Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 55: Asura kills

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When Ma Yuan and his entourage entered Jiutian Baosha, five hours had passed, and there was less than one hour left.

Zhang Jiao was slightly worried about whether the three of them were trapped inside and could not escape.

All the elders and all disciples of the Raksha Sect had no time to dispatch to Ma Yuan, partly guarding every position of the Shurazhu killing formation, and partly investigating enemy intelligence in the outer ring area.

This of course includes the head of the faction, Zhang Jiao, the Taiping Heavenly Master.

He was in the array of eyes, located on the top of the mountain, and with his own skills to reach the special level of the sanctuary level, he could see the range within ten miles of the mountain.

Xuantian Peak went to Xuantian Palace, Xuantian Palace in front of Xuantian Palace.

The legend of the Rakshamon is to rely on the unique learning method of the head of generations-Xuantian Dafa, which continues to this day.

When Xuantian Dafa practiced to the level of the Sanctuary, he could use himself as an array to urge every generation of the head of the Rakshasa Pavilion to manage and upgrade the assassination array.

But in this way, in order to ensure that the mountain gate is always guarded, unless the mountain gate is broken, the head of the person can not go out, and all outing matters are left to the elders to worry about.

Slowly spitting out a filthy breath, Zhang Jiao was sitting in front of the Kaitian altar, and the vitality of his body completed a small cycle of six, six, thirty-six.

Suddenly, the ground of Rakshamon shuddered, and there was a faint thunder.

Thirty-six murderous opportunities were revealed, and the potential energy of the formation surged into the sky, smashing the huge artillery.

The blast burst loudly, making the expressions of nervous people more severe.

The disciples who defended the array did not dare to neglect for a moment, and each adjusted a precise change in part of the array to enable it to accurately strike and defend, while Zhang Jiao was only responsible for the overall scheduling.

"Stomping." "Stomping." "Stomping."


Such sounds are endless, and can be heard in every corner of the hillside of Raksha Zong.

At the beginning, it was like raindrops, one after another, and soon it became very dense, and finally made a blast.

The flag of Wu State was raised, and the black was crushed, and the army surrounded most of Xuan Tianfeng.

The gun fired just now was Wulong’s famous magic weapon, the Hailong Cannon.

Such an organization can only be owned by Wu Guo, and Wu Guo has only four drivers in total.

Here, there is one.

With just one cannon, a mountain can be blasted down, or a giant ship can be blown up. This kind of power really chills many enemies.

But Zhang Jiao is different, he has enough capital to feel: even so, he can still fight one.

The general who led the army, let Zhang Jiao look a little familiar, and then looked carefully, it was suddenly realized that Wu Shu came to commit the crime ten years ago, and this person.

Only this time, the number of people has roughly doubled, and it also brought the sea dragon cannon, a very famous magic weapon, and grasped the function paralysis of the nine-day Baosha, which led to the weak period when the Shura Zhushen array could not be fully activated.

This time Wu Guo, I am afraid that it will definitely be won.

"Wu Guo's army, such a big battle came to my Rakshamon gate, why?"

Although Zhang Jiao was standing on Xuan Tianfeng, three or four miles away from the opponent, his voice was easily transmitted to the 10,000 army at the foot of the mountain.

The drums of war broke out, and ten thousand people roared, seeming to frighten the nerves of the nine hundred disciples of Rakshamon.

The general rode out and stood before the tens of thousands of people.

The only thing I saw was a snake spear with a length of more than one foot, dressed in silver wire bronze armor, with a Kong Wu figure and a ruddy cheek.

After a little pause and preparation, the general gave an angry condemnation:

"Come here today? Huh! Of course, to eliminate my foreign enemies from Wu Kingdom! Over the years, no one in your Raksha Sect has acted without my respect for my great Wu."

At this time, all soldiers were watching their generals.

For most of the people inside, this is only the first battle. It may die in this battle and become their last battle.

But the so-called "raising a soldier for a thousand days, using a soldier for a while" is what the soldiers have been waiting for for a long time. They are terribly excited for this moment.

Now, it is finally here. At first I thought it was too late, but now I am in it. I just feel that it is just right. I silently said, "You are here".

The general continued to shout,

"Disturb my borders and damage our country's prestige. The time is ripe today. I can't bear it anymore.

The drums of the battle continued, and the army's position collided with the power of Shura's killing formation. The violent wind swayed, forming a whirlwind, climbing from the ground to the sky, and the residual clouds all disappeared.

Zhang Jiao smiled, he could shout to the foot of the mountain, and the movement of the foot of the mountain was also covered with his eyes, and he could not escape with every move.

He calmly replied to the general,

"What you say is just like ten years ago."

This sarcasm evokes the other party's old past and heart knot.

At the beginning, he became the general for the first time. The first battle was when five thousand soldiers attacked Rakshamon. He knew clearly that Rakshamon was in a place that was easy to defend and difficult to attack.

But at the same time, the Shu Kingdom also launched troops, and the two countries attacked Rakshamon. He could not easily defeat and retreat, losing Wu's face.

The two countries were vigilant against each other, neither proactively launching an offensive nor reluctant to retreat, but surrounded by water, cutting off the food source of Rakshamon.

After a period of stalemate, many Rakshamon disciples were hungry and fainted or even killed.

Zhang Jiao, the head of the Luosha Gate, was furious, personally boarded the Jiutian Baosha, broke the taboo of the thirteen ancestors, and launched the sealed life and death array.

In an instant, it was a **** storm.

The general was attacked by a thunder that fell from the sky, his internal organs shattered, and he fell off the horse. He saw one loyal soldier after another pounce on himself, resisting the subsequent attacks for the general.

In that nightmare, the general was lucky to survive, and he still has a fresh memory.

This time, he was back here again, facing the Taiping Master Zhang Jiao, hearing his voice, the teeth in his mouth could not help but bite tightly.


The general took the lead to charge, and his vitality burst out, all of which were powerful, and the soldiers behind him followed.

The mighty army, thus broke into the assassination of Shura.

Before the arrival of the Shu Army, the Luoshamen should be captured one step at a time, and the battlefield flag of Jiutianbaosha should be obtained. This is the mission of the general.

Only after studying Shura's slaughter for many years, Wu Guo did not find a very effective method. He could only force his way into the formation, suppress the formation by quantity, and make it collapse.

Zhang Jiao looked at the vast beings under his feet, rushed over as if not afraid of death, and sighed.

Following the "start-up", Zhang Jiao started to fight back with 36 organs prepared, and then issued an order,

"Get off!"

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