Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 66: Holy Domain Powerhouse, Zhou Yu

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"Yes, that is my bird."

Liu Bei shouted at Zhou Yu and his party. Even if the bird had its wings removed and its feathers stripped away, Liu Bei could confidently recognize it.

Zhou Yu also heard the man's shout, so he looked around and the two teams exchanged their eyes.

"this is……"

Relying on the pupil power passed down from generation to generation of the Zhongshan royal family, Liu Bei instantly felt the danger from the other party and suddenly felt bad.

Although the opponent is very young, I am afraid that his strength is much higher than himself.

At this time, Tyumen stepped forward and stopped each other.

"What's the matter?"

The guard next to Zhou Yu asked plainly.

Then, Tyumen explained briefly and briefly what happened before and after, except to avoid the origin of birds.

Then, pointing to the bird on Zhou Yu's shoulder, Tyumen said, "This bird is ours."

"Oh?" Zhou Yu smiled when he heard it, and took it off with the bird on the right, saying,

"Are you talking about this one?"

Qiu Ming replied precisely that, and ordered the other party to return it quickly, otherwise he would be welcome.

In the eyes of Zhou Yu's guards, Tyumen's behavior was too rude, and his eyes suddenly became sharp.

"I don't think this bird should be."

Seeing the bad situation on the side, Liu Bei immediately said carefully.

Qiu Ming didn't see that the other party was a big player. He was still fighting for his reasons, and overwhelmed Zhou Yu and his team first.

Ma chose to hide in principle and observe calmly.

"Cough," Zhou Yu noticed that the situation seemed a bit tense, and did not want to embarrass both parties, said,

"This bird can be returned."

Hearing this, the guards couldn't bear it. They knew Zhou Yu was very happy when he got the bird.

"However," Zhou Yu said immediately, "I can't believe your words alone, you must prove that this bird is yours."

Tyumen instructed Liu Bei to call the bird. Although he was reluctant, Liu Bei approached, and Zhou Yu arched his hand to let the bird out.

I saw Suzaku's eyes blurred, and seemed to be in a daze. I didn't notice Liu Bei's appearance. He still lowered his head, and his emotions seemed to have been very low since Jiutian Baosha came out.

"Hey, strange bird," Liu Bei called out, but the other party didn't respond at all, as if he was a stranger.

The people around stared at Liu Bei with a weird look, and Liu Bei was actually feeling guilty.

"Is this bird really yours?"

Asked a guard.

"of course."

Liu Bei said with a bite.

"Hey," Liu Bei continued to call, and the other party still did not move at all.

If it weren’t for Zhou Yu here, Liu Beizhen wanted to blow the bird’s head with a fist, but the other party still had the heart to be alert. Under his eyelids, Liu Bei felt his every move was exposed.

"Is there no name for this bird?" another guard complained, and Liu Bei's feeding like this really had no style.

"Oh, like this," Liu Bei remembered, and shouted, "Strange bird, strange bird, you should answer me, or you will be taken away by someone else."

I saw Suzaku being ignorant and even closed her eyes completely.

Zhou Yu had to withdraw his hand and had lost patience with Liu Bei.

The guard could not help laughing, "It seems that this bird is not yet available."

"I can go to the pub owner's certificate."

Tyumen seemed to have thought of something, so he took Zhou Yu and his colleagues for a short journey back to the pub.

Seeing the back of the boss, Qiu Ming called the other party away, and the other party turned around.

He shouted, "Why are you back again?"

The pub owner is an uncle who is busy alive and sees a few people familiar with him.

It turned out that the few stupid heads who lost the bird, I am afraid that they had not found it, came here to squat. In recent years, the uncle has never seen such a funny young man.

Only when he saw Zhou Yu behind Ma Yuan, the smile on his face disappeared without a trace, his eyes panicked, and a few drops of sweat dropped, and Tyumen felt a little strange.

"Good governor."

The pub owner knelt down immediately, wondering what Zhou Yu intended to visit.

On the street, people naturally recognized Zhou Yu.

It’s just that Zhou Yu was visiting, casually turning around, and was annoying about being harassed by others. No one dared to bother him.

Yaxing, as if not seen.

Occasionally soldiers on patrol asked about the situation, but the guards came forward.

Now that Zhou Yu has come to this messy pub, there must be some conspiracy, how can the boss not panic.

When the guests who were drinking, heard the boss shouting, they also knew that the governor was here, and they suddenly became quiet, and they looked at Zhou Yu together, and drummed inwardly.

None of them has untold secrets. Of course, it is a bit guilty to see such a big official as Zhou Yu, but thinking of himself as a trivial matter, he can’t be caught by Zhou Yu, forcibly calming down, sitting silently.


Both Liu Bei and Qiu Ming were a little surprised when they heard it, and the other party was really big.

It's just that Ma Yuan froze aside. He can only rely on this battle to see that "Du Du" seems to be a big official title.

Zhou Yu's guard said directly to the boss,

"Look at the little red bird on the shoulder of my governor. He said that they belonged to these three people. They were still there, but they were robbed of them for a night at your pub. Are they saying it is true or false?"


The pub owner's face was embarrassed, and it was not easy to offend Du Du, but he didn't know whether he wanted to tell the truth or falsehood, and he was also uncertain, so he didn't make a judgment immediately.

"Me, remember... I can't remember."

The shop owner finally said this, hitting Ma Yuan and his party like a thunderbolt.

This time, not only offended Du Du, but also treated as a bold bandit who stole the property of walking people. It was inevitable that he was arrested and imprisoned.

Tyumen's complexion immediately became very bad.

At this moment, Zhou Yu smiled slightly, unexpectedly, he even handed the bird back to Liu Bei, and the other party reached out and took it.

"Du Du, why are you?"

The guards are very strange, and there is no evidence to prove that the bird is Liu Bei.

Zhou Yu explained, "Last night, two men failed to do good things, and I was reprimanded. After a while, they sent me a bird to please me. Although they told me I bought it, I How can I believe that this bird has always been unknown."

"So, you knew it early in the morning."

Ma Yuan asked suddenly.

Zhou Yu shook the fan, and answered,

"Reluctantly know that this bird should have another owner. But if I don't want to, they will definitely be sold by the two of them. It might be better to walk around the street today and wait for someone to find it."

After talking, facing Ma Yuandao,

"I have been waiting for you for a long time."

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