoided the bad things he discussed. Ma Yuan was worried.

"What you just said makes sense. It's just, how do you convince me that this young man named Ma Yuan was really a peerless strongman before."

Juyou Jing asked Li Bai.

"There are two pieces of evidence." Li Bai replied lightly.

"First, he can launch five fifth-order sacred stones at a time. We all see that he now only has the soul pill level, and using the sacred stone is a difficult thing to do with the vitality level, so, thinking about it only There is a possibility of going backwards."

"Second, the state is backwards and the skills are exhausted, but there is one fact that will not change, that is, the original capacity of the owner will not be retracted. A bucket can empty the water, but it will not become smaller. After that, I will be You can verify this by transferring all the skills to this young man."

As soon as this statement came out, not only Juyou Jing, but Ma Yuan were terrified. The inheritance of sword immortals is something unimaginable in the world.

But before inheriting, Ma Yuan must know the basic things of cultivation, otherwise, Li Bai has the mental skill to pass on to him, Ma Yuan will not guide at all, and will only die in death.

So, the two began to teach Ma Yuan the basic knowledge of this continent.

This continent is called King Continent. The center of the mainland is Chang'an City, the east is Fuso, and the west is the ideal township. On the continent, there are two kinds of dominating creatures, man and monster.

People on this continent have five rough levels of cultivation. Vitality level, soul pill level, real name level, sanctuary level, immortal level.

Everyone has vitality in the body from the beginning. With a little guidance, they can move around the body and be strengthened. With repeated strengthening, the vitality accumulation gradually substantiates, forming a panacea at Dantian. At this time, the vitality of the blood veins and bones is flooded, and the primal flow will no longer have the effect of cultivation, and can only heal the wound.

The real name level is a watershed. Opening the real name means that there is an opportunity to seal the gods, which is so circulated in the world. When Li Bai did not reach the real name level, he had another name Anubi. Ju Youjing also did not use common names after reaching the real name level, only the real name. This is why Li Bai asked Ma Yuan's real name.

The Sanctuary level can form its own realm, with absolute control in the realm. Without extinction, there is a legend of immortality.

Ma Yuan belonged to the realm of the newly opened Qi. Li Bai is the Sanctuary-level consummation, and Juyou Jing is the first glimpse of the Sanctuary-level.

After listening to their explanations, Ma Yuan understood how weak he was and couldn't help being ashamed of his shallow ignorance.

The young man made up his mind that he must become a strong player like Li Baiju and You Jing, and be able to control his own destiny.

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