Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 38: Kill one in ten steps

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With the upgrade of Rende's righteous gun, the power was ten times stronger, and bullets swept over the ground, and Liu Bei's vitality instantly dried up.

The guards of the Zhongshan royal family originally guarded every corner to prevent Liu Bei from escaping.

The explosion of flames devoured everything, and some of the guards who were too late to retreat were scorched and hit hard.

The man in flames was numb all over, and his mind was still dizzy.

In an instant, ten real names retreated, and the five blood prisons scattered as fragments. Only Liu Bei was standing alone, at this time his second real name "Han Zhao Lie Emperor" had disappeared, and the riot's vitality cried in the air.

Liu Bei was standing there motionless because he could not move, and he suffered more serious injuries than everyone present.

The burden of Shi Zhanhan Zhao Lie's second real name, as he expected, is now unbearable.

Slowly, the Zhongshan personal guard approached him, Liu Bei had no fighting power, but everyone was still very cautious.

Looking at the deep distance in the dark night, Liu Bei was caught in his memories for many years.

How to do?

What is the reason for this?

What is the result after finishing?

I haven't solved these problems yet. I'm afraid I will die with a lot of regrets.

"Come on, don't give him time to reply."

The Great Sword man got up from the ground and ordered them to say.

Just now, he first evacuated the circle and ran out, so it didn't affect much.

The man in black on the other side also climbed up and looked at the enemy, spitting out a few blood, before his breath calmed down.

Although the attack of the Great Emperor Han Zhao was very powerful, it directly broke through the closed spell of the five-party blood prison, but the distance was far enough that the additional damage could be sustained.

The two real-name masters barely had the ability to shoot. They looked at their uncles who had fallen to the ground, their lives and death were unknown.

It was only that Liu Zijing had commanded that he could only catch alive, not kill, so they held back and did not want to give up their efforts.

The situation reversed again, Liu Bei did not despair, just calmed down.

In front of yourself, if you are not dead, it is the journey you will take next, but now this broken body makes it extremely distant.

"Is it over..." Liu Bei muttered to himself.

Until the figure of a teenager appeared in front, he slowly approached, and Liu Bei's pupil suddenly enlarged.

The Zhongshan personal guards also realized that the young man who was supposed to be beaten to death in Caotou Village came to the battlefield with blood.

"It's him."

The men with great swords and men in black looked surprised.

Since he appeared here, the seven Zhongshan escorts did not return, so there was only one result.

In front of this seemingly weak child, not only can he defeat the seven Soul-Player Warriors at the same time, but he also has the confidence to come to the real name-level scuffle.

The man in black looked at Ma Yuan, wondering what he was thinking.

"What are you doing here?"

The Great Sword man turned the sword over and lowered his calf slightly, making an attacking gesture.

Ma Yuan saw that Liu Bei was in a big pit, the opponent's hands were hanging down, and blood was left on the ground. There was already a puddle.

Just from afar, Ma Yuan saw a beam of light rising into the sky, instantly like daylight, knowing that something must have changed.

Ma Yuan finally came to Liu Bei. What can be known is that there was a fierce battle.

"What about the Zhang family?" Ma Yuan asked, wondering if the latter is still conscious.

Liu Beidao said, "They all came to kill me, they should not care about the Zhang family."

Ma Yuandao, "That's good."

Liu Bei immediately asked, "Where are the people in Caotou Village?"

Ma Yuandao, "All good, except that one of my companions was seriously injured."

After confirming each other's information, they were relieved.

"I knew that there was no problem entrusting you." Liu Bei smiled.

"Three Swords of Qinglian, Ma Yuan."

Ma Yuan pulled the Qinglian sword out and reported it to the house with authentic hospitality.

"Zhongshan Royal Family, Liu Bei."

The other party was also very polite and reported the name accordingly.

Before, the two didn't know each other's name, but they relied on their feelings and followed the development to hand over their tasks to the other.

Ma Yuan promised to protect Miss Zhang's family, and then asked Liu Bei to protect him; Liu Bei promised that the villagers would protect Caotou Village and then gave it to Ma Yuan.

Only in this way can there be a chance of achieving both.

Just Ma Yuan stunned, Liu Bei? He knew the meaning of the name, which was the name of a great man who was king in his world.

Since Li Bai appeared in this world, he should have thought that other historical figures would also appear. This world has surprised Ma Yuan more and more.

"Do you think you have the qualification to fight against the seven Zhongshan guards?"

The giant sword man came with the guards, and he thought of a new idea, not only Liu Bei, but even Ma Yuan had to catch it alive.

No matter who this child is, it is impossible to get away safely before the two real-name classes plus more than thirty soul pill classes.

The giant sword glowed with golden light, and the outstretched tentacles wrapped around the man, gradually forming the style of armor.

The man in black drew his dagger and took off gently into the air, attacking the horse first.

The speed came very fast, Ma Yuan was already too far to dodge, so he had to mention the Qinglian sword to block it, and it was clear under the powerful and weak.

Ma Yuan flew out and groaned in pain on the ground.

"It turned out to be a flower shelf, and came running to pretend to be pretentious."

Seeing Ma Yuan had no cards, the giant sword man became very arrogant and laughed.

Liu Bei also wanted to join the battle on the side, but his body was so broken that he didn't fall against the Rende Yi gun, and even the movement was difficult.

The guards also gathered around, ready to capture the two.

Ma Yuan stood up again.

He did exhaust his strength in the fight against the seven souls, but he also had the last sword shadow left by Li Bai, which was the strongest hole card.

"Reluctant to hold this hole card..."

Although Ma Yuan was very distressed, because this was Li Bai's last remaining sword spirit in the world, he had to use it at this time.

If Liu Bei was saved, it would be worth it. Ma Yuan thought so.

When Ma Yuan urged Dahe Jianyi in Dan Tian, ​​the power of terror exploded from him instantly.

"this is……"

The man in black squinted and explored what was happening around him.


A lot of Qinglian sword qi appeared from the void, one by three, three by one hundred, and one by one million, and soon it became the realm of sword.

Looking at the sword shadow dancing in the sky, Ma Yuan said softly, "It's been a long time."

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