Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 40: Broken pages

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In Tyumen's eyes, the three people present, Liu Beinai is the first look at the real name level. Ma Yuan's strength is unfathomable, at least exceeding the soul pill level, and he is a vigor class.

There is no doubt that he is the humblest one in practice.

Recalling the days when Ma Yuan discussed swordplay with himself, Tyumen couldn't help feeling ashamed.

"The world is really unpredictable."

Ma Yuandao, "Tyumen, I have something to ask you."

Tyumen said, "What's the matter?"

Ma Yuandao said, "I don't know where the Zhang family's team is going. That night, Liu Bei alone led the enemy's pursuit and let the Zhang family escape."

But up to now, the people of the Zhang family have not come back. They may think that the rest are dead. After all, the strength gap is too great.

Ma Yuan was full of sorrow, but had no choice.

Tyumen said, "They didn't tell me how to contact..."

Ma Yuan tentatively asked, "Is it possible to return the same way?"

Tyumen thought about it for a while, "It's unlikely, because it's the marriage of a big-name family, and never allow the married person to turn back halfway on the road."


Ma Yuan thought, it seems that he can only follow Wu Di's route to see if he can meet them.

"How did Brother Liu Bei plan? Do you want to stay?"

Ma Yuan asked the other party, intending to draw the other party.

Liu Bei said, "I can't stay. As long as I stay, they will come again sooner or later."

Ma Yuandao, "So, do you want to go with us? I still need to ask some questions."

Liu Beidao said, "It may be possible, but I am going to find something in the middle, and may not be able to accompany you to Wudi."

Ma Yuan and Tyumen were overjoyed, "That's all right, dare to ask Brother Liu Bei what it is."

"Fragment of the Heavenly Book."

Liu Bei said slowly.

Ma Yuan was okay, just thought the name sounded pretty powerful. And Tyumen seemed to be stimulated, shouting, "The broken book of heaven!"

"Does this thing really exist?" Tyumen muttered to himself.

"Of course, otherwise why did those people chase me down?" Liu Bei said leisurely.

At that time, the crystal developed by Liu Bei’s parents was a benevolent gun, and what he studied was the divine scroll, which is now sealed in an iron box to prevent the breath from being exposed.

That night, Liu Bei searched the enemy's body, including the male and female double-stranded swords on Liu Zijing, and found a map with some marks and text.

Liu Bei immediately reasoned that this was the map that marked the possible locations of the broken book of Tianshu.

In Zhongshan City, the demonic army was swept away, and the royal family room was opened by the thieves. What happened was Liu Bei wanted to find the answer.

Rende Yiqiang is not a simple magic weapon. If you go to those places, you may get clues related to it.

"What is the broken book of Tianshu?"

Ma Yuan asked with interest.

"This...I can't tell clearly," Tyumen was a little embarrassed. "I heard that it was an ancient sage, a holy scripture used to rule the world."

"Cough cough." Liu Bei said a little, beckoning him.

"First, let me tell a story from the secret volume left by my master."

Liu Bei pretended to be mysterious.

In the vast ancient times, this continent once relied on the wisdom of the sage once brilliant, not only will humanity not die, but also satisfy their desires as they please.

However, overnight, mankind suffered a catastrophe.

Soon, with the arrival of the new century, new humans stood up from the mud and walked on this continent that was alive.

It's just that unlike the previous humans, they lost their divine power and had to fight hunger, fatigue, sickness, etc.

Among them, those who claimed to accept the teachings of the saints appeared. Regardless of physical strength and wisdom, these people are far superior to ordinary people.

As leaders of the various clans, their reputation is as high as their ears: Nu Wa, Huang Di, Fu Xi, Gong Gong...

In just a few hundred years, the construction of its civilization is more prosperous than the previous generation of human beings. Those humans who have few acts that only want to enjoy are the sum of their creation.

These great figures stipulated two ways for humans on this continent to lead to the gods: magic path and magical art.

The ultimate secret about them is only hidden in certain clans and passed down from generation to generation until today.

The sages of the leader road accept people's worship, and no one they can question can be questioned. However, there will be exceptions.

Because the sages claimed to accept the teachings of the ancient saints, but the saints have never appeared since then.

Hou Yi, a sharpshooter of the Da Ri clan, who simultaneously cultivated the magic path and the mechanical arts, merged the two to perfection, only to find that there is an imperfection in this cultivation method.

He was quickly learned by the sage, and he was taken to the place of origin.

There, he realized that the sages were not as ordinary people thought. They blame each other, they are not accustomed to each other's actions, they all want to walk their own thoughts.

The "Tower of the Sun" on the far border is a holy tool for the Western magic path. Because of the existence of the "Tower of the Sun", the magical energy sources are continuously produced.

The huge and unstable power deeply disturbed the Eastern King.

Combined with the wisdom of several sages, the artifact created—the Sunbow, was handed over to Houyi.

"If you succeed, you will know everything you want to know and become a member of us."

Those sages said this to Hou Yi.

When Hou Yi came to the Tower of Sun, he had been obsessed with magic and magical techniques since childhood, and he had to be attracted by this great creation.

Nine high towers, located in a mysterious formation, white light spilled from the tower, and then materialized into crystals.

It turned out that this is the glory of the sun!

Relying on this tower of the sun, the powerful energy of the sun gathers under the operation of the organ, and then it is transmitted to the magic road tribes around the west.

They only need to recite a few spells, and the magic path filled in the air will respond to their call and serve them.

Hou Yi longed for this power, he opened the bow to shoot the sun, secretly changed the bow and arrow to the guided technique, and then shot.

That arrow is the strongest arrow in history, because it broke through the strongest defense of the Sun Tower formation, surpassed the speed of light, and even the gods could not reverse its trajectory.

It penetrated deep inside the Tower of Sun, and incredible things happened.

Just like the positioning, energy is no longer transmitted to all parts of the world, but directly sent to Hou Yi's body.

He swallowed greedily.

"Me, the last sun."

Hou Yi spoke wildly.

Power... infinite power... Huge bows and arrows are like toys in hands, this is what they want to be: God.

Hou Yi's eyes saw the scenery thousands of miles away, and his ears recognized the rhythm of thousands of sounds.

Soon, he also noticed that something was approaching from a distant place.

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