Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 63: On Mechanical Skills

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"Right, Brother Liu Bei knows Zhang Fei, Guan Yu, these characters?"

After three rounds of drinking, Ma Yuan was slightly drunk, thinking of the legendary Taoyuan Sanjieyi, he couldn't help asking.

"Don't know, don't know,"

Liu Bei waved his hand and said curiously,

"I don't know what the characters of the two men said, but I want to get to know them"

Tyumen also came together, as if interested in this topic.

"Guan Yu? The one with Qinglong's Moonblade?"

Qiu Ming said aside, Ma Yuan was taken aback, how did he know.

Liu Spare tapped his fingers on the table and drank another bowl of wine, asking, "Oh, Tyumen, tell me, who is he?"

Tyumen whispered to the two:

Guan Yu is a legend among demon hunters, and has recently become famous.

In particular, his blue dragon sword is completely different from ordinary swords. It has a strange shape and is said to be a treasure that can summon puppet cavalry.

In the past, Guan Yu followed a whole group of demon hunters to destroy the ancient devil's lair, although Guan Yu was the only one left to survive.

"In this way, it's really not an ordinary character."

Liu Bei sucked his mouth, seemed interested in Guan Yu, and then asked again,

"So, what about Zhang Fei?"

Tyumen shook his head, and he had no impression of this person.

Ma Yuan reminded aside, "Brother Liu Bei, remember what I said, if you want to achieve the cause of the emperor, these two are indispensable!"

Seeing the other person's tone was firm, he seemed confident. Liu Bei was a little strange, but the other party did not question the drunkenness he said casually. He couldn't help laughing.

"Even if I can be so successful as my brother said, I think, except for these three people, it would be impossible without you."

After listening to the shame of Ma Yuan, how could He Dehe compare with these heroes.

Then, within Ma Yuan's heart, a strange idea sprang up in that room:

Whether this world is like a game, and you are a player who is deeply involved in it. The task is to help Liu Bei to ascend to the throne. When the main conclusion of the main round is completed, you can be liberated from this different world.

However, this game is not simple.

"It shouldn't be." Ma Yuan shook his head at this hypothetical guess and smiled bitterly.

It was at this moment that Liu Bei's drink was sober and said,

"I saw Brother Ma Yuan's superb swordsmanship, but what do I know about organ skills?"

It’s been less than three months to survive in this world. Only swordsmanship can be learned. Ma Yuan answered truthfully,

"Ashamed, I don't know anything about organ skills, not even fur."

"What, you don't know how to do it?"

Tyumen was amazed at the fact that organ surgery is a common mentality practiced in the mainland, and the basic knowledge of organ surgery must be learned from the level of vitality.

"No, I didn't feel the breath of the organist in Brother Ma Yuan's body."

Liu Bei said slowly.

Therefore, Ma Yuan practiced the Qinglian swordsmanship inherited from Li Bai.

Tyumen quipped, "Isn't it the devil's way without practicing organ skills?"

"How is it possible!" Ma Yuan quickly denied that the magic species in this continent is a disgusting existence, and one can imagine how much the same kind of practice as the magic species practice, namely, the Devil's Dao, is despised.

Seeing Ma Yuan's expression flustered, thinking that the devil was a bad thing, Tyumen explained,

"Why do you care? Although many people don't like Devil's Dao, they are also the dreams of many people. They are pure Devil's Dao, which are generally occupied by the Devil's family."

Ma Yuan exclaimed in amazement. Although he hated the demons, he could use it if he could, and he was indeed a human being.

"I don't care about these things. The magic path is also a practice method, and it can be comparable to the first or second of organ surgery. It's just that I have already practiced organ surgery, and I have no time to think of any magic."

Qiu Ming said this, Liu Bei strongly agreed on one side and was very satisfied with the other party's remarks.

"However, I did not practice the magic path, I practiced some kind of swordsmanship." Ma Yuan replied.

It is a very horrible assumption to use only swordsmanship to become enlightened. The organizing technique is handed down from the sages of the ancient times and is considered to be the most reliable way.

And those who do not practice organ skills, or concentrate on other exercises, often do more with less effort, or encounter a bottleneck that cannot be crossed no matter what, and they are stuck in a realm.

"Oh, what is organ surgery?"

Ma Yuan asked.

Qiu Ming just wanted to talk, but thought that Liu Bei was a lot higher than himself. He said that he was a little teasing, so he closed his mouth and changed it to:

"This matter, Brother Liu Bei must know better than me."

Ma Yuan's scorching eyes turned to Liu Bei, and he was also curious about organ surgery.


Liu Bei put down the wine glass in his hand and brewed it a little. He was also embarrassed to open his mouth for the magical arts given by the sages. He said slowly after ten seconds,

"Organism is to use the strength of one's own to attach to foreign objects. Therefore, practicing orthography is not like practicing Devil's Dao, and it has little effect on strengthening the body."

"What about the weak body in the battle?" Ma Yuan was puzzled.

"When you need to strengthen your body, you will choose to use spells or other methods. Only in this way, the stress of the body will become very dull. This is where it is not as good as the magic path, and it is also where the magic is fatal."

Liu Spare’s palm slowly stroked the glass, exhaled, and then said,

"The core of organ surgery is not about the foreign body, but about the self."

Tyumen listened to this, his eyes flickered, and he seemed to understand.

"The human body has one thing in common with all things in nature, that is, the system, in other words, the organs. The higher the state, the deeper the understanding of the organs hidden in the body, the more the body will be. The more sensitive you are, the more stimuli you feel from outside."

Tyumen was obsessed with listening, but couldn't help but blurted out,

"So, the body of the devil who practiced the devil's body will be dulled, which is contrary to the mechanism. This makes the devil's path and the technique of the institution incompatible."

Liu Bei applauded, "Not bad."

Although he has not reached a sufficiently high level, Tyumen quickly understood these principles and also learned a little from Liu Bei's words.

"Are the hundred acupuncture points in the body also an institution?"

Ma Yuan asked tentatively.

When he uses the last sword of Qinglian three swords, he will also inspire dozens of acupoints.

"It also counts that there are institutions in all things. This is the truth passed down from the ancient sages. We are the only way to seek the highest state."

Liu Bei seemed to respect those ancient sages, his tone was full of respect, and even his hands were completely detached from the glass, and he picked it up and showed it to Ma Yuan.

"No, it's not the same," Ma Yuan noticed some clues, and it seemed that there was a major flaw in organ surgery.

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