Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 19: Qualification assessment

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When Ma Yuan stepped into the gate of Nanzhong City, and saw the large and small houses, the crowds from east to west, he couldn't help being excited.

This is the first time Ma Yuan has seen a town in this world.

But without spending too much time to appreciate the style of this place, Ma Yuan walked directly towards the place where the Longmen dart board directed by Qingyuan.

He had no money, and he lived and relied on others for help. Now, I have to go to the dart board to get some errands and get some money to support my life.

Longmen Dart Board is one of the most influential dart boards in Shudi. It was established three hundred years ago. In addition to the people in this dart board, outsiders are allowed to receive darts.

Qingyuan's recommendation letter to Ma Yuan is actually a letter of commitment to receive darts, which can do small things like sesame and green beans.

The larger darts require talent lines within the Longmen dart board.

Ma Yuan didn't know this fashion, this letter from Qingyuan changed the first stop of his life trajectory.

He was still uneasy at this time. If he couldn't catch the dart, what should he do?

The reception area of ​​Longmen Dart Bureau is a group of buildings with a large area. Ma Yuan was really surprised when he saw it, more than he thought.

There was a small door in front of it, and someone was watching it bored with the registration form.

Ma Yuan respectfully handed over the recommendation letter from Qingyuan. The other party was a little strange to see a 13-year-old child, but he still pointed out the direction for him.

"Go inside, turn right at the second door, and there is an old man looking for him."

After listening to Ma Yuan, he thanked quickly and walked in.

The man became bored again, and began to talk to himself, "Which is the son's brother, do all the boring things in the game."

When Ma Yuan passed through the wicket, he found that there were countless wickets.

Approaching the second small door, passing through a courtyard, and soon seeing a room, Ma pushed the door into it.

There is an old man drinking tea.

The old man's name is Zheng Shan, who was originally the father of the boss of the dart board. But getting along with his son was not good, so he worked as a steward in the deserted couple guidance room.

When such a manager was in a leisurely place in Nanzhong City, the old man Zheng Shan had not seen anyone come in for almost a month.

At this time, he was sitting on the middle chair with Erlang's legs, tasting the freshly brewed tea, and an unfinished word on the table.

After Ma Yuan came in for a while, Zheng Shan seemed to discover Ma Yuan. He put down a third of his tea and stood up.

"Even if a child can play darts, it's too small." The old man sighed, the young man's ambition, fearing which prince's son came out to experience.

"Are you alone?" the old man Zheng Shan asked again.

"Huh." Ma Yuan replied.

"You use a sword?" The old man asked the Qinglian sword worn by Ma Yuan's waist.


Zheng Shan then took Ma Yuan to the outside courtyard. The rush he had just walked did not take a closer look. It turned out that there were some utensils in the courtyard, and I wondered what it was for.

"Qualification assessment. The bureau first assigns you a rank before giving you a mission."

Ma Yuan listened and expressed understanding.

Zheng Shan came to a place ten meters away from Mayuan, where there was a wooden pile. He inserted nine arrows at nine different positions above and below the wooden pile, and then said,

"Wait for me to turn the stake, and you will make a sword as it spins."

"Remember that you can only shoot a sword and cut the bow and arrow. You can't cut it on the wooden pile. It depends on your ability to cut as many as you can."

After the old man Zheng Shan finished speaking, with a joke on his face, Ma Yuan didn't know that he was unhappy with himself.

As for whether this is embarrassing Ma Yuan or a real trial, Ma Yuan is not clear.

Slowly withdrawing the Qinglian sword, using a bit of vitality, the speed of the rotation of the wooden pile obviously slowed down in his eyes.

At the same time, the trajectory of the nine arrows became clear. Although the three swords of Qinglian of Ma Yuan were accidentally realized the day before yesterday, they are memorable in every way.

Jian Feng turned, striding forward, and then took another step.

Old man Zheng Shan saw something wrong at first glance. This unusual footwork is generally difficult for children to grasp.

"There is a time to ignite." Zheng Shan's eyes added some praise.

In the blink of an eye, Ma Yuanren came to the stake, holding the Qinglian sword in his hand, energizing the sword body, and directly using the first sword of the Qinglian three swords.

In the eyes of old man Zheng Shan, Ma Yuan cut a sword on a wooden pile. "Why does this kid want to do?" Zheng Shan was taken aback.

And the next moment, an incredible thing happened, Ma Yuan's sword body passed through the wooden pile like an illusory shadow.

After the sword was finished, Ma Yuan took a step back and put the sword into the scabbard.

The stake stopped, and nine broken arrows were inserted into it.

Zheng Shan laughed, deserved to be a hero out of youth, and today's young people are getting more and more powerful.

"Come with me," Zheng Shan led Ma Yuan out of this second door and into the other doors.

Walking in, Ma Yuan found that there were quite a lot of people in this door.

A few people marched, some others punched, and some hummed with swords. Before Ma Yuan saw it, Zheng Shan led him to a stone.

It's a stone, it's a wall.

The whole body is black, the texture is sword-like, and there are many large or small knife marks on it.

"Master Zheng Shan." A young man saw Zheng Shan and quickly came out to serve him tea.

But Zheng Shan didn't want it, "Tu Ming, you are my dog ​​son's favorite leg. It looks like a dog, no wonder he likes you."

After listening, the man was not angry. Ma Yuan felt strange. The man still laughed and didn't care.

"The master still has affection for Master Zhengshan, but he won't give way in that matter."

Zheng Shan groaned.

"By the way, Mr. Zheng Shan has anything to tell me this time."

"I'm here to take this test."

test? This is where the Dragon Gate dart board entry test takes place. Once you get started, it means you can receive a large enough dart.

Although the man noticed Ma Yuan just now, he didn't expect that the 13-year-old or four-year-old boy came to do the inner door test.

Maybe it is the son of a big family.

Can only guess so.

"He uses a sword, you use the test stone for him." Old man Zheng Shan pointed to the black wall.

"Yes." Zheng Shan promised.

"What kind of state has the vitality level reached." The man asked Ma Yuan that he was worried that Ma Yuan was too young to repair as a home, and it would hurt his self-esteem if he could not leave a trace on the test stone.

"The vitality level is perfect."

Ma Yuan thought about it for a while, and concealed the strength of his soul-level consummation.

The man listened a little unexpectedly.

"Sure enough, the children of big families are different."

Ma Yuan stood up and stood three meters away from the test sword stone, slowly pulled out the Qinglian sword, preparing to launch a strong blow.

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