Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 27: Ten years of frost and snow

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It's hard to imagine that there is a real-name strongman in Caotou Village.

The young man, who lived in Caotou Village since childhood, gave the people in the village the impression that he was extremely polite and kind-hearted, and never played with his temper and cried.

He was called Ayu by the villagers.

Ayu is Xiaocui's brother.

Perhaps, Ayu could become a real powerhouse, destined from the beginning.

That year, his birth was accompanied by the awakening of incredible power in the body.

As long as there is a conflict with other children, the fire of anger will cause Ayu to drive this power to hurt others.

Therefore, Ayu was reprimanded by her parents and requested that she should never use it or tell anyone who is different from others.

Three-year-old Ayu must restrain herself and learn to be calm.

Obviously, the parents who behaved extremely calmly also let A Yu see that they had already expected everything that happened to them, and they seemed to know everything.

In the following years, Ayu obediently obeyed what her parents said, and would endure no matter what happened.

At the same time, he also had doubts about his life, but for this matter, his parents still refused to tell him a little information.

Until one day, the team of demon hunters passed Caotou Village, and the curious Ayu contacted one of them.

After a close conversation, I discovered that the incredible power in my body was exactly what the mainland said.

The demon hunter showed that he possessed vitality and the posture after using it. It was further confirmed that Ayu found that he had obviously not practiced, but he had a cultivation practice of vitality.

This is by no means unusual.

Saying goodbye to the demon hunter, Ayu quickly ran home and questioned her parents to find out who he was.

"Am I a monster?"

"Not even your children?"

His parents repeatedly avoided his question, and he could no longer bear it, yelling loudly.

The rare excitement of the ten-year-old boy was nearly collapsed. His tears blurred his eyes. The young Xiao Cui, who had been asleep quietly, was awakened and cried.

The whole room became messy. The cry of girls and the complaints of boys created a disturbing atmosphere.

Mother stepped forward and hugged Ayu, comforting him over and over again with a gentle tone, gently touching his head.

" are of course our child."

The dad who usually behaved rigidly was moved by it, and finally told Ayu the truth about her life experience.

In this world, the monarchy is in turmoil, and the princes are also insecure. They may be destroyed overnight.

And Ayu's parents are the royal family of Zhongshan City, the people of the royal family of Shudi.

At that time, the leader of the royal family secretly studied the forbidden technique, arrested the magic species and secretly reared them. Just at the moment of success, it led to the destruction of the tide of the magic species.

Three days and three nights, hundreds of thousands of demons came out of the nest, and millions of sergeants in Zhongshan City suffered misfortune.

It was a catastrophe, making today's Zhongshan land a ruin.

The elders of the royal family divided the hard-earned research results into four parts, one for Ayu's parents and the other three for the rest.

Most of the troops in Zhongshan City were cut off for them to ensure their completeness. If the royal family of Zhongshan came out to be a genius again, he gave this secret to him and let him recover the name of the royal family of Zhongshan.

It's just that Ayu's parents saw the information handed over to them by the family and found that it was a drawing of some ancient weapon.

This weapon was quickly created by Ayu's parents, and they soon regretted it.

They found that this weapon has powerful lethality, and this cruel lethality will definitely bring the world like a monster army.

As a result, Ayu's parents found a small village to hide and ensure that they cut off contact with other royal people and live an ordinary life.

"Remember, don’t show your strength, lest your uncles come to your door, don’t let them get the secret of this drawing, or let them get the weapons hidden in the cellar."

Dad told Ayu.

He could not destroy that drawing, because it was the crystallization of the efforts of previous generations, and it was not filial piety to destroy it; at the same time, the heavy soldiers who had worked hard according to the drawings were solid and indestructible, and they could not be destroyed by the power of the couple It's half a minute.

"Don't practice, it's good to live a normal life, right, Ayu?"

Mother's forehead lowered and pressed gently on Ayu's head, as if to tell that the decision was not easy.

But Ayu had already decided that he wanted to practice. Once the power in his body was used secretly, it became a temptation to drive the young Ayu to use it.

The couple looked at each other and they suddenly made a decision.

"You go with the team of demon hunters outside. Just show the strength of the initial strength level, they will let you follow. Then, no matter how strong you are, no one doubts your life."

After hearing this, Ayu knelt down and knocked three loudly, and at this time, A Cui had fallen asleep again.

That night, Ayu was not asleep, and his heart was still entangled repeatedly, remembering many things.

The next day, Ayu walked alone to the demon hunter and showed the fact that he possessed vitality. Sure enough, the leader of the demon hunter wanted to recruit him into the team.

So, without more farewells, Ayu left, but he did not expect that this departure would be farewell.

In the second year after Ayu left, several mysterious people suddenly visited Ayu's parents.

"Xiu Cui, don't say anything no matter what happens."

When she noticed someone outside the house, her mother hurriedly hid Xiaocui in the cellar's office and gently told her.

"Relax, Mom will be back soon, be good."

Xiao Cui looked at her mother with big eyes, never thought this was a lie.

"Oh, come back soon."

Xiao Cui was a little unhappy, but she still hid with her mother.

When she closed the mechanism, she couldn't help crying.

The mysterious man outside the house held a sharp weapon and banged it, even without knocking on the door, it blew up the house.

There were dozens of people coming, looking at the couple coldly.

"Hand over things. Traitor!"

"I haven't betrayed the family, it's just that this thing will make the world's spirits..."

"Without further ado."

In the night, the opponents were on the same side. Just a few rounds later, the weaker mother Ayu was injured.

"It seems that there are too many easy days, and the two old masters have become little ones."

When one saw his opponent so vulnerable, he couldn't help laughing, and then asked,

"What about your weapons? If you don't, I'm afraid you made drawings to make that thing."

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