Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 44: Ma Chao

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Relying on the real-name level of Liu Bei, he thought that against the two soul-level robbers, even if he did not use all his strength, he was still in hand.

This kind of thinking, but let me suffer a loss.

Liu Bei no longer tolerates, and breaks out the mighty power that the real-name realm can only use, approaching the three people step by step.

"this is……"

The two men's eyes narrowed, and they both felt that the person opposite was not good,

"Real name level!"

The young man took a step back, and Tyumen and Ma Yuan also took a few steps back with consciousness. This escalated battle may accidentally affect others.

"This horse refuses to move forward, but will move backwards. It's smart."

Ma Yuan patted the big long head of the horse and said with a smile to Qiu Ming.

At this moment, two other breaths rose in horror and reached the intensity of the real name.

It turned out that the previous two were also real-name ones, hiding Xiu Wei in some secret method, which only escaped Liu Bei's investigation.

Liu Bei sneered, "The robber of the real-name level is not simple."

The man who made the knife cursed, "I said don't go out today, and it was exposed all at once."

The fat man also replied, "Shut up, it's not your idea."

With that in mind, Liu Bei turned around and he split the two standing together with a sword.

Dadao came across, blocking the fierce attack of the comer, and instantly fighting with Liu Bei for several rounds.

The fat man of the hammer is secretly restraining Liu Bei, waiting for the opportunity to seize the latter's flaws and killing him with one blow.

In a short period of time, Liu Bei and the two seemed to be indistinguishable from each other, but Liu Bei's heart was already hairy, and the man's knife was really strange, and it seemed to be weak and weak, but

Gives people a sense of separation.

As Liu Bei's hands became more and more numb, he noticed something was wrong. Upon closer inspection, the palm skin was filled with black and purple bruises.

This is poison!

Unconsciously, Liu Bei suffered a big loss under their hands again.

Liu Bei wanted to withdraw and retreat, but all the gaps in the position were intercepted by the strong man's hammer, and he could only stay here forcibly.

"I have played ten real name classes, and I'm afraid of two."

Liu Bei was very angry and forcibly withdrew from the two's combined attack encirclement. As expected, the hammer struck directly from the rear, cooling his back.


There was a crisp metal clash.

The fat man felt something was wrong and hit Liu Bei's machine box, but actually felt that it was hitting steel, and his lines were still.

The strength of the hammer attack came, and Liu Bei was uncomfortable. I thought that these two were not ordinary things and could not be delayed any longer.

Pointing at the toes, Liu Bei flew out, throwing the sword he didn't use.

The sword seemed spiritual in the air and automatically confronted the man's knife repeatedly.

Tyumen said, "The Royal Sword Art."

This is a method of using the vitality to make the utensils separate from the human body, and only relying on the vitality to interconnect with each other.

After pulling away for a period of time, Yu Bei quickly separated from the two, and Liu Bei quickly unlocked the machine box and took out the Rende gun.

The golden light erupting from the two eyes on the dragon head was full of unspeakable majesty, and Liu Bei was ready to go.

Having just shot down the flying sword, the two noticed that Liu Beizheng was facing him with a peculiar weapon. He felt uneasy and suddenly felt that something was wrong.

The fat man shouted, "Young Master, be careful!"

With a bang, the vitality bullets smashed over and over, stirring up the dust on the ground.

The powerful attack situation, like three thousand thunders, destroyed a tree with a rhythm.

Neither Ma Yuan nor Tyumen had ever seen Liu Bei’s use of a benevolent gun, but just listened to the other party’s description. It was a very powerful weapon and was not afraid of crowding.

Now it seems that this statement is true, Ma Yuan secretly cautiously in mind, in the future seeing others use this weapon, we must also beware of it.

The smoke dissipated, and the two who were fighting for the talents fell to the ground, covered with scars.

"Slap! Slap!"

The young man, who seemed to be the boss of the two, approached, clapped his palm, and gave Liu Bei his approval.

There is a ball of light condensed in his hand, and from time to time there is a little fluctuation, as if there is no threat.

But Liu Bei didn't think so. The Rende gun had just fired one shot and had to cool down before it could launch the next round of attack.

Therefore, Liu Bei concentrated on preventing any enemies from the enemy.

"Then, everyone will have a date."

The young man smiled wickedly and urged his vitality to detonate the light ball in his hand.

In an instant, bright and dazzling light flooded in, and the three people's eyes were irritated and hurt, and they closed their eyes in a hurry.

But it was still a little late, and temporarily lost part of his eyesight, he could only watch the young man dragging two people on the ground to escape.

When his eyesight was restored, Liu Bei did not mean to chase, and hurriedly went to see what was in the big bag that the young man had left to escape faster.

"There is still a lot of money."

Liu Bei smiled and blossomed on the face, and the two were speechless for a while, but soon joined the ranks of looking for the baby.

The three sat on the ground, each occupying a corner, separating the scattered things in the parcel, picking the things they liked and taking them away.

Ma Yuan found some elixir bottles and did not know what they were and put them in his pocket.

There are also several books on the exercises. Tyumen and Liu Bei both have their own training, so don’t mind Ma Yuan getting it.

There are a lot of things like dollars or silver dollars, but everyone is not very interested, and they are all lost to Tyumen.

Turning to the end, Tyumen found a brand that seemed to be made of copper and iron, with the words "Raksha" engraved on it.

Tyumen doubted, "It is impossible that these are the robbers or the disciples of the Rakshamon. The gates of the hall are responsible for these activities. No wonder they have to hide them, so that no one will know."

Liu Bei didn't care, and said, "Just, we have a reason to visit."

Ma Yuan turned the brand over and over and found it quite fresh, so he put it in his pocket. The pocket is a little heavy, but it also has a strange sense of satisfaction.

Just as the three got up and were about to leave, a long gun shot into the air, with the sound of gas explosion, pinned to the center of the baggage.

"who is it?"

Liu Bei looked around alertly, and found that in the direction of the escape of the three previous gangsters, a man was riding quickly.

Soon, he stopped in front of Ma Yuan and his party.

The man was wearing a white armor and a dragon-scale helmet. His eyes were cyan, and his white horse's eyes looked like a torch. Compared with the horses that Ma Yuan rented, he was extraordinary.

"Who is coming?" Liu Bei asked, at this time the Rende gun was not included in the organ box.

Seeing that these people did not run away, there was joy on his face, raised his right hand, opened his palm, and the spear inserted on the ground flew up automatically and returned to his hands.

"An unknown gunman, Ma Chao is also."

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