Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 10: Real-name magic

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The majestic roar made the secluded forest shrouded by the night no longer, and many beasts fled.

These are natural beasts without blood of magical species. If they do not run again, they will only be divided and eaten.

At first, Juyoujing and Mayuan walked around the mountain to prevent a monster from being missed.

Now, they rushed straight in one direction. You can be sure that a strange animal is born about a mile away.

"You are watching by the side, don't shoot. If it is a real-name monster, you should pay attention to protect yourself from being caught by his men."

Ju Youjing carefully told him that he was already seriously ill, and his shot at Changan City broke his limit.

In order to protect Ma Yuan at a critical moment, Ju Youjing now tries his best to ensure his strength and not give up all his strength.

It was about to approach. It was a two-story giant ape, its eyes widened like golden bells, and it stared at Ju Youjing and Ma Yuan in a row 100 meters away.

"Aooo." A group of demon wolves first launched the offensive, and the two sides closed together and wanted to go together.

Juhe. Juyou Jing pulls out the love knife three inches, and then presses it back at a very fast speed. There are dozens of qi waves instantly popping out, and those demon wolves are fainted by the qi waves.

Ma Yuan secretly remembered these moves.

It's just that the Demon Ape is not a general person, and at the moment when Juyou Jing's sword was sheathed, a big stone was thrown.

As a real name-level great consummation, the movement of the Demon Ape was rapid but it was still seen by Ma Yuan, not to mention Juyou Jing.

Only this time, Chang Mayuan launched an attack. His hunting wide-blade has been waiting for a long time, and Li Bai's three swords left in his body have been conjectured for a long time, and he feels that it has been somewhat fractal.

"The water of the big river."

The vitality absorbed by the hunting broad-blade suddenly surged dozens of times, and it was about to appear in the Yellow River.

Ma Yuan meditated on the secrets of practicing Jianyi.

turn! The vitality is rising at the foot, communicating with the heart, and carrying the Wanbo River on the foundation.

Turn again! If the heart beats like a thunderous storm, with the breathing, the river is flowing.

Third turn! The whole body of the Yellow River emerged from one place. It is the big river that enters the gorge.

What Ma Yuan didn't expect was that Ma Yuan's strongest attack was actually annihilated.

"What's going on, what's wrong?" Ma Yuan was shocked.

The big stone thrown by the magic ape had been posted in front of Ma Yuan for a moment, and the situation was extremely critical.

If you get hit, your head will be 100% open.

"The secret technique-Yanhui."

Ju Youjing also exhibited a hibiscus secret, taking Ma Yuan out of the battlefield, and at the same time, a straight light blade cut through the menacing stones.

The Demon Ape saw clearly that when the man jumped back, the knife in his hand had also completed the sheathing, and then the light blade was issued.

Ju Youjing stood there, faintly sending out his own field of mighty power, and the lower-level demons that stood nearby no longer dared to step forward and shrank back.

The Demon Ape realized this and was furious.

"I only admit that I'm unlucky when I meet the Sanctuary-level strongman, but I won't be obedient." The Demon Ape said slowly, looking at Juyou Jing with a stern expression.

The magic ape was not afraid at all.

It has just entered the real name class, and has penetrated some of the metaphysical principles of the world. Like most real name class strongmen in this world, it should have found a place to hide or travel.

But it was nostalgic for the feeling of being admired by thousands of beasts, so instead of leaving, it chose to recruit younger brothers, expand its ranks, and occupy the mountain as king.

The animal nature of the Demon Ape is not only eliminated but even more than a hundred times. This is the only reason why the real-name magic species cannot transform into a human form.

Knowing this, Juyou Jing didn't show mercy. Although he crossed the Danshen to achieve his real name, it was still a beast and didn't really realize it.

"Come on me!"

With a roar, the forty or fifty heads of the demons had to obey its instructions and swarmed up without fear of death.

The Demon Ape also stepped away from the big feet, and moved his heavy body with a huge iron rod, ready to knock it off.

"It's just a sweep of the net, saving one by one." Ju Youjing said coldly.

At this time, Ju Youjing's field has been fully expanded. The realm will let all living creatures see the illusion, such as Ma Yuan. He seems to see a dreamy flower blooming in the night. Its aroma is like a stinger covering the entire space. Those who want to pick it up die.


It was the sound of blood dripping.


The sound of minced meat falling to the ground.

In this space of 100 meters, an extreme massacre has just been staged. Fifty or sixty demons, big and small, and a real-name beast, all died miserably.

They even maintained their postures during their lifetimes, either lying on the ground, or opening their mouths in blood basins, and the magic ape's eyes seemed incredible, as if they didn't know what happened.

Under one blow, the enemy's life was taken away. In addition, even a small grass has not been affected.

Juhe Jianyi. It has always been known for precision, which is the perfect embodiment of Juhe.


In addition to these three words, Ma Yuan couldn't think of anything else. Although such praise is simple, it is very appropriate.

"Good! Good! Good!"

The third person's voice sounded in the forest.

It was a man in military uniform, his appearance was not good, his eyes were slightly dim, because he suffered a wave of blows in a short time, and because the beloved guardian was facing the threat of being taken away.

Repeatedly thinking about the next action, he was devastated.

Ma Yuan looked at the man cautiously.

Until the man escaped three tokens from his arms, **** red, strange blue, and just yellow. Ma Yuan screamed, "Di Renjie."

Beside Juyou Jing and Ma Yuan, well-armed soldiers came out one after another, first a row of cavalry, then heavy armored soldiers, and then a large round of heavy shields were being dragged close by, followed by a number of soldiers with bows and arrows .

Looking back, I can't see clearly. I only know that it is a dense figure. Here, there are three thousand elite soldiers of the Tang Dynasty, who want to secretly kill a strong man who is peeping at the sanctuary level and a great consummate of the soul pill level.

"There are more than two thousand people at the vitality level, but not more than one hundred at the soul level." Ju Youjing slowly reported the details of the enemy. The field has not yet been recovered. He explored it by the field.

Ma Yuan couldn't help but take a breath.

In this army, the most threatened person is the real-name consummate who has killed the powerful sanctuary three times with the power of six orders.

He is a symbol of Chang'an City.

As long as he is there, few people in Chang'an City dare to violate the law of Datang.

He is, the famous Tang Tang-Di Renjie!

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