Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 61: Miss people

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Unexpectedly, Ju Youjing's mother was seriously ill.

It seems that the pathogen of the plague has been lurking in her body for half a year. This sudden outbreak is to end the life of the host.

The doctor on the side is using the vitality to dispel the ominous gas caused by the plague.

It was just that the plague was too fierce, and the doctor was sweating, and only slightly shaken the other party.

"Trouble retreating, Tong Gui." Ju Youjing said.

He slowly pulled out his self-innocence, the sanctuary-level realm was revealed, and the doctor was taken aback.

The knife was pulled out three inches, and it was not completely off the sheath. The sword was released, and the unknown gas accumulated in the mother was expelled cleanly.

Oda Kiryu is a bosom girl who doesn’t practice vitality, so she can’t feel what Ju Youjing just did, but the doctor is different. He clearly feels the unusualness of this man, although this is the first time he has ever seen Sanctuary-level characters.

"The gods with the spirit of vitality, the legend of the sanctuary level is really like this,"

The doctor could not help but sigh, and then seemed to think of something, excitedly asked Juyou Jing to stay, and then let Odagyu go out.

Although I was very worried, I thought that the doctor might not be able to treat my mother, so Oda Kiryu walked out of the room very obediently and looked at Ju Youjing before leaving. There seemed to be mutual communication in his eyes.

Ju Youjing sat opposite the doctor and asked about his mother's condition. The other person shook his head.

"Just now, although the unknown gas was expelled, but the disease is not eradicated, there is still danger."

Juyou Jingdao, "What can you do?"

The doctor said, "This condition is no longer documented. I have encountered it before, but unfortunately no effective solution has yet been obtained."


The doctor turned around and said

"I heard that in remote Kyoto, the ultimate flowers are in full bloom. It is a panacea that can cure all diseases and prolong life."

Jue Youjing's eyes lit up and quickly asked where the flower was.

Unfortunately, the doctor did not know about it, not even the name of the flower.

"Are you sure?"

Ju Youjing can't help but wonder if the other party's credibility is conspiracy.


The doctor said affirmatively, and said that this rumor was widespread on the mainland.

"Thank you."

Ju Youjing paid his respects to the old man, and after bidding farewell to Ogiri, he embarked on a journey to Chang'an City.

In Ju Youjing's life, there were two encounters, both when he wanted to seek death.

It was like dropping stones on the calm water. At that moment, the waves were ups and downs, and the hope of surviving surged in You Jing's heart.

He can present the most beautiful flowers in the world to the girl he loves, if the smile of his beloved can be reproduced.

"Please wait for my return, I will keep my promise."

Before the separation, Ju Youjing was accustomed to holding the love knife with his own hand, which, although covered with cocoons, still picked up the girl's tender arms and solemnly promised to the other party.

In the setting sun again, the golden brilliance ended the last hustle and bustle before the night came, leaving the long afterwards quiet.

"Goodbye, Fuso."

"Goodbye, girl under the apple tree."

Ju Youjing boarded the ship to the mainland, thinking of the land behind the land behind him, quietly speaking.

Then, he appeared in Chang'an, united with Li Bai to fight against Saint Emperor Wu Zetian, and was seriously injured.

After being informed by Li Bai about the truth of the plague, Juyou Jing learned that Ma Yuan might be the key to solving all this.

Later, he was trapped in the Xuanwu Great Formation. In order to protect Ma Yuan, he once again attracted his own unidentified magic weapon to confront it, and he was almost in a different place.

This general twist and turns is in a race against time, and Juyou Jing must find a clue to rescue Oda Kiryu's mother within a limited time.

On the morning of the next day, Ju Youjing saw that his injury did not improve for several times. It was hard for him to wait patiently, so he hurriedly said goodbye to the old man who picked him up to help and embarked on a journey to find Ma Yuan.

On the way, he even came across Nakolulu, also from Fuso.

At this time, she was heading to Chang'an City to inquire about Miyamoto Musashi.

What they did not expect was:

When that big event was recorded in the annals of history, Juyou Jing, Nako Lulu, and Miyamoto Musashi, known to everyone as the "Three Sages of Fusang", passed down to future generations.

Of course, these are all afterwords, at this time they do not know how heavy their mission is.

Nako Lulu, as a witch of nature, has the magical ability to listen to all things in nature.

I don't know when it will rise. There is a continuous voice of resentment in the sea breeze, with weeping and swearing. After a while, this land full of vitality is also contaminated by pollution.

When the thick smell of blood floated, the natural creatures uttered painful wails, and Nako Lulu could no longer bear it, and walked out of the village of God to explore what happened outside.

An eagle she raised, named Mamahaha, also followed her master and embarked on this adventure.

When Nakolulu went to the capital city of Fuso, and reported his foresight to the chief, the situation was worse than expected.

In the capital city of Fusang, pedestrians seem to be no different from ordinary people, but their eyes are full of thirst for blood, and they bite each other at night and cannot close their doors during the day.

In this city, there are only people who go in and people who don't come out, but the chief of the capital pretends not to see it, allowing the aberrations that happen to the people of this city.

Obviously, the state is also involved in all this.

Nako Lulu finally escaped, because her ability was not enough to fight the shogunate.

In the following days, Nakolulu had the same dream repeatedly, and the hibiscus in the dream sank in the sea of ​​blood.

"If you go on like this, Fuso, along with the spirit of nature, will die."

Uncomfortable, Nakolulu had no clue about this catastrophe.

One day, when Nakolulu passed a small village. Mamahaha wandered continuously above it, and its cry guided Nakolulu, and finally they worked together to rescue a seriously injured girl, Atong.

The village where Atong lived was slaughtered, probably because of the proximity to the capital, and those big men began to extend their minions across the country.

When all the villagers were washed, only Atong escaped. And she was infested by the plague, when the lamp was dry.

Naco Lulu prayed for the girl who was on the verge of death, regretting that she usually did not practice much, resulting in today's powerlessness.

Atong looked pale, and looked at the kind girl in front of him with a smile, which appeared above his pale face.

"Now, listen to me..."

The girl who knew she was going to die began to talk about the memories with her loved ones, and these are extremely happy memories.

If you listen, can you not be sad for me?

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