Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 33: Gambling with time

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"General, the second prince has already found this goal, and ordered me to hurry and capture this person."

Just as a man and a woman were about to step into the door of Caotou Village, Zhongshan Guards informed that the situation had changed.

The woman frowned slightly, feeling unhappy,

"Is the son of the rebel thief looking for death? Don't hide it, I am no longer interested."

The man chuckled and stepped forward to appease,

"Mrs. Don't worry, the man has a benevolent gun. Even if the two find a way of restraint, I'm afraid they can't suppress him. We only have time to have fun."

"Then let's go quickly, nothing will happen if we go late."

The two hurriedly turned around and left in the direction of Liu Zijing.

Just as the first and second teams started their reinforcements, the other four teams had found a group of villagers hiding in the center of the village.

"Oh, we will look for the introspection."

A man carrying a giant sword appeared slowly in front of Ma Yuan. He was the head guard of the Zhongshan royal family. When he came into the village, he did not find a villager. When it was strange, they found that they were all gathered in a single place and couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"Be careful, I am afraid there is fraud."

The man in black next to the giant sword man reminded him to observe for a while.

The two gradually approached, only to find that the villagers around the circle were waiting one after the other. One of them held the epee in his hand and had noticed them, while the other looked like a child, sitting on the ground, and seemed to be raising his breath. Both have the same place, that is young.

"Can they stop us on their own?"

Hearing the sound, Ju Jian's man's face became ugly, and he looked closely, and the other two teams rushed over.

"Have you not found the enemy?"

The black man asked aloud.

The latter nodded slowly, looking at the circle formed by the center, which was also strange.

This time, the situation became Ma Yuan and Tyumen against four real-name masters, but they still don't know how terrifying the enemy's strength they are facing, and are still thinking about the next countermeasure calmly.

"Brother Ma Yuan, they are here."

Tyumen said to Ma Yuan worriedly.

Ma Yuan also noticed that Liu Bei thought that he could make a lot of firepower by breaking through first. But the enemy's actions were too fast, and the news that Liu Bei had escaped outside the village had not been conveyed to these people, and they had entered the village.

But anyway, as long as you delay for a while, the enemy should report it, and they will naturally withdraw their troops in order to hunt down Liu Bei.

Ma Yuan couldn't help laughing when he thought of it, it seems that as long as they delay them for a while, this is the purpose of Ma Yuan.

At this time, four real-name masters and 20 Zhongshan guards successfully converged and slowly rushed towards Mayuan. The pressure caused everyone to panic.

The scene is like a lion group slowly approaching the flock, eager to open the blood plate.

"I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Ma Yuan said to the Zhongshan royal family who had arrived not far ahead, at this time he was still sitting and not getting up.

What does this kid want to do?

Not only was Tyumen surprised, but also the villagers, the soldier general who came here was surprised and could not help but slow down.

Such unusual things are also rare on the battlefield.

"What are you doing waiting for us?"

An old man with a thin figure came out of the four and asked Ma Yuan. His hands were shaped like eagle claws, hanging in the air, trying to catch something.

"I have a piece of information and I want to exchange something for everyone."

Ma Yuan said lightly, with a harmless expression on human and animal faces, but if he simply wanted to make a transaction, he would not have such a complicated situation.

The man in black looked cautiously around, allowing the Zhongshan guards to spread out so as not to fall in ambush.

"Your condition is..."

Asked the man in black, secretly putting his hand on the thin sword around his waist.

"I want you to let this village go."

Ma Yuan said softly

"This person not only knows that we are coming, but also knows what we are going to do."

The six people on the scene all felt tricky, tactical clouds, knowing each other, winning a hundred battles. As for the situation in front of him, the other party seems to know us very well, but they have no information about the children in front of them.

Is it just an ordinary bodyguard? It's just that such a young bodyguard has never seen him, he may have a certain history.

"You talk about intelligence."

Between the thoughts of the six people, the giant sword man put the sword on the ground and preached boldly.

"Xie Xiongtai!" Ma Yuan thanked.

"Talk about your information." The giant sword man stared at Ma Yuan, and other people also set their sights on Ma Yuan to see what medicine he wanted to sell in the gourd.

"On this trip, I know that everyone is trying to arrest a person. If he is not caught, everything is in vain. Are the monarchs right?"

Hearing Ma Yuan say this, the giant sword man laughed.

"You're wrong, even if you can't catch it, just get something."

"Oh, that is to say, something can be in that person or in the village."


When Ma Yuan was about to listen, the man in black stopped him. Obviously, the kid wanted to get more information from them.

This man is not very young, but his mind is horrible.

"Hurry up, what is your intelligence, and avoid turning around." The deep voice of the man in black was impatient, urging Ma Yuan to continue.

"I want to say that the person you are looking for is no longer here, and he has escaped long ago."

The four people were taken aback. No wonder the other six were all gone. They turned out to be the wicked son.

"This person's words are unbelievable."

Although he didn't find the other six people, he wasn't sure that they were just pursuing Liu Bei. If he retreated at this time, he just happened to be in the wrong direction. The man in black was too alert and seemed to refuse to evacuate easily.

Just as the man in black hesitated, he reported that the two guards arrived and reported to the four.

The man in black turned to look at Ma Yuan, his eyes full of complexity. Ma Yuan has succeeded in delaying the time. He won.

Just let Ma Yuan say to retreat them, how could it be so easy.

"Seven of you, stay here and quickly kill these rebel thieves and immediately catch up with us."

The Great Sword man ordered.

"Yes!" Seven Zhongshan guards were ordered to step forward.

For them, killing hundreds of weak civilians is as simple as cutting vegetables, but also confident not to let go.

"Oh!" Seven people came together, Tyumen flared his sword, and his vitality burst out. Under the siege of the three, he could only focus on the defense, and the principle of the horse was to fly directly out, without the power of one round.

"How can you backfire?"

Tyumen questioned each other loudly.

"I talked about the conditions of listening and did not say yes to you."

The giant sword man laughed, turned and left, and rushed to kill Liu Bei with the crowd.

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